
First Class Servant

Have you seen a family that is more crazy than the nobility? Have you seen a family member who is more arrogant? Have you seen a family that is more aggressive than the emperor? Have you seen the family of your own lady? Have you seen a family member who is sitting in a city full of water? As a modern man, Xu Feng has always been drunk and has a good reputation. However, because of the accident, he was born again and again, and he became a family member. He played the game, fighting the nobles and killing the strong.

Keviii · Deportes
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18 Chs

Chapter 18: The use of skateboards

After a long walk, Zhou Yang looks at a cave in the distance, with excitement in his eyes, and said to Wang Lu next to him: "Is it right?"

Wang Lu looked at it and said to Zhou Yang nodded: "It should be here."

Zhou Yang, who was confirmed, stepped forward with excitement. But before I took two steps, I was caught by Xu Feng, which made Zhou Yang frown and asked: "Brother Xu, what happened?"

Xu Feng pointed to the front and said: "The front should be a swamp, and Brother Gao is still careful."

"Brother Xu didn't laugh, how could there be swamp in the mountains?" Zhou Yang didn't believe it.

Xu Feng shrugged, smashing a stone from the road and throwing it away at the weedy front. The stone broke into it, this piece of stone pū dōng, then slowly sinking, immediately devouring the ground with weeds.

Zhou Yang saw this scene, a cold sweat came from the back, and the clothes were wet in an instant. He can almost imagine that if Xu Feng pulled him and stepped into the swamp, he would be swamp clay devouring like this stone.

When Zhou Yang had a lingering fear, Liu Qianru finally looked at towards Xu Feng: "How do you know this is swamp?"

Xu Feng looked at this woman and finally looked at him. He couldn't help but shed tears. It was not easy, it was not easy, and it was ignored for so long. This little woman finally felt his existence.

"You see this piece of weeds, the difference seen in the mountains of peace. It is completely water plants, exactly the same as swamp plants," Xu Feng explained.

Zhou Yang heard Xu Feng explain this and took a serious look at it. It turned out to be as Xu Feng said. Look at Xu Feng's eyes more admired, they did not notice such details, but Xu Feng noticed that this little detail saved his life.

"Damn it, how can there be swamp in this deep mountain." Zhao Bo snorted, and the look at about a swamp of more than 20 meters was a big headache, and it was impossible to cross the swamp into the cave. Their strength can't cross more than 20 meters in one fell swoop.

Xu Feng said with a smile : "This is not surprising. If there was a lake before, it would be normal to form such a small swamp."

Zhou Yang nodded, but when he saw the swamp of more than 20 meters in length, he couldn't help but frown. After a long time, he said: "The distance of this swamp is too big. It is extremely difficult to want to go. It seems that you have to go back and find the tool again."

Xu Feng couldn't help but frown when he heard Zhou Yang. His time is not enough, and there is time to waste it. If he goes back to take the tools, the fifteen days of dilly-dallying will pass. Thinking of this, Xu Feng said to Zhou Yang: "I have a way, I don't know if you dare to try?"

"Do you have a way?" Zhou Yang eyes shined, looks at Xu Feng Surprised, the bottom of heart is also somewhat expecting, if Xu Feng really has a way, he is also very happy, after all, he is also not willing to waste time.

"Use your sword!" Xu Feng said to Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang didn't know what Xu Feng was going to do, but he handed his valuable treasure sword to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng took Zhou Yang's treasure sword and walked over to a fallen and dry tree, and used a sharp sword to smash toward the tree. Zhou Yang saw Xu Feng actually using his treasure sword as a tool for chopping wood, and his mouth twitched.

Liu Qianru saw this scene even more chuckle's smile: "Zhou Yang! You have a thousand and two treasure repair swords that are also equipped with firewood. Don't brag in front of me in the future."

Zhou Yang glared at Liu Qianru and looked at Xu Feng's sword. He couldn't help but scream: "Grass…not his thing, he really doesn't know Dao Heart hurts."

Zhou Yang certainly didn't know that Xu Feng was the idea. In Xu Feng's opinion, it wasn't his treasure sword. Even if he was worth two million silver, he wouldn't feel bad. Xu Feng bottom of heart is even far from the use of hatchets. . Bottom of heart also despised Zhou Yang. Zhou Yang knows that Xu Feng will sneak at him with his precious treasure sword.

A sword smashed down and let Zhou Yang's face jump.

After a while, Xu Feng simply made a set of skateboards, and then stopped using the treasure sword to cut, which made Zhou Yang sighed in relief, but Xu Feng's move below, but finally let Zhou Yang endure I snorted and said: "fuck…"

I saw Xu Feng throwing the treasure sword at random to Zhao Bo and said to them: "I will do one according to the appearance of this skateboard."

Zhao Bo doesn't know what Xu Feng is doing with this weird thing. He hasn't reacted yet. The treasure sword has been robbed by Liu Qianru. The chuckle's said with a smile: "I will do it."

After that, she used this valuable sword to slash and cut, and Zhou Yang looked distressed: "It's over. This rudesure sword is ruined!"

Sure enough, as Zhou Yang thought, when everyone laughs at hee hee's cut with his treasure sword and cuts it into a set of skateboards, his treasure sword is also somewhat deformed. Although it can still be used, but as Zhou Yang, how? It is possible to use a deformed treasure sword.

Zhou Yang didn't know whether or not the cry took the treasure sword, and then she lost it to Xu Feng and said, "Send you."

"What? You send me?" Xu Feng looked at the sword and couldn't help but say to Zhou Yang. "Yes, you don't say it early. If you say it to me, I won't borrow your treat sword." Not so hard to chop firewood."

Zhou Yang heard Xu Feng's words, and the corner of his mouth twitched again, and he couldn't resist the idea of ​​smashing Xu Feng. I took a few breaths and calmed down my mood.

Instead, Liu Qianru Zhao Bo raised a thumbs up at Xu Feng. The very serious looks at Xu Feng said: "You are shameless enough."

"…" Xu Feng ignored their words directly, and he could not possibly be ashamed of shameless with his pure three-good youth.

Wang Lu saw everyone doing such a weird thing according to Xu Feng's words, and asked Xu Feng, "You are going to rely on this thing in the past?"

Xu Feng nodded, look at the skateboard at the foot, although some simple, but the swamp of more than 20 meters is not too much problem. This kind of thing is prevalent in the snow of previous life, and the Olympics also have snow-sliding competitions. Although swamp is no different than snow, it has the same effect. Sliding past should not be a problem.

"Well! I will go to the demonstration first, you will wait for the school to keep up." Xu Feng said to the three.

Zhou Yang's suspicion of sight at Xu Feng, after a long time nodded, but the bottom of heart is hard to believe that this thing can take him through this swamp.

Xu Feng tied the skateboard to his foot and suddenly turned his head and Liu Qianru said: "Do you want to go with me now?"

Liu Qianru looked at Xu Feng and finally sharked the head, and said: "You will go ahead and say."

Xu Feng didn't care too much. He knew that Liu Qianru still treated him as a stranger. He nodded used the branches to hold the ground and slammed it toward the front. Soon the entire skateboard fell on the swamp. Xu Feng, which is on the swamp, slides continuously, allowing the skateboard to slide at a high speed. Under this kind of sliding, there is only a faint trace on the swamp, and the distance of more than 20 meters is crossed by Xu Feng.

Zhou Yang, an everyone, looked at Xu Feng, who was on the skateboard at the entrance of the cave. The four stared wide-eyed looked at Xu Feng. I didn't expect Xu Feng to pass this swamp so easily. They looked forward to doing a good job. Skateboard, it's hard to imagine such a simple thing with such a magical effect.

"This guy is really interesting." Liu Qianru snorted and leaned over and began to tie the skateboard. He didn't wait for Zhou Yang and others to slide towards swamp according to Xu Feng's method.

Liu Qianru stepped into the swamp, the bottom of heart is still a little nervous, but at the same time excited, it is like picking up a new toy.

Under the sliding of Liu Qianru, I quickly reached the hole of the cave. Xu Feng looked at the lovable body with exuding temptation. But I didn't think that the first one was Liu Qianru. Xu Feng originally thought Liu Qianru. She is courageous and wants to take her, but she is more daring than Zhou Yang.

Zhou Yang Sees that Liu Qianru has passed, and a few people have a good heart and have slipped quickly.

When all five people came, Zhou Yang patted Xu Feng's shoulder and said, "There is yours!"

Xu Feng smiled and pointed at Zhou Yang shook the head. As a person who came across, it was not surprising to think of this method.

"Let's go! Let's go and see if you say Green Stone Profound Fire." Xu Feng said, find this, then he has hopes to step into 5th Grade.

"It shouldn't be wrong," Wang Lu replied. The news was told by a dying old servant in his family. Although he didn't know where the old servant came from, Wang Lu believed he wouldn't lie to him. .

Five people who entered the cave, found a lot of small caves in the cave, looking at these small caves, Zhou Yang could not be frowned: "So many roads, where to go?"

Xu Feng looked at all the small caves. After a long time, he said to a cave in the east: "Go here."

Zhou Yang was wrong, and immediately asked Xu Feng: "Are you sure?"

Xu Feng nodded: "There should be no mistakes."

Zhou Yang A few people nodded, still choose to believe Xu Feng, heading east. After the five people walked into the cave in the east for about half an hour, they felt that the temperature had risen a lot. In this case, Zhou Yang was surprised at the sights at Xu Feng. I don't understand why Xu Feng chose the right one.

Xu Feng smiled slightly and said to Zhou Yang: "The small cave in the east has the least footprint. If there is really Green Stone Profound Fire here, because of the temperature, the animal footprint here is definitely better than other places. slightly less."

Upon hearing Xu Feng's explanation, Zhou Yang and others suddenly realized. However, looks at Xu Feng's eyes with a different color, they suddenly found that this youngster is really different. Even Liu Qianru, her eyes paid more attention to Xu Feng.