
First Class Servant

Have you seen a family that is more crazy than the nobility? Have you seen a family member who is more arrogant? Have you seen a family that is more aggressive than the emperor? Have you seen the family of your own lady? Have you seen a family member who is sitting in a city full of water? As a modern man, Xu Feng has always been drunk and has a good reputation. However, because of the accident, he was born again and again, and he became a family member. He played the game, fighting the nobles and killing the strong.

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18 Chs

Chapter 3: Xiao Family Young Lady

"A servant actually wants to eat swan meat. Real shameless."

"Yes, and it's still a waste without Profound Art's cultivation. I dare to steal."

"This brat brain is pumped. It used to be weak, and this time I dare to steal it."

"tsk tsk, but the skin is quite thick, and it was stopped when it was stopped."

"The servant is a servant, with a low status and a waste material. I dare to provoke the Young Master Young Lady. It is really a bad thing."


Just after Xu Feng went out of the hall, there was a buzzing sound in his ear. Listening to these embarrassment, Xu Feng has bitterness. He thought that there was nothing wrong with the previous life. It's not that it's mixed with the flowers and dogs, in childhood, peek at the neighbor's sister. The sister takes a shower, and occasionally unloading the car wheels of others.

However, these things are not subject to the punishment of thunder struck. Moreover, Xu Feng feels that his looks are not the type of thunder struck!

"Damn it, how could I be thunder struck. With my character, it doesn't make sense." Xu Feng bottom of heart snorted.

Thinking of the bizarre scene of being shackled, Xu Feng couldn't help but think of Lin Xi. Thinking that Lin Xi was far away from him at that time, Xu Feng felt a little peace of mind, and it would be safe to think of Lin Xi.

"Step aside!"

With a roar, Xu Feng's shoulders were pushed awkwardly, and the absent-minded Xu Feng was pushed to the ground, and the sand and stones on the ground were rubbed, and the blood was oozing out.

The pain in his hand caused Xu Feng to look up and yell at the person who had just retired, but found that the man had disappeared into the hall.

Looking at the blood leaking from the hand, Xu Feng, who could not find the venting object, could only lightly snorted and continued to walk toward the front. Seeing numerous and his servant as a contemptuous and disdainful look at him, Xu Feng shook the head. It's a real failure for the predecessor to be a human being.

But this is no wonder, from the memory of the predecessor. Xu Feng is very clear about each other's personality. He is completely timid and bullied. Usually in the servant, it is also a gas bag that any one can bully. I dare not resist, and I am forced to do the most tired and dirty things. Plus, his Profound Art and even 1st Grade have no breakthroughs, and these servants don't even look at him. In this world, strength is the most important, even 1st Grade Profound Warrior is not, no wonder people are being pigs.

Xu Feng licked the hoe and could still hear the sarcasm from the ear, but for these servants, Xu Feng still disdain to care about them. Walking in the distance with a step, but inexplicably came to this world, there is always a rejection and strangeness in the bottom of heart.

"Second Young Lady !"

After the numerous servants just sneered at Xu Feng, after seeing a silhouette, they quickly went to salute and closed their mouths.

Not far behind Xu Feng, I don't know what to stand this girl. The girl is only about 16 years old, white tooth and red lips, wearing a plaid dress, beautiful and refined, pure and beautiful, with amazing colors. In particular, the eyebrows are thin and straight, and they have not been deliberately repaired, but they are very fine, the eyes are long and charming, and the ripples of water are scattered. The people who are clear are not afraid to look straight.

The girl's look at Xu Feng's back, the scene that Xu Feng had just shoved, and the words ridiculed by everyone, she had heard. Xiao Yilin, who is a Xiao Family Second Young Lady, has no good feelings for the servant who dares to steal a woman. However, seeing the blood oozing from Xu Feng's hand dripping on the ground, dyed a small piece of sand, and the words that had just flowed into her ears, I couldn't help but feel that the figure was thin and weak and the thin youngster was poor. The back of Xu Feng's fall, after all, did not go to stop Xu Feng.


Just as I walked to the door of Xiao Mansion, a clear voice sounded. Everyone looked at it, only at the steps of the gate, a little girl fell to the ground, the laces on the right foot scattered on the ground, presumably just stepped on their own shoelaces, causing them to fall.

The little girl rubbed her feet, and the teardrops of sparkling and translucent scattered in her eyes. It was obviously a pain, and she looked at some servants, but she saw that these servants did not care about her.

Just as the little girl was ready to stand up strong, she found that she was ready to be lifted up by her hands, helping her to take off the dust on her hands and helping the little girl slammed her feet and said, "Is there a pain?"

The little girl showed a smile, shook the head said: "No."

Xu Feng looked at the complexion in front of some little yellow girl, smiled slightly, squatted down to help the little girl tie the laces, and then carefully checked: "Well, I will be careful later."

Xiao Yilin, who was originally prepared to help the little girl, saw this scene and thought that the servant was actually very good, and the laces were so serious.

"big brother, your hand is bleeding." The little girl saw the blood in Xu Feng's hand stunned.

Xu Feng patted the little girl's head, said with a smile: "I just didn't be careful, I was hurt…"

Xu Feng's words have not been finished, I saw a woman rushing over, a little girl slammed, vigilant and screaming Xu Feng said: "Little scoundrel, you touch my daughter? If she learns to break, she must be with you."

Looking at the woman in front of me, it is obviously also the servant of Xiao Family. Xu Feng did not expect that she had just helped her woman. This woman was quite unreasonable.

Xu Feng snorted, just preparing to vent a hand. But I saw a little girl looking at him. Xu Feng finally tempered his temper. Although he is not a good person, he does not want to scare the child.

Xu Feng ignored the woman and turned her head to Xiao Mansion. The thin and weak body passes through the wide Xiao Family gate, and it looks thin and weak.

Xiao Yilin's eyes on this scene, looking at the lonely back, suddenly felt the bottom of heart blocked, feeling that this servant is not like the world.

Less woman heart is always easy to touch!

"Wait a minute." Xiao Yilin finally did not hold back and shouted at the back of Xu Feng.

Xu Feng heard the sound of flirtatious behind him and turned to look at it. The girl's eyes are clear and deep, and there are flushes on her cheeks. She is fascinating, even if she is far away, she suddenly sees people still stunned. Although she is still young, she has revealed seductive status early.

Xu Feng knows who this woman is from the memory of previous life, Xiao Lin's cousin Xiao Yilin, Xiao Family Second Young Lady.

"Second Young Lady!" Xu Feng's doubts at Xiao Yilin, I don't know what the other person is doing.

Xu Feng is not a humble name, let Xiao Yilin start slightly. Among all the others, no one has called her with respect.

"You come with me." Xiao Yilin looks at the youngster who is about the same age as her, but looks like a thin yellow and weak, she took the lead out of the government.

Everyone at Xiao Yilin did this, her face was rejoice in other people's misfortune, and she thought that Second Young Lady couldn't understand this guy anymore, presumably to pack him up.

"Live it! Mom, even the young Master invited guests to dare to peek." A servant tone with a strong sense of embarrassment. It's no wonder that thinking about the looks of Xia Feixuan, the man is not jealous? !

Quietly behind Xiao Yilin, all the way to the silence, Xu Feng looked at the graceful body, but it was not annoying.

"If you don't want to be cleaned up by Li Hexuan, you can only get stronger. Or go right away." Xiao Yilin, who has been walking in front, suddenly turned his head and said.

"Ah!" Xu Feng's gaze was recovered from Xiao Yilin's rounded crotch, and his heart was very dangerous. He was almost discovered. I really didn't think that the women of this world are developing so well. "Second Young Lady, what do you say?"

Xiao Yilin heard Xu Feng's words, his face was a little red, and he usually talked to the servant. Which one is not careful, he is afraid of missing something. However, this guy is so confident and confident that he has not heard his own words.

"I said, if you want to live, you will quickly escape. You are not Li Hexuan's opponent. Li Hexuan this person, although handsome in appearance, but the heart is extremely gloomy." Xiao Yilin repeated.

"Escape?!" Xu Feng laughed. "Is there any other way?"

Xiao Yilin said: "Yes! But it is impossible for you. Unless you become a powerhouse, the strong Li Hexuan will not dare to deal with you."

How can a weak servant have the potential to become a powerhouse? Then there is only one way to escape. Xiao Yilin, although angry that Xu Feng actually peeked, but did not want Xu Feng to lose his life.

"Thank you for Second Young Lady." Xu Feng smiled slightly and didn't fear Li Hexuan. He was a man of his own and had his own pride. There is no possibility of fleeing because of a sentence.

Xiao Yilin See Xu Feng's appearance and know that Xu Feng didn't listen to her words. Xiao Yilin couldn't help but be angry. This servant is really not on the road.

"Hey! You are dead and you deserve it!"

Xiao Yilin saw that her good intentions were not rewarded, and snorted turned away.

See Xiao Yilin left, Xu Feng shook the head: "It seems that I have to find a way to get this difficult to pass. The tiger falls to Pingyang and is bullied by the dog. It flows through the stream. It flows. Oh. But at least I finished the whole set of procedures for the flow. I only did that part of the vision. As for the part of the movement and physical strength, I didn't do it.

Xu Feng suddenly felt that his first thing to do was to become a Profound Warrior. Only by becoming a Profound Warrior can he change his current situation. Most importantly, Li Hexuan and Li Wei, as Xiao Yilin said, will never let him go.

"Profound Warrior, I don't have a cultivation technique, how can I become a Profound Warrior?" Xu Feng feels a headache.

The phantom just finished, suddenly felt tired. Take a week off and make a transition this week, with a chapter every day. Normal update after one week. Thank you for your support as always, for recommendation tickets, BRIC, click. Genuine address 3g book city.