
Fire Emblem: The Hidden Kingdom

A thousand years ago, Elibe was a land of dragons and humans. But a war erupted between them, the humans emerged victorious, driving the dragons to another realm. Prophecy foretells of a grim a time when the dragons will come back, and a tyrant will seek to conquer all. The kingdom of Asteria has been hidden from the rest of the world by a powerful magic barrier. For centuries, its people have lived in harmony and prosperity, cultivating their culture and technology to unparalleled heights. Surpassing other nations in technology and art. But they have also neglected their military strength, having no wars or conflicts to test their skills. But a prophecy predicts that this era will soon end… Prophecy foretells that soon the barrier will fall, and Asteria will be exposed to the dangers and wonders of the outside world. They have sent spies, merchants, and mercenaries to gather information and allies from other lands. But as the prophecy draws near, they face a crucial decision. Should Asteria open up its gates willingly, or remain isolated until forced to do so? The king’s advisors are torn on this issue. Opening the gates invites peril and vice from foreign lands. Closing the gates seals their fate with the dragons. To resolve it once and for all, they entrust their prince with a mission: to travel across Elibe and see its wonders and horrors for himself. To meet its people and learn from them. To find out his destiny and decide his fate. Only then can he choose whether to open or close his kingdom’s gates. Maybe more chapters if there's power stones. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Aeogical · Derivados de juegos
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27 Chs

Chapter 15 - Sword of Spirits

The sacred sword was enshrined in a holy temple, guarded by a faithful priest. But its peace was shattered by the sound of heavy footsteps and clashing metal. The temple was under attack by a horde of bandits, led by a ruthless mercenary who coveted the sword's power.

"Move! Move! Surround the temple. Don't let anyone in or out." The mercenary barked orders to his men, who swarmed the area like locusts.

The commotion alerted the nearby villagers and travelers, who came out of their homes and inns to see what was happening. They gasped in horror as they saw the bandits charging towards the temple.


"Run for your lives!"

They shouted as they tried to escape from the havoc.

"What's happening?"

"Who are they?"

"Where are the guards?"

They asked each other as they panicked.

"Somebody help us!"

"Please don't hurt us!"

"Leave us alone!"

They begged the bandits, who ignored them and continued their rampage.

The bandits quickly captured the area, cutting off any escape routes. The mercenary chuckled as he got to the temple door.

"The sword is mine!"

He went through the door and walked to the altar, where the sword was laid on a golden throne.


He saw a figure behind the sword. It was the priest, who stood in front of the sword with a brave look. He raised his staff and slammed it on the ground, creating a loud bang and a bright flash.

The priest glared at the mercenary, who was standing in front of the altar with his sword drawn.

"You may not steal the Mani Katti! You vile scum!" The priest bellowed.

"Old man! Stay where you are, and hold your tongue!" The mercenary threatened the priest with his sword.

"Threaten me as you will, but I'll not give up the Mani Katti."

"The Mani Katti is a sacred blade, under divine protection." The priest explained.

"It CANNOT be removed from its place of rest!" The priest exclaimed, his voice resonating through the temple.

The mercenary scoffed as he shook his head.

"You're a fool, old man." He sneered.

He continued. "What good's a sword if you don't use it?"

The priest gasped, realizing the mercenary's intention.

"Use it? In combat?"


The mercenary laughed as he mocked what the old man said.

"Sacrilege? I am Glass! The gods fear my name! My swordplay is peerless!" Glass boasted himself.

He then turned to the sacred sword on the altar, still in its sheath

"And if I want this sword, then this sword I shall have!"

"Now, get out of my way!"

He pushed the priest out of the way with force, the priest hitting the wall hard.


Glass then arrogantly walked his way to the throne behind the altar, where the Mani Katti was waiting for him.

The Mani Katti was a katana-like sword with a blue hilt and a golden guard. It had a curved blade that shone with a silver light. It was a sacred weapon, infused with the spirits of the moon and blessed by the gods. It was said that only the chosen one could wield it.

"This is it! It's more magnificent than I'd imagined!" Glass marveled as he gazed at the sword.

"This sword was made of a swordsman of my skill." Glass nodded.

He reached out his hand and tried to pull the Mani Katti out of its scabbard.

"Hmm? What's this?" Glass muttered, puzzled.

"I can't...draw the sword... from it's scabbard?"

"The spirits of the blade have judged you." The priest announced from behind.

He continued. "You have been found wanting. They have rejected you."

Glass immediately became enraged.

"What? Listen, you senile old fool, if you value your own life, you'll get out of my sight!!!" He shouted.

He turned around and sprinted towards the priest, who had locked himself in a secret chamber behind a wall. Glass tried to smash the door, but it was too sturdy.

"Curses! Miserable spirits!" Glass growled.

He gave up and came back to the throne, still fuming.

"I care nothing for you!" He exclaimed.

He kicked the altar and threw some stones at the sword.

"I'll tear this altar down stone by stone!" He roared.

Glass continued his attempt to tear down the altar, but he was met with resistance. The altar was made of solid stone, and the sword was firmly embedded in its scabbard. No matter how hard he pulled, pushed, or kicked. the sword did not budge.

"Come on! Come on!" Glass grunted as he strained his muscles.

He wrapped his arms around the sword and tried to lift it up.

"Ugh! Ugh!" Glass groaned as he felt his back ache.

Glass was about to give up when he saw a glint of metal on the floor He picked it up and realized it was a dagger.

"Aha! I'll use this to cut the scabbard open!' He exclaimed.

He stabbed the dagger into the scabbard, hoping to free the sword. But instead of cutting through, the dagger bounced off and flew back at him.

"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Glass cried as the dagger hit him back.

In the far west of the temple, the group of four, consisting of Lyn, Astrid, Kent, and Sain, stood together as the old woman briefed them on the current situation.

They were positioned at the edge of the forest, where they could see the temple looming in the distance. She told them what she had overheard from the bandits.

The group was shocked by the old woman's words. They couldn't believe that someone would dare to steal the sacred sword.

"The Mani Katti… They're going to steal it?" Lyn asked, repeating what the old woman had said.

The old woman nodded her head vigorously.

"Yes, yes, that's what they said. The Mani Katti. They want to take it for themselves!" The old woman said, confirming their worst fears.

"I cannot allow this to happen!" Lyn declared, her eyes flashing with anger.

This is a sacred sword. She had to protect it from the thieves.

"You look like a virtuous group. Please, help him!" The old woman asked, pleading with them.

She looked at them with hope and gratitude. She knew they were their only chance to save the sword and the priest.

"Help who?" Astrid inquired, wondering who the old woman was talking about.

"The priest. He's the guardian of the sword. He's inside the temple, trying to fend off the ruffians. But he's old and frail. He won't last long against them." The old woman said, explaining the situation.

The Lycian knights saw Lyn's determined look.

Sain, noticing Lyn's intense expression, leaned forward and asked. "Lyndis, what are you planning?"

Kent advised. "If you hope to go to the priest's aid, you'll need to prepare."

"You're right…" Lyn said.

"Say, Astrid... There are some homes to the south of us." Lyn said as she gestured towards the homes.

"Perhaps we should go there and question the residents." Lyn suggested.

Astrid nodded taking her advice into consideration.

Speaking to people sometimes give you combat hints or useful information about the land and its people. It does pays to listen.

"That's a sound idea. Come, we need to hurry. The sword isn't going to save itself." Astrid agreed, taking the lead as they make their way to the homes.

The group set off towards the homes, their pace quickening as they got closer. As they approached, they could see the fear and worry etched on the faces of the residents.

"Tell me what you would like me to do, Astrid." Lyn said determined to help.

"It will be much quicker if we split up. We'll gather more information faster." Astrid said.

Lyn, Kent, and Sain all agreed, and they set off in different directions to speak with the residents.

"Be careful everyone!" Lyn said to them they parted ways.

As they spoke to the residents, they gathered valuable information about the temple and the Mani Katti.

"Do you know much about the sword held at the altar? It's called the Mani Katti, blessed by the spirits." The young lady told Astrid.

She continued. "According to the priest, the Mani Katti is waiting for its rightful owner to appear. It's so odd, don't you think? The idea that a sword can choose who wield it?"

Another spoke about the mountains blocking the entrance: "There's a mountain range between here and the temple's entrance."

The man explained. "Mountains make it more difficult to be hit, but they're difficult to traverse. If you're riding on horseback, you can't cross them at all. Be careful."

Another person chimed in: "Hey, have you guys heard about the abandoned fortress close to the temple? It's a great spot for protection during fights, way better than the woods. You can fight more effectively from inside the fortress."

The man then added. "Also, if your troops are injured, being in a fortress can help them recover. It's not a huge amount of health you regain, but if you stay in the fortress, you can fully recover over time."

After thanking the people for their information, the group approached the last home, Lyn couldn't help but feel a bit anxious. She knew that their mission was crucial, and time was running out. They had to find a way to save the sacred sword before it was too late.

Astrid knocked on the door, and a middle-aged woman answered, her eyes widening in surprise at the sight of the group.

"Say, aren't you the…"

She looked at Astrid again and recognized him from before.

"Oh! You're going to help the priest!"

Astrid nodded, and the woman went on. "Well, perhaps you could benefit from something I saw earlier..."

Lyn leaned in, eager to hear what the woman had to say. She hoped that it would be something that would help them in their mission.

"The bandits may have the main entrance guarded." The woman said, her voice low as if afraid of being overheard.

"However, one of the altar walls is cracked and in poor repair. You might be able to create another entrance by hitting that section with your weapons."

Lyn's eyes widened in surprise. She hadn't expected such a useful piece of information. If they could create another entrance, it would give them a better chance of saving the sword and the priest.

"Thank you." Lyn said, smiling gratefully at the woman.

"We're all counting on you."

The woman cheered them on and closed the door, leaving the group to plan their next move. Lyn turned to Astrid, her eyes shining with excitement.

"Astrid, did you hear that? We can create another entrance!"

Astrid nodded, a fierce determination in his eyes. "Let's do it. We have to save that sword and the priest."

With that, the group set off towards the temple, their hearts pounding with anticipation. They knew that the bandits would be waiting for them, but they were determined to succeed. They had a plan, and they were ready to put it into action.

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