
Do... You... YIELD?!

Ray's Mother: We don't have to do this! Do… you… yield?!

Renjiro's Father: Do you?!

Ray's mother holds up her sword high above her head. Then drops the sword until it points right at the other Uchihas. Everyone runs into the center to go attack people. Ray is nowhere to be seen, but Renjiro is on the battlefield. Renjiro runs around. He slides on the floor, and cuts someone's foot. The person drops to one knee, and Renjiro cuts off his head.

Renjiro: Where is my father?

Renjiro tries to look around, and then the entire world does dark. It is like he is blind. Then the world reforms itself, but no one is around. Then the world turns only into red. Renjiro is then on the cross. Five of the same person is around him. He has never seen these people before. They start stabbing him over and over again. Renjiro turns on his sharingan, and wakes up. He was on the ground asleep.

Renjiro: The people that can use sharingan will either be copying jutsu, or putting people through harsh illusions.

The guy that stabbed Renjiro is running up to him for an attack, but Renjiro blocks it with his swords. The man flinches from the parry, and Renjiro stabs right through his chest.

Renjiro: I am going to kill have my father. This guy was only going for me. He was a genjutsu user then ran up, and tried to stab me. He was clearly told to do that. I need to take out my father fast!


Renjiro is running through the crowd, and then someone grabs his arm. Then the throw him, and he lands sliding back a little.

Renjiro: Ace and Asami Uchiha!

Ace: It's time to take you down Renjiro! You can't beat both of us!

Renjiro: We are friends. So if you don't want to fight I'll spare your lives. Chose wisely you two.

Asami: We will never go back on our friends!

Ace: We would never let our lives go on at the cost of our brothers!

Renjiro: Oh, now everyone on your legion in brothers. You guys want a monarchy. Once you win you'll go back to being bottom of the barrel. While the rebellion believes that everyone should vote to choose which people should represent the clan.

Ace: You can't convince us. It's time to take you out Renjiro!

Ace runs at Renjiro. Renjiro punches him in the gut, and then the neck. Ace tries to punch him back, but Renjiro blocks the punch, and then palms Ace in the face. Asami shoots phoenix flower jutsu. A few fireballs get shot at Renjiro. They are nowhere near as powerful as Renjiro's. Renjiro just cuts each one in half with his blade.

Asami: How?

Renjiro puts her in a genjutsu, and runs up to her. He then stabs her through the head. Ace tried to stab Renjiro from behind, but Renjiro blocked it with his sword. Then Renjiro stabbed ace through the stomach, and ran off.


A few Uchihas start running over to Kichi, and Nanami.

Kichi: You get right, and I'll get left.

It's one man, and his shadow clone running up to them. They make the fire style: fireball jutsu hand signs, and shoot two fireballs at Kichi and Nanami.

Nanami shoots a water style: water bullet jutsu at the fireballs which put out the flames. Kichi threw a kunai at both the ninja, and the ninja tried to parry the kunai. They did, but the kunai had explosive tags on them. So the kunai exploded taking out both of the ninjas. They both poofed away. They were both clones.

Kichi: I expected as much.

Nanami: Why would they only send clones.

Kichi: Because they can't afford to lose any members in a clan war. Since the number of members would already be pretty low.

Nanami: So use tactics so we don't waste any chakra taking down clones.

Kichi: Your such a great student Nanami.

Nanami: And Ray isn't!

Kichi: He has some charm.

They both laugh as they hold the positions.