
Something happened in the field

When Baily arrived at the melon field, he saw a crowd of people gathered inside and outside, and the villagers were pointing and whispering inside.

Baily frowned and rushed up quickly.

Yves and Diana, Donald and several other heads of the village council were present. In front of them, Gianna was sitting on the ground crying bitterly, shouting: "What are you doing ... Why are you confiscating my land, this is the land my parents left behind, isn't it mine? What are you doing ..."

Donald shook his head, an aura of righteousness, sternly said: "We are public affairs, the state law, family rules, the village committee has rules, the fire village self-care land can only be allocated to the fire village villagers, Gianna, your account has long moved out! These self-care land, long ago is not your!"

Baily gritted his teeth, your grandfather, so it was Donald, the guy who was playing tricks.

He pushed aside the people in front of him and rushed out, staring at Donald and cursing, "Donald, what are you talking about?

Donald saw that it was Baily, and a cold smile appeared on his face: "By what? By the laws of the country and the rules of the village! Who are you, Baily? You dare to make trouble here!"

Baily gritted his teeth, turned his head and looked at Diana with one pair of eyes, and said angrily, "Secretary Diana, Donald is holding a personal grudge!"

Donald shook his head and laughed coldly: "Nonsense, this land belongs to Gianna's family, what does it have to do with you, I think you are the one meddling!"

A few of Donald's lapdogs around him followed suit: "Yeah, Baily, you're the one who's following what's going on here!"

"It's none of your business, you're just following the hustle and bustle."

Baily clenched his fist, there was a piece of land given to him by Gianna, but it was only a verbal transaction between the two, and had not yet gone to the village committee for the formalities, and now that it had come to light, Baily could not say anything.

At this time, Diana, who had not spoken, frowned and said, "Baily, don't make a scene here, these lands belong to Gianna's family, according to the rules of Fire Village, the village's self-care land can only be allocated to the people of the village, Gianna's household registration is from the neighboring village, so the village committee will take back this land."

After Diana's words, Donald's face smiled even more, provocatively glaring at Baily, and said, "Secretary Diana has spoken, Baily, why don't you get out of the way?"

Baily gritted his teeth and stared at Diana with wide eyes, surprised and annoyed.

Why would Diana help Donald when Gianna had been back in the village for two or three years and the land had been Gianna's for the past two or three years, now all of a sudden this was Donald's personal vendetta?

Baily clenched his fist, took a deep breath and calmed down. He looked at Diana and said softly, "Secretary Diana, Gianna has been back in the village for two or three years, although the account has not been moved back, but we all know that she is the person of our fire village."

Diana is also a dilemma, for a time do not know what to do, this kind of thing, if the justice of the law, of course, must be Gianna's land to take back, but to do so, and seems to be some unreasonable, after all, Gianna has been living in the village for two years, just a household registration, can be moved back at any time.

Moreover, there is still a share of Baily in this land, his beauty fruits and vegetables are planted here, if we really take back the land, it is the same as cutting off Baily's money.

When she was thinking and hesitating, Gianna on the ground yelled again with a crying voice: "Secretary Diana, Donald, he has a personal vendetta, you must do something for me, I ... if I don't have this piece of land... If I don't have this land I'm a widow, how can I live?"

Seeing this scene, Diana was completely silent, and was speechless for a long time.

Seeing that Diana seems to be a little shaken, Donald's eyes turned, his face fake with a few difficulties said: "Diana secretary, I am actually just business, we are all a village people, but the rules are not rules, if not in accordance with the village rules, after our village council in the fire village can still have what prestige. "

That Yves swept a glance at Baily, also said with a stern face: "This is the truth, Secretary Diana, there are no rules, our village committee in these areas can not make mistakes."

Seeing that Yves and Donald were using chicken feathers as arrows, Baily's heart was filled with anger.

"This piece of land used to be Gianna's family, why didn't the village committee say so earlier, and now they say they will take it back, are you still people?" Baily gritted his teeth and turned around to help Gianna up from the ground, with one eye fixed on Diana, waiting for her final decision.

He secretly thought to himself, he and Diana before but a good deal, she will fully support himself, this land is the first step, think this time, Diana will definitely help himself!

Diana's heart is also very contradictory at this moment, Yves and Donald in the ears of your words and my sentence, every sentence is the rules of the village committee, this is the national law of the family rules, they are the secretary of the village committee, according to reason, no matter whose land is this piece of land, she should be fair, will take back the land to the line.

But ...Baily...

Diana's heart is soft, this piece of land can also have a part of Baily, if others, she will not have the slightest hesitation, but this piece of land, can have Baily's ... should do what is good?

He promised Baily that he would give him full support, and this is for the development of the fire village ... This ... is not his own selfishness, this is for the development of the fire village.

Diana closed her eyes, she took a deep breath and was about to speak, but when she opened her eyes and saw so many villagers present, her face changed all of a sudden.

Diana ah Diana, you have always prided yourself on being a good official for the benefit of the people, but now, just because you like Baily in your heart, you want to use your position to make personal gains for him? What is the difference between this practice and those corrupt officials who bend the law!

Diana gritted her teeth, looked at Baily, see Baily's eyes that look of expectation, she some intolerant eyes moved away, and only then said seriously: "Gianna's situation, we all understand, she is considered the people of the fire village ... "

The corners of Baily's mouth rose, a smile appeared on his face, sure enough, Diana is still on his side!

The Donald's face changed, about to say something, Diana has spoken again: "But, her registration is ultimately the neighboring village, the state law has family rules, the village committee's rules is to stipulate that Gianna's registration has not moved back, the land, confiscated to the village committee... ..."

The smile on Baily's face froze, and his eyes gradually widened ...