
Fire Emblem: The Hidden Kingdom

A thousand years ago, Elibe was a land of dragons and humans. But a war erupted between them, the humans emerged victorious, driving the dragons to another realm. Prophecy foretells of a grim a time when the dragons will come back, and a tyrant will seek to conquer all. The kingdom of Asteria has been hidden from the rest of the world by a powerful magic barrier. For centuries, its people have lived in harmony and prosperity, cultivating their culture and technology to unparalleled heights. Surpassing other nations in technology and art. But they have also neglected their military strength, having no wars or conflicts to test their skills. But a prophecy predicts that this era will soon end… Prophecy foretells that soon the barrier will fall, and Asteria will be exposed to the dangers and wonders of the outside world. They have sent spies, merchants, and mercenaries to gather information and allies from other lands. But as the prophecy draws near, they face a crucial decision. Should Asteria open up its gates willingly, or remain isolated until forced to do so? The king’s advisors are torn on this issue. Opening the gates invites peril and vice from foreign lands. Closing the gates seals their fate with the dragons. To resolve it once and for all, they entrust their prince with a mission: to travel across Elibe and see its wonders and horrors for himself. To meet its people and learn from them. To find out his destiny and decide his fate. Only then can he choose whether to open or close his kingdom’s gates. Maybe more chapters if there's power stones. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Chapter 11 - Ambush

As Astrid and Lyn walked further down the path, they heard the sound of hooves behind them. They quickly turned to see a group of bandits on horseback, galloping towards them with swords drawn, their faces contorted with malice.

"Run!!! We're being pursued." Lyn exclaimed, her voice filled with urgency.

Astrid's heart pounded in his chest as he assessed the situation. He recognized the look in the bandits' eyes, the way they held themselves, as they closed in on them. These were not ordinary thieves, they were ruthless killers.

"Could it be those knights from town?" Lyn asked, trying to see their silhouettes.

"They look totally different." Astrid observed.

He noticed that the bandits had different weapons and horses than the knights. The knights wore metal armor and helmets, and rode well-trained steeds. The bandits had crude swords and axes, and rode scrawny horses that looked half-starved.

Lyn's eyes widened as she saw the bandits closing in on them.

"No... It's not them. These men are out for blood!" Lyn shouted.

The two of them exchanged a brief look, before they turned and sprinted towards a nearby grove of trees. They could hear the sound of the horses' hooves getting closer, but they pushed themselves harder.

As they reached the edge of the grove, they suddenly found themselves surrounded by a group of fierce-looking bandits. The bandits were armed with axes, their muscles bulging as they prepared to attack.

Lyn and Astrid were outnumbered, but they were not about to go down without a fight.

The leader of the bandits, a burly man with a scar across his face, strode forward with a lecherous grin on his lips. His eyes roamed over Lyn's figure, and he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Heh heh hehhh... Aren't you the pretty one!" He laughed perversely, as if he had caught a valuable prize.

"Step back, you lecherous fool!" Astrid spoke up, his voice dripping with contempt.

The bandit leader hesitated for a moment, sizing up Astrid before lunging forward with his axe.

Astrid dodged the attack and retaliated with a swift kick to the bandit's stomach, causing him to double over in pain.

"Listen here, you sorry excuse for a bandit." Astrid said, stepping forward to stand between Lyn and the bandit leader.

"You think you can just go around harassing innocent travelers and get away with it?" He continued.

"Your mother must be so proud to have raised a cowardly pervert like you." Astrid taunted, his voice laced with disdain.

The bandit leader bristled at the insult, his eyes narrowing with anger. "How dare you speak to me like that, you little brat!" He snarled, brandishing his axe menacingly.

But Astrid was not intimidated. "Oh, I'm sorry." He replied, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "I didn't realize that speaking the truth was too much for you to handle."

The bandit leader's face twisted into a scowl at the insult. "How dare you!" He spat, drawing his own axe.

But Astrid wasn't intimidated. "I dare because I can." He replied coolly, his hand crackling with magic.

"And if you don't want to end up like your friends over there." He gestured towards the bandits lying unconscious on the ground.

In the blink of an eye, the bandits started dropping to the ground one by one, charred by electricity.

Both the bandit leader and Lyn were taken aback when they noticed the unconscious bodies of the bandits lying on the ground. Astrid's lightning-fast attacks had caught them by surprise.

"You'll back off and let us go." He added sternly.

The bandit leader hesitated for a moment, weighing his options. He knew that he and his men were no match for the young man and his magic, but he wasn't about to let them go without a fight, as they had the advantage of numbers.

The brigand growled in frustration, clearly rattled by Astrid's words. "You'll pay for that." He spat out before turning his attention back to Lyn.

As the bandit leader approached Lyn, he fixed his eyes on her with a cold, calculating gaze.

"Your name is Lyndis, is it not?" He asked, his voice devoid of charm.

Lyn was taken aback, her eyes widening in surprise at the sound of her full name being spoken. Her heart began to race as she realized that something was not right. Only her parents knew her full name.

She instinctively reached for her sword, feeling the weight of its hilt in her hand.

As Astrid sensed the tension in the air and began to prepare his magic, he too noticed the look of surprise on Lyn's face when the bandit called her by her full name. He could see the confusion and concern in her eyes, and it left him feeling just as perplexed.

"Lyn, are you okay?" He asked, his voice barely above a whisper. "Do you know this man?"

Lyn shook her head, her eyes still wide with shock. "No, I don't." She replied, her voice tinged with fear.

"What did you call me? ...Who are you?" She demanded, her sword hand trembling slightly.

The leader of the bandits shook his head and sighed dramatically. "Such a waste." He said, his voice fake with sadness. "An absolute waste."

He then turned to Lyn and said. "The things I'll do for gold... Ah, well. Time to die, darlin'!"

"C'mon out, boys!" He shouted, his voice echoing through the forest.

As he shouted out his command, bandits started coming out of the woodworks, surrounding Lyn and Astrid. The situation looked dire, but the two of them refused to give up and prepared to fight for their lives.

"Oh, no! There's more than we can handle…" Lyn said, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of enemies.

Astrid's mind raced, trying to come up with a strategy to protect Lyn and himself from the imminent attack. They were strong, but they were currently outnumbered. The odds were not in their favor, but he refused to let fear control him.

"We may be outnumbered, but we won't give up without a fight." Astrid said, his voice resolute and determined.

"But I'll not give up!" Lyn said, her resolve strengthened by Astrid's words.

As the bandits closed in, Astrid and Lyn braced themselves for the fight of their lives. But just as the first wave of attacks were about to hit, the sounds of horse hooves hitting the earth caught their attention. Two horseback knights appeared on the horizon, one clad in red and the other in green armor.

"Hey! There she is!" The familiar flirty knight shouted as he rode towards them, a playful grin on his face.

"Huh?" The bandit leader was confused by the sudden appearance of the knights. "What?" Lyn said, equally perplexed.

Astrid couldn't help but raise a brow, recognizing the familiar faces of the knights.

"Whew... Finally caught up…" Sain said, his voice filled with exasperation as he pulled his horse to a stop beside the group.

"Hold! You there! What is your business?" Sain questioned the leader of the bandits, his lance at the ready.

"Such numbers against a girl? Cowards, every one of you!" He berated the bandits, his eyes flashing with anger at their despicable actions.

"You! You're from--" Lyn interrupted, surprised that the knights were the ones from the city.

"We can discuss that later." Kent said, entering the conversation with a stern expression.

"It appears these ruffians mean to do you harm." He continued, as he prepared his horse for battle.

"If it's a fight they want, let them look to me!" Kent declared, drawing his sword with a flourish.

"Stand back! I'll take care of these!" Sain also declared, eager to show his skills in battle.

"No! This is my fight! Stay out of my way!" Lyn said, not willing to let anyone fight her battles for her.

Sain voiced his dissatisfaction. "Well, I can't just stand here and do nothing…"

Kent, seeing the conflict, stepped in to offer a solution.

"I have a solution. You there, command us." He said, turning to Astrid.

Astrid nodded in agreement. "Very well, let's take them down together. Lyn and I will lead." He said confidently.

Kent took the opportunity to introduce himself and Sain. "I am Kent, a knight of Lycia. My companion is Sain. We will follow your orders in this battle."

"Is this acceptable, milady?" Kent turned to Lyn and asked.

"Yes, it is. Astrid and I will lead!" Lyn agreed, determined to defend herself and her companions against the bandits' onslaught.

Astrid refocused his attention on the incoming bandits, his magic already pulsing with power and energy. His eyes darted back and forth, analyzing the enemy's formation, trying to find any weaknesses.

"We're still surrounded…" He voiced tersely, a hint of concern creeping into his voice.

Lyn nodded, gripping her sword tighter. "What do we do now?"

Astrid took a deep breath and closed his eyes, and shouted as he began the incantation. "Everyone, stand back!"

Kent and Sain quickly stepped back, keeping a safe distance from Astrid as he continued to channel his magic. Lyn followed suit, keeping a watchful eye on the bandits and ready to strike at a moment's notice.

"Flames of the inferno, heed my call! Burn my enemies to ashes and leave nothing but their bones!"

As he spoke the words, Astrid raised his hands and a bright red aura began to emanate from his body. The air around him grew hot as flames erupted from his fingertips, spreading rapidly towards the approaching bandits.

The bandits slowed down their horses, surprised by the sudden display of magic.

Astrid's chant grew louder and more forceful as he continued to channel his anima magic, his eyes glowing with an intense light.

"Fire! Burn my enemies to ashes! Let them feel the heat of my rage and the power of my will!"

With a final shout, Astrid unleashed a torrent of flames, engulfing the bandits and their horses in a raging inferno.

The heat was so intense that Lyn and the knights had to shield their eyes and step back, afraid that the flames would consume them as well. When the smoke cleared, there was nothing left but smoldering ruins and the acrid smell of burnt flesh.

Once the smoke cleared, Astrid turned to the group, a look of exhaustion etched on his face.

"Is everyone okay?" He asked, concern evident in his voice.

Lyn nodded, still in shock from the sudden display of magical power.

"Yes, we're all fine." She said, sheathing her sword.

She then composed herself and continued. "Let's keep moving."

The group collectively responded with nods and murmurs of agreement, except for Sain, who had other ideas in mind.

"You! You are called Astrid?" Sain called out, a playful twinkle in his eye.

Astrid raised an eyebrow, unsure of what to make of Sain's sudden interest. He turned to face him, feeling a sense of trepidation at what the knight might say. Astrid braced himself for what was to come.

"Yes, that's me." He replied, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Sure enough, Sain had a request that was all too predictable.

"I want to impress my beauteous one!" Sain declared, gesturing towards Lyn. "Let me attack first!"

Astrid sighed inwardly and rolled his eyes, knowing Sain's flirtatious tendencies all too well.

"Very well, be my guest." He nodded in agreement, stepping back to let Sain take the lead.

Sain stepped forward eagerly, brandishing his lance. "This is my moment to shine!" He exclaimed.

However, Sain's attempt to impress his lady love was a failure.

Sain charged forward, wielding his lance with a flourish. But to everyone's surprise, he missed his mark by a wide margin, the tip of his weapon narrowly missing the bandit's shoulder and almost falling off his horse.

"Whoa! I missed!?" Sain exclaimed in disbelief, looking around sheepishly to see if anyone had witnessed his embarrassing blunder.

Kent, who had been watching the entire exchange, could not hide his irritation.

"Sain! Why aren't you using your sword?" Kent reprimanded, his voice sharp.

"The lance is more heroic. A knight should look heroic, don't you think?" Sain replied while playing with his lance, a hint of defensiveness in his tone, attempting to justify his choice of weapon.

"You're hopeless." Kent muttered under his breath. "If you don't take fighting more seriously, you're going to find yourself on the end of a blade!"

"Truth be told, I…forgot to buy a sword." Sain admitted sheepishly while scratching his head.

Astrid couldn't help but facepalm at Sain's carelessness. Weapons possess a unique hierarchy: swords are best against axes, axes are best against lances, and lances are best against swords. This is called the weapon triangle.

The weapon triangle affects both the accuracy and damage output of their attacks. Having an advantage over an enemy gives them a boost in both aspects, while having a disadvantage lowers them. Therefore, choosing the right weapon for each situation is crucial for their survival on the battlefield.

He remembered their earlier encounter with Sain, where the knight had twirled his lance around in a flashy display, making whooshing sounds as he did. It was clear that Sain cared more about aesthetics than practicality.

"Forgot? Or were you simply too busy dallying with the ladies?" Kent said sarcastically, crossing his arms and frowning.

"Don't be so mad! I'll be fine with a lance. I'm that good!" Sain bragged confidently, trying to calm Kent down and impress Lyn at the same time.

"I'd prefer to rely on your skill, not your empty bragging!" Kent snapped harshly.

"Take my spare blade and use it to attack next time!" Kent said generously, reaching into his saddlebag and pulling out a sheathed blade. He handed it to Sain, who took it with both hands.

"It's not the best quality, but it should do the job. Just remember to use it against axes and avoid lances." He added, giving Sain a brief reminder of the weapon triangle.

"Are you sure? My thanks, Kent!" Sain said gratefully, taking the sword and admiring its craftsmanship.

"You're almost more trouble than you're worth. Almost." Kent said dryly, hoping that Sain would learn from his mistake and be more careful in the future.

"Astrid! Allow me to make up for my companion's blunder." Kent said politely; turning to Astrid and bowing slightly.

"No need to apologize. We all make mistakes sometimes." Astrid said kindly, smiling warmly at Kent and appreciating his gesture.

"Besides, I could use your help. These bandits are tougher than they look." He added, gesturing to the enemies surrounding them.

"You're a skilled sword wielder, right? Why don't you take care of the ones with swords, while I support you with my magic?" He suggested, holding his tome in his hand.

"I am at your command!" Kent said eagerly; nodding in agreement and readying his lance.

"Very well then. Let us proceed!" Astrid said confidently, leading the way.

Astrid took the time to survey the battlefield with a keen eye, taking note of the different terrain types and their unique characteristics.

'Each type of terrain has its own advantages and disadvantages.' He thought to himself.

'For example, fighting in the woods can give you a distinct advantage in dodging enemy attacks. But it also makes it harder to hit the enemy. And that's just the beginning. Factor in the weapon triangle, and you have a complex dance of strengths and weaknesses to consider in every battle.'

He knew that mastering the art of terrain advantage was crucial to success on the battlefield.

"We need to clear a path for Lyn and the others. Do not forget to use the terrain to our advantage; it can enhance our defenses or impede our enemies' movements." He explained, pointing out the various features of the battlefield.

"We can prevail if we work together!" He encouraged, feeling optimistic about their chances.

Astrid quickly assessed the situation and called out to Kent. "Kent, move in and attack that bandit! Use your sword, but be careful not to leave yourself open."

Kent nodded and charged forward, his sword at the ready. With a swift strike, he landed a blow on the bandit, who stumbled back, wounded. The bandit let out a grunt of pain as the sword sliced through his armor. But he wasn't defeated yet, and he swung his axe in a wide arc, narrowly missing Kent's head.

"Good dodge, Kent!" Astrid shouted, his heart racing with excitement. "Now finish him off!"

Kent nodded, his eyes fixed on the bandit. He lunged forward again, his sword flashing in the sunlight. The bandit tried to block the blow, but Kent's sword was too fast and too powerful. It sliced through the bandit's armor and struck him in the chest.

"He's almost defeated." Astrid said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Now, let's deliver the final blow!"

Sain, who had been watching from the sidelines, spoke up. "Astrid! Give me another chance!"

Astrid hesitated for a moment, but then nodded. "Alright, but make it quick. We need to finish this before more bandits arrive."

"Axe-wielding foes should be met with swords. Brandish your blade!"

Sain stepped forward, his sword at the ready. He swung with all his might, but the bandit was ready for him this time. He blocked the blow with his axe and countered with a quick strike.

Sain managed to dodge in time, but just barely.

"Gah!" He grunted as he stumbled backward.

"Sain! Are you all right?" Kent said, rushing to his friend's side.

"Yes. Yes, I am. I was able to dodge in time." Sain said, catching his breath.

"I can't believe he evaded my sword stroke so easily." Sain said, shaking his head in disbelief. "This is no jest."

"Look closely. The enemy is hidden in the woods. The branches make it difficult to attack, don't they?" Kent said sternly.

"You're right. I was so focused on attacking… I didn't see." Sain admitted, feeling a twinge of embarrassment.

"Your lack of attention may someday cost you your life!" Kent scolded him.

"Fine! I understand already! Let it go, Kent!" Sain said, his cheeks turning red.

Kent's voice rose in frustration. "If you truly understand, then act like it!"

"Kent worries too much." Sain muttered under his breath as he stepped forward to try again.

"…He's going to grow old before his time." Sain joked.

Astrid watched the banter between Sain and Kent, shaking his head with amusement. He turned his attention back to the bandit, who was now limping and struggling to keep his balance.

A bright burst of flame shot out from Astrid's hands, illuminating the dark forest. The bandit was caught off guard and let out a scream as the fire engulfed him.

"Well done, Astrid!" Kent exclaimed, impressed by his comrade's skill.

"Thanks, Kent." Astrid replied, feeling a sense of satisfaction at the successful attack.

Lyn, who had just finished defeating another bandit, approached Astrid and said. "It seems like a wise decision to leave that bandit to the knights."

"Agreed." Astrid said, nodding his head in agreement.

"For my part." Lyn continued. "If I'm going to take care of the other foe, I'll need to close the distance between us."

Astrid quickly formulated a plan in his head and spoke with authority. "Alright, here's what we're going to do." He said, addressing the group.

"We'll split up and take them out one by one. Kent and Sain, you take the left flank, Lyn, you take the right, and I'll take the middle. Let's move quickly and quietly, and we should be able to take them down without any trouble."

The group nodded in agreement and split up as Astrid directed. Kent and Sain galloped on their horses to the left, their swords glinting in the sunlight as they charged towards their targets. Lyn sprinted to the right, her nimble feet barely making a sound as she weaved her way through the trees.

Kent was the first to engage the bandits. He kept a stern expression on his face as he unsheathed his sword and charged forward.

"Stay focused, Sain." He called out to his partner. "We can't let these bandits get the best of us."

Sain grinned and winked at a passing female bandit before turning his attention back to the fight.

"You're no fun, Kent." He joked, twirling his sword with ease.

"Let's show them what we're made of!"

Meanwhile, Lyn was fiercely battling against a group of bandits, her sword flashing in the sunlight.

"You'll pay for what you've done to my people!" She shouted, her voice filled with determination.

"I won't let you get away with this!"

One of the bandits lunged at her with a knife, but she quickly dodged and sliced her sword across his chest.

"I won't hesitate to take you down." She growled, her eyes flashing with anger.

As for Astrid, he observed the battle from a distance, his arms crossed over his chest.

"It seems our companions have things under control." He remarked to himself, a smirk playing at his lips.

Sain let out a loud laugh. "Ha! This is fun! I hope there are some lovely ladies watching us!"

Kent, on the other hand, remained stoic and serious. "Focus on the task at hand, Sain."

He warned. "We cannot afford to let our guard down."

Lyn readied her sword and nodded in agreement. "Let's do our best."

Seeing his comrades engrossed in their own fights, Astrid took advantage of the situation to let his guard down and unleash his true fighting style.

Astrid's demeanor underwent a dramatic change as he strode towards the group of bandits, his once calm and composed demeanor attitude gave way to a more brash and daring sarcastic persona. A taunting over-the-top battler.

He calmly walked towards a group of bandits who had yet to engage in the fight.

"Gentlemen." He drawled, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I couldn't help but notice you haven't had the pleasure of facing a true prince yet."

With the bandits angered they charged towards him, Astrid unsheathed his dagger and held it at the ready.

"It seems we have some troublemakers to deal with." He said with a smirk.

His demeanor completely changed from his usual composed self when fighting with his comrades.

Astrid quickly took action, darting between the bandits with ease and striking them down with his dagger.

"Is that all you've got?" He taunted, using his anima magic to unleash a barrage of fire spells at the remaining bandits.

The bandits bristled at his words, and charged towards him with a shout of fury.

With a gleeful glint in his eye. "Oh, this is going to be fun." He chuckled to himself.

"I've seen better fighting from a drunken tavern brawl." He taunted as he deftly dodged a clumsy swing from a bandit's axe.

He retaliated with a swift thrust of his dagger, catching the bandit off-guard and sending him to the ground with a groan.

As another bandit charged at him with a rusty axe, Astrid twirled his dagger in a dazzling display of skill, deflecting the blade and striking back with a burst of anima magic. The bandit stumbled back, singed and dazed.

"You really should invest in better weapons." Astrid smirked, as he dispatched the bandit with a quick slash of his dagger.

With each move, his confidence grew, and he became more daring in his attacks.

"You might as well just surrender now." He taunted another bandit, who foolishly charged at him with a mace.

"I promise to make your defeat quick and painless." Astrid said dragging out the last part.

As the last bandit fell to the ground, defeated and whimpering, Astrid let out a victorious laugh.

"Well, that was fun." He said, wiping his dagger on the sleeve of his tunic. "Now, who's ready for round two?"

As if in answer to Astrid's challenge, a new group of bandits emerged from the trees, armed with swords, axes, and spears. Astrid's smirk faded slightly as he assessed the new threat, but he didn't back down.

"You just can't get enough, can you?" He said, his tone laced with amusement.

Astrid launched himself into the fray once more, twirling his dagger and weaving through the crowd of bandits with impressive agility. He deflected sword strikes, dodged spear thrusts, and delivered swift blows to his opponents with lightning-fast reflexes.

The bandits were more organized this time, and their attacks were more coordinated, but Astrid didn't falter. He responded to every threat with a calculated move, and it was clear that he was in his element.

Astrid's anima magic came into play more frequently this time, as he conjured bolts of lightning and streams of fire to take out multiple bandits at once. With each blast of magic, his confidence grew, and he taunted the bandits even more.

"You call that an attack?" He laughed, as he dodged a clumsy swing from a bandit's axe.

"I've seen toddlers with better aim."

The battle raged on, with Astrid holding his own against the increasing number of bandits. He was a blur of motion, darting and weaving between his enemies with ease, his dagger flashing in the sunlight.

Finally, with a final flourish of his dagger, Astrid took down the last of the bandits, leaving them writhing and moaning on the ground.

"Anyone else want to try their luck?" He said, his voice dripping with satisfaction. "I'm just getting warmed up."

Kent, on the other hand, fought with a stoic determination, his face set in a grim expression as he dispatched his opponents with cold efficiency. He moved methodically, his every strike calculated and precise, leaving no room for error. He didn't waste any energy on unnecessary movements or wasted attacks, focusing solely on the task at hand.

As he fought, he kept a watchful eye on his surroundings, scanning the area for any other threats that might arise. His stern demeanor kept Sain in check, forcing the more roguish knight to focus on the battle at hand.

Sain, for his part, fought with a reckless abandon that belied his easygoing nature. He charged headfirst into battle, his sword swinging wildly as he sought to take down as many enemies as possible. Despite his carefree attitude, however, he was a skilled fighter, with a natural talent for combat that few could match.

As he engaged the bandits, Sain flirted shamelessly with any female opponents, using his charm to throw them off balance before delivering the final blow. His joie de vivre was infectious, and even Kent couldn't help but be amused by his antics, though he would never admit it.

Lyn fought with a fierce determination that spoke of her Sacaen heritage. She moved with a fluid grace, her every strike infused with a raw power that seemed to come from deep within. Her eyes burned with a fierce intensity as she battled the bandits, her thoughts never far from the massacre of her tribe at the hands of their kind.

As she fought, Lyn's hatred for bandits boiled over, and she attacked with a ferocity that caught her opponents off guard. Her sword moved with blinding speed, each strike landing with a satisfying thunk as it met flesh and bone. Despite her anger, however, she remained in control, her movements always precise and calculated.

As Astrid stood triumphantly over the defeated bandits, he couldn't help but berate himself for jinxing it.

"Well, maybe I shouldn't have asked for round two." He muttered to himself, grinning sheepishly.

He knew he had pushed his luck, and as if on cue, a third group of bandits emerged from the shadows, armed with even more dangerous weapons.

Astrid's confident smirk faded, replaced by a look of dismay.

"Really?" He groaned, eyeing the new bandits warily. "I thought we were done here."

But there was no escaping it now. Astrid had brought this on himself, and he knew he had to face the consequences.

He squared his shoulders and stepped forward, his dagger held at the ready.

"Alright, round three it is." He said, his voice now lacking its earlier bravado. "Let's just try to make this quick, shall we?"

And with that, Astrid launched himself into the fray once again, hoping that this time, luck would be on his side.

The bandits closed in on him, and Astrid braced himself for the onslaught, still muttering under his breath.

"Great, just what I needed." He grumbled, readying his dagger. "Another round of bandits. What's next, a dragon?"

Despite his sarcastic tone, Astrid was determined not to let the bandits get the best of him. He dodged their attacks with his usual grace and skill, striking back with deadly precision.

But this time, the bandits were more aggressive than ever, and their blows landed with greater force.

"Okay, okay, I get it." He said through gritted teeth, as he parried a particularly vicious blow. "You're not to be underestimated."

As he moved effortlessly through the melee, he dodged and parried the bandits' attacks with ease, and delivered swift, punishing blows in return. His movements were almost dance-like, as if he were performing a carefully choreographed routine, rather than fighting for his life.

With each bandit that fell to his dagger, Astrid's confidence grew, and his sarcastic comments became more cutting. His enemies were clearly no match for him, and he was enjoying every moment of it. But despite his bravado, it was clear that he took the fight seriously, and was determined to emerge victorious.

Lyn watched in shock as Astrid continued to taunt and mock his opponents, something she had never seen him do before. Normally, when they fought together, he was silent and calculating, focusing all of his attention on the task at hand.

"Astrid, what's gotten into you?" Lyn asked, her voice filled with concern. "This isn't like you."

Astrid grinned at her, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I know, it's a bit of a departure from my usual demeanor, isn't it?"

"But when I fight alone, I find that being distracting and destructive can be quite effective." He said, twirling his dagger in his hand.

Lyn nodded slowly, still unsure of what to make of his behavior.

"I see..." She said, watching as Astrid dispatched another bandit with ease.

"I guess I never realized that you had this side to you."

Astrid shrugged, a cocky grin on his face. "I like to keep things interesting." He said, before sending a fireball at another bandit.

Despite her initial shock, Lyn couldn't help but be impressed by Astrid's skill and bravado in battle. There was no denying that he was a formidable opponent, and she was grateful to have him fighting by her side.

As they continued to battle their way through the bandits, Lyn couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration for Astrid's fighting style. It was risky and unconventional, but it was also incredibly effective. And most importantly, it was uniquely his own.

"You're not going to take me down that easily!" Astrid taunted the bandits, his eyes glowing with magical energy.

He raised his hands and a ball of fire materialized in his palm. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the ball of fire hurtling towards the bandits, engulfing them in flames.

The bandits fell to the ground, writhing in agony as the flames consumed them. Astrid watched them burn, his expression cold and unfeeling.

"Let's press on and make it to the bridge!" Astrid called on his teammates.

Kent and Sain rejoined the group, their swords stained with blood. Lyn looked at them with admiration, impressed by their skill and bravery.

"Great work, everyone!" Lyn praised the group. "We're almost there. Let's finish this and get across the bridge!"

The group moved forward, determined to finish what they had started. They could hear the sound of rushing water in the distance, signaling that they were getting close to the bridge.

They fought their way through several more waves of bandits, each one more challenging than the last. But they never wavered, never gave up.

Finally, they arrived at the bridge, victorious after defeating the last of the bandits that stood in their way. The path was now clear for them to move forward.

Without hesitation, they crossed the bridge, only to find a bandit leader waiting for them at the foot of the mountains.

As they approached, the bandit leader stepped forward, a wicked smile on his face.

The bandit leader was a tall man with a broad build and a scar on his face, his arms bulging with muscle. He sneered at the group as they approached, his eyes glinting with malice.

"Well, well, well... Look what we have here." He said, his voice laced with contempt. "A group of pathetic little do-gooders. You think you can just waltz in here and defeat us?"

Astrid stepped forward, his expression serious. "We've defeated every bandit that stood in our way, including your lackeys. And now, we're going to defeat you as well."

The bandit leader laughed, a deep, menacing sound. "You really think you can take me on? I've killed dozens of knights and soldiers in my time. You're nothing but children playing at war."

"Let's see what you're made of, then." Astrid said, his voice calm and steady.

Astrid quickly assessed the situation, taking in the bandit leader's imposing figure and the weapons he held. He turned to his comrades, his voice ringing out with authority.

"Sain, Kent, you two flank him from the sides! Lyn, move in with your sword and keep him occupied. I'll support you all with my magic!"

Sain and Kent charged forward, their swords flashing in the sunlight. The bandit leader swung his axe at them, but they dodged and parried with ease.

"Accursed knights, always tampering in others' affairs." The brigand spat out in distain.

Lyn moved in next, her sword striking out in quick, precise movements. The bandit leader grunted in frustration, his movements becoming more erratic as he struggled to defend himself against the trio.

Astrid stood back, channeling his magic to support his comrades. He summoned a magical shield around Sain, strengthening his defenses and allowing him to strike with even greater force. He also cast a spell on Kent, imbuing him with increased speed and agility.

Lyn noticed the effects of Astrid's magic and felt a renewed sense of determination. She lunged forward, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she struck the bandit leader with a series of powerful blows.

The bandit leader swung his axe, narrowly missing Sain, and turned to face Lyn. He charged at her, his axe raised high above his head, but she deftly dodged to the side and delivered a swift kick to his back.

The bandit leader staggered forward, his axe slipping from his grasp. Lyn pressed her advantage, delivering a flurry of rapid sword strikes that left him reeling.

Sain and Kent moved in next, striking the bandit leader from the sides. He roared in anger, swinging his fists and delivering powerful kicks in an effort to keep the trio at bay.

Astrid continued to support his comrades with his magic, enhancing their strength and speed as they battled the bandit leader. He also launched fireballs and wind blades at the brigand, distracting him and throwing him off-balance.

The fight continued for several minutes, with neither side gaining a decisive advantage. The bandit leader was tough and resilient, and he refused to go down without a fight.

But Lyn refused to give up. She continued to press forward, her sword flashing in the sunlight as she delivered blow after blow to the bandit leader.

The bandit leader staggered back, his axe clattering to the ground. He glared at Lyn with hatred, before lunging forward with a desperate punch.

Lyn dodged the punch with ease, then leaped forward, her sword glowing with a radiant energy. With a swift motion, she delivered a final strike to the bandit leader, a critical hit that sent him sprawling to the ground, defeated.

The bandit leader's body hit the ground with a resounding thud, causing the earth beneath them to tremble. He lay there motionless, his eyes staring blankly at the sky as he gasped for air, trying to say something as his life slowly ebbed away.

The bandit leader struggled to say something, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Blast…" He managed to say, before coughing up a spurt of blood.

"There was only... supposed to be a lone...girl." He continued, his words becoming more and more difficult to understand.

The bandit leader lay there, defeated. The battle was over, and they had emerged victorious.

"That's the last of them! Fantastic work, Astrid!" Lyn said happily.

With the threat neutralized, Astrid turned to his companions, a proud smile on his face.

"Excellent work, everyone! We make a great team." He said.

Sain and Kent nodded in agreement, wiping the sweat from their brows. Lyn smiled, feeling a sense of pride in what they had accomplished together.

"Yes, we do." She said, sheathing her sword. "And we couldn't have done it without your support, Astrid. Your magic made all the difference."

Astrid shrugged modestly.

"It was nothing" He said.

"Just doing my part to help the team." Astrid continued.

After taking a bit of rest and silence, Lyn decided to break the ice and turned to the knights.

"And now for these knights of Lycia." She said, gesturing towards Sain and Kent.


Woo... Long chapter again

Updated this cause Webnovel fuick up the formatting leading to walls of text with no spaces. Bravo Webnovel a simple copy and paste and you manage to mess up.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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