This story takes place after Naruto died at the age of 117. Instead of the world becoming advanced in technology they realized their powers were stronger than that. They regressed after Boruto back into a world similar to naruto, but definitely not the same world. Warning - Swearing/Violence
Nanami is carrying Ray and the sealing scroll back to the village.
Nanami: I guess it's pretty important that I get back, but Ray is so heavy.
Kichi, Kaori, and Haru all fly to where Nanami is fast.
Nanami: Its only Renjiro and Niko.
Kichi: Did it take two of them two beat-up Ray?
Nanami: It looked like Renjiro was beating him up pretty badly until Ray grew a tail, and red aura. Then Ray started winning, but then Renjiro saved me and got a different sharingan, I think? So Renjiro ended up beating him.
Haru: Renjiro beat up Ray even with his tailed beast cloak!
Kaori: Renjiro is an asset. It would be a great loss for the village if he left, but it seems that Kichi could take them down. We also need a lot of people back at the War.
Nanami: Who won the war?
Kichi: The rebellion won because of Renjiro's little stunt.
Nanami: I'm glad Renjiro's side won.
Kichi: Yeah, and now I gotta go find him!
Kichi runs away. While Kaori carries Ray back, and Haru carries the scroll.
Niko: We are coming up on the edge of their territory.
Kichi comes out from behind the trees.
Niko: How did you get in front of us!?
Kichi: Passed you a little while back. You two better come with me, and get your punishments. I could also give you punishment now.
Renjiro: Your not that much stronger than me!
Kichi: Who the hell are you to tell me? When you fought me for the bell, that wasn't me. That was one of my shadow clones. So you were only seeing a fraction of my power. Renjiro, why won't you come back? I am sure we could smooth everything over for you. You will still get jail time, but you won't have to leave.
Renjiro: First, I don't break my promises, and I promised Niko if she gave me the scroll I would go with her. Second, I can get more powerful with her.
Kichi: I am disappointed in you Renjiro. I always thought you were going to do great things. Probably even become Hokage one day.
Renjiro: Well then I will show you what a future Hokage can do.
Kichi takes a deep sigh, and gets into a battle stance.
Kichi: Fine.
Renjiro flies at Kichi. Renjiro tries to punch Kichi, but Kichi grabs his hand. Renjiro punches Kichi with the other hand, and Kichi doesn't even feel it. Kichi punches once, and Renjiro goes flying. Renjiro goes so far he started to drag on the dirt before he stopped moving.
Kichi: You stand no chance.
Niko runs up to Kichi, and tries to press one of his nerves, but Kichi grabbed her by the neck, and slammed her to the ground. He slammed her to the ground a few times before throwing her to the side.
Renjiro gets back up, and tries to turn his mangekyou sharingan back on. His sharingan turns on instead.
Kichi: Your mangekyou hasn't fully manifested. Give it a day, and you'll be able to use it again. Why am I telling you this you might ask? Well, that's because you won't be able to do anything with it once you're in jail.
Renjiro shoots a fireball at kichi, and it hits him doing no damage.
Renjiro: What are you.
Kichi: I told you before. I have senjutsu absorption. I can use an infinite supply of nature's chakra to do anything I want with. One thing I can do is make it take all the damage.
Renjiro: I didn't know you were so powerful.
Kichi: Team red is all strong people except for Ray for a reason. They have an unbeatable leader-