
I Need To Take The Deal

Renjiro: Dammit I can't find Ray or my father. Did Ray just not want to be in the fight at all. I thought we would be able to take down my father together.

Renjiro sees a lot of his own legion members dying.

Renjiro: Shit! Are we losing?

Renjiro finds Ray's Mother.

Renjiro: Are we winning?

Ray's Mother: No, we are not.

Renjiro thinks back to his meetup with Niko.

Renjiro: I have an idea, but I am going to have to leave, and it might take a little while.

Ray's Mother: We change to the defensive position. I will inform our commander.

Renjiro starts running away.

Renjiro: Please last until I get back!

Where Renjiro is running. He is sure to meet up with Kichi and Nanami.


Renjiro keeps running. Then he sees Kichi and Nanami.

Nanami: RENJIRO!

Kichi: Renjiro, you may not pass!

Nanami: But it's Renjiro.

Kichi: The rules still apply.

Renjiro: Kichi, you're always keeping the rules obeyed.

Kichi: You're not helping in the war anymore.

Renjiro: I don't agree with any side anymore.

Kichi is giving him the death stare.

Nanami: I'm so glad your okay Renjiro.

Kichi cuts Renjiro's head off.

Nanami: OH MY G-

Renjiro poofs away.

Kichi: He was stalling! We need to go find him! I'll stay here, and protect the area. You go get him!

Nanami: Okay!

Nanami runs off to go find him.


Renjiro hops out of the ground.

Renjiro: Seems like that worked!

Renjiro finds Niko's house after a little while of looking. He matched up the addresses. He walks up to the door, and rings the doorbell. Niko opens the door.

Renjiro: Niko, I have taken your offer!

Niko: I was waiting for you. It's time to steal something important.

They sit down in the planning room.

Niko: I have already stolen the book. You just need to take the credit.

Renjiro: When did you steal it.

Niko: Well an hour before you got here of course.

Renjiro: You knew I was going to come to you?

Niko: Oh Ren, I always know.

She licks her lips, and Renjiro loses a bit of trust in her. She hands him the book.

Niko: Do you take my offer.

Renjiro takes the book.

Niko: Before your caught meet me at the house in the woods where the seventh Hokage learned his first jutsu.

Renjiro: Okay!

Renjiro takes off.