
Fire & Smoke: Vorovich

Roanapur, a city known for its lawlessness and brutality, is a place where the darkest underbelly of the criminal world thrives. It's a chaotic blend of violence, corruption, and vice, where every alleyway hides a rotten secret and every deal is a matter of life and death. Amid this turbulent cesspool, Anastasia Marie Petrovna, or rather Volchitsa, and her ragtag gang somehow washed up on its shores. Having just survived a harrowing escape from their criminal life in France, they arrive in Roanapur to make something of their life. Not knowing anything but violence, they reach this rotten utopia of their kind. *** Disclaimer: Black Lagoon and its characters are the creation of Rei Hiroe. This fanfiction is a non-profit work of fiction created solely for entertainment purposes. I do not own any rights to the original series, and no copyright infringement is intended. Any similarities to real persons, living or dead, or actual events are purely coincidental. The views and opinions expressed in this fanfiction are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the original creator, Rei Hiroe, or the publishers. This fanfiction is made possible through the support of patrons on Patreon. By contributing to this project, patrons understand that they are supporting the creation of fan-created content and not an official continuation or extension of the original Black Lagoon series. All contributions go towards the author's creative process and the continuation of the fanfiction project. *** Since this one is a rather side-side project of mine, I will update it maybe once a week. or maybe less if I am having a busy time. If anyone wants to read ahead, they can try my Patreon at: patreon.com/user?u=96555942

EchoingDusk · Cómic
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33 Chs

Chapter:7 Recruitment... Continued

Amina cautiously lowered her gun as well, keeping a close eye on Diego, who appeared to be in shock.

"No way! You are Anastasia. Damn, last time I saw you, you reached just below my waist."

Anastasia's stern expression silenced him.

"Don't mess around, old boy. We met six years ago at 103 Rue de la Vigne Saint-Émilion, Bordeaux, France."

Diego's remaining doubts disappeared, and he let out a chuckle.

"For real though, you've grown up."

Anastasia nodded in acknowledgment, some of the freshly generated memories of their encounter appeared in her mind.

"A lot has changed since then, Diego."

Diego leaned against a wall, taking in the surroundings of the office and the two women before him.

"Roanapur, huh? I heard it's a different kind of jungle here. I guess I've come to the right place."

"It's a wild place, alright. You'll fit right in."

She then turned to Amina.

"Amina, this is Diego, an old acquaintance. We might have some work for him."

Amina nodded, lowering her guard slightly.

"Nice to meet you, Diego."

Diego gave her a piercing look that soon changed into a small nod,

"Likewise. So, what's the job, Anastasia?"

Anastasia leaned back in her chair and lit up a cigarette, her fifth for the day. Diego didn't even blink when he shamelessly nabbed the case and lit one for himself, all the while Amina glared at him.

"For now, you need to get acquainted with the Vorovich. We had some troubling encounters with a fellow family in the business. I believe you both are aware of the encounter I speak of?"

Amina nodded her head while Diego grunted a reply,

"Your pub got shot to kingdom come."

Anastasia glared at him,

"Yes, and a few of our friends got... decommissioned. Permanently."

She sighed lightly before continuing,

"Go downstairs, Howard, the barman will fill you in with the rest of the details. Tell him I will call sometime later. I will arrange for your accommodations then."

Diego nodded and took a final drag of his cigarette before flicking it into an ashtray.

"Alright, I'll handle it. I'll talk to Howard, and get the details sorted out."

Amina chimed in, still wary but willing to give Diego a chance.

"I'll go with him, just to make sure he doesn't mess things up,"

Anastasia smirked, while Diego rolled his eyes in reply.

The duo walked out of the office, Diego with a spring to his steps while Amina's hand constantly rested on her holster.

Once they were out, Anastasia sprang to her feet and once again inserted the bank card into the interface's slot, and once again the recruitment function was updated.

[Recruitment Centre]

- Monthly Limit (2/10)

 -Refresh in: 27Days20hrs50min (1st March 1993)

- Recruit ($10)

The third recruitment fee had increased by ten times.

Anastasia stared at the updated cost for a moment, contemplating whether she would be able to cash in all ten recruits or would have to wait for another month. After a brief pause, she decided that gathering elite subordinates was a priority and selected the "Recruit ($10)" option.


She said, a hint of excitement in her voice, as she eagerly anticipated her next recruit. With a similar burst of light, another card appeared with a male figure carved onto it.

The man, standing at around 5'9", was a commanding figure with a robust build, with a noticeably slanted, intense, focused gaze, framed by sharp, alert brown eyes. His black hair is typically trimmed neatly and practically, and he is clad in a green camo uniform.


Name: Lieutenant Ming "Dragon" Li

Unit: People's Liberation Army Marine Corps (PLAMC)

Lieutenant Ming "Dragon" Li is a former Marine from the People's Liberation Army Marine Corps (PLAMC) who retired from active duty in the year 1992. In his early 40s, Dragon boasts a wealth of combat experience from his service in the Taiwanese Marine Corps.

Ming Li began his military career in the ROCMC in the early 1970s, where he excelled in amphibious warfare, reconnaissance, and direct action missions. He served within the amphibious infantry forces, becoming an expert in island defense operations.


- Primary: T65K2 assault rifle,

- Secondary: KS-23 shotgun,

- Sidearm: Tariq pistol,

- Melee: ROCMC-issue combat knife, Tactical combat knife,

- Armor: Standard ROCMC combat gear.


1. Amphibious Warfare Specialist: Dragon excels in amphibious landing operations and coastal defense, using his knowledge of Thailand's coastal geography to strategic advantage.

2. Adaptable Island Defender: Ming is a flexible warrior, capable of adapting to various mission requirements and responding effectively to dynamic challenges.

3. Naval Craft Navigation: Ming is capable of commandeering small to medium-sized naval craft through the ocean.


- May pretend to be facing a moral and ethical dilemma but that is just to get paid more.

Is prone to a lavish lifestyle.

- Will Co-operate with a team but always compete with the team leader's orders.


Ming was a former operative with the Black Arrow mercenary group, just like Hawk. They both managed to escape an ambush orchestrated by the CIA, who were hunting down former intelligence officers from around the world. To avoid capture, Ming kept to densely populated areas to make it more challenging for the CIA to eliminate him in plain sight.

However, his luck took a turn for the worse when he accidentally boarded a refugee ship in Somalia. The ship was mysteriously sunk, and Ming narrowly survived the "accidental" torpedo attack, though he was reported as "neutralized" by the CIA.

The CIA had targeted Ming due to his involvement in a counter-intelligence operation against them. Currently, he is staying at the Bluestar Hotel in room number 110, lying low to avoid detection. He planned to meet up with her in the pub after spotting her eliminate her informant.


'Another combat specialist?'

Anastasia thought as the card crumbled into dust and flew out the window.

Once again her attention was drawn to the Recruitment Center and she watched as the price increased again.

[Recruitment Centre]

- Monthly Limit (3/10)

 -Refresh in: 27Days20hrs43min (1st March 1993)

- Recruit ($100)

Not much of an increase there but enough to let her know the trend. Each recruitment opportunity came with a zero being added to the price. 

Anyway, a hundred bucks was hardly a lot of money for her.


And the price was deducted from her bank account


Name: Sergeant Henrik "Thor" Eriksen

Sergeant Henrik "Thor" Eriksen is a former Norwegian Forsvarets Spesialkommando (FSK) operator who retired from active duty in the year 1991. Now 45, Thor brings with him a wealth of combat experience from his time in one of Norway's elite special forces units.

Henrik Eriksen joined the Norwegian Army in the early 1970s and was later selected to serve in the FSK, an elite unit specializing in unconventional warfare, reconnaissance, and direct action missions. He participated in Operation Eagle Claw (1980), Operation Black Rhino (1986), and Operation Frostbite (1988).


- Primary: Barrett M82,

- Secondary: Colt Canada C8SFW,

- Sidearm: SIG Sauer P226 semi-automatic pistol,

- Melee: FSK-issue combat knife, Tactical combat knife.

- Armor: Standard FSK ballistic and tactical armor.


1. Direct Action Specialist: Thor excels in close-quarters combat, direct action missions, and room clearing.

2. Versatile Operator: He is known for his adaptability, whether in reconnaissance, sabotage, or rescue operations.

3. Battle-Hardened Veteran: Henrik's extensive combat experience has honed his tactical thinking and decision-making skills under duress.


- Thor is married to a Norwegian woman named Ingrid Eriksen and has a daughter.

- Unwilling to carry out indiscriminate killing. (Won't kill children)

- Disciplined


Thor, a former member of the Norwegian Forsvarets Spesialkommando, found himself in a desperate situation. His family had been kidnapped by a human trafficking ring and smuggled into Roanapur. This ruthless operation was orchestrated by the Salvatore family, who held his loved ones captive at Wharf No. W11 and will ship them out in seven days.

Determined to rescue his family, Thor is willing to ram through this perilous mission. If aided in his task, he, as a form of payment, would be willing to join your force. While associating with criminals is a disgrace to her career, Thor is willing to do whatever it takes to reunite with his family and bring the perpetrators to justice.


Another combatant, though the back story of this one is pretty tragic but he is an expert combatant and would make for a fine collection in the assault team she has in mind.

[Recruitment Centre]

- Monthly Limit (4/10)

 -Refresh in: 27Days20hrs38min (1st March 1993)

- Recruit ($1,000)


A thousand bucks was easy money and she once again began the recruitment process. But this time, a neon pink light permeated from the card.

Name: Isabella "The Orchid" DeLuca

Isabella DeLuca, known as "The Orchid," is an expert manager of red-light districts, renowned for her expertise and innovation in the industry. With a career spanning over two decades, she has a deep understanding of the complexities of running adult entertainment venues. 

Isabella "The Orchid" DeLuca entered the adult entertainment industry in the early 1980s, initially as a performer. However, her talents and business acumen quickly led her to a managerial role in a renowned red-light district in Amsterdam. Over the years, she gained a reputation as an industry visionary, mastering the arts of venue management and customer satisfaction.

Skills and Expertise:

1. Venue Management: The Orchid excels in managing adult entertainment establishments, maintaining high standards, and complying with regulations.

2. Compliance and Legal Expertise: Rossi is well-versed in local regulations and legalities, ensuring his businesses operate within the confines of the law.

3. Marketing and Branding: Her innovative marketing strategies and branding efforts set her venues apart in a competitive market.

4. Community Relations: The Orchid can successfully establish strong connections with local authorities and the community, ensuring a harmonious coexistence.


- Orchid is rather promiscuous, despite being a manager.

- She won't work with you until you have a Red-Light district and at least fifty employees.

- She has, miraculously, never contacted any STD.


In January 1993, Orchid made a chilling discovery. Many of the customers who frequented the establishment under her management had mysteriously vanished for several months. These missing individuals included not just patrons but also some of the younger members of her workforce. Suspicion weighed heavy on her heart, and she decided to investigate the ominous disappearances.

To her horror, Orchid uncovered a shocking truth. It appeared that a colleague was involved in a clandestine deal with the head of the Salvatore's Trafficking Ring. When she attempted to confront them about their nefarious activities, the situation took a dreadful turn. Orchid found herself forcefully embroiled in the dark dealings of the trafficking ring and became part of the very "product" they were shipping off to Roanapur.

Forced onto the same boat as Thor's family, Orchid's fate was intertwined with theirs. Now, as a captive, she clung to the hope of rescue and sought refuge in the possibility of assistance from someone who could free her from this nightmarish ordeal. She was willing to offer her skills and loyalty in exchange for her deliverance from the clutches of the Salvatore family.


So she COULD recruit normal workers as well. However, it looks like she would have to hurry up with the counter-attack against the Salvatores.

[Recruitment Centre]

- Monthly Limit (5/10)

 -Refresh in: 27Days20hrs35min (1st March 1993)

- Recruit ($10,000)

Given her current circumstances, $10,000 was a considerable expense. She checked her account details and found nearly a million dollars, but those were emergency funds that she preferred not to touch. However, she believed that taking the necessary steps to eradicate the Salvatore family's influence was a priority.

With a deep sigh and a touch of apprehension, she decided to proceed with the recruitment, authorizing the payment of $10,000 to the system. The colors of the long-lost rainbow flashed in her eyes.

However, the card that came out this time was...