
Fire descendant: I fell in love with our attacker

Hi, I am Helen and I am the heir to an underground throne. My great grandmother was the ruler of Chizou's tribe (the fire tribe) and my grandfather who was supposed to be the next heir was sent into exile for falling in love with an human. It was said that a war will break out between the fire tribe and the water tribe and only the chosen person will be able to save the tribe. Am I the chosen person? Will I be able to save immortals?, Hmm but what happens after I fell in love with the rival team, our sole enemy?. If you're interested in this story, please make sure to add to your collection. I will be posting 15 chapters a week. So it will definitely keep you busy. Do good to support the book and give me a review.

Jesutofunmi_Lucas · Fantasía
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13 Chs

Great grandfather awakening

We got into the room where great-grandfather was kept, and when I saw him, I could not hold my surprise. He always appeared in my dreams; he was like my dream guardian. My mom couldn't hold her tears when she saw him; she ran to him and hugged him. Queen Alcou couldn't stop smiling seeing that. She then asked Mom how she could heal him. Mom then explained to Queen Alcou that she is a healer, and her dad taught her everything she needs to know about healing spiritual beings.

Immediately after I heard this, I got angry. Why did my mom hide this from me? I confronted her, but all she had to say was sorry; it never came up. I decided not to say anything yet, but I just kept piling up with everything mom has been doing, and I know the day I confront her, I will speak my mind. Mom started performing some funny rituals, like having weird dreams and jumping around. And yes, you guys know the next thing. I started laughing. Queen Alcou looked at me, and I kept quiet immediately. Suddenly, great-grandfather moved, his body came up like he was flying, and lights were surrounding him. I could not hold my disbelief. I pinched myself over and over again, and he was still up in the air. I looked at my mom in pride. My mom was great. I smiled and looked for what was next.

"Get me a seal," Mom said in a hurried tone to Queen Alcou. Queen Alcou called some words, and a funny-looking bowl came in front of mom. Mom took it, chanted some words in it, and placed it on my great-grandfather's chest. The bowl sucked out some dark substance, and it immediately locked. We waited in the room for about 30 minutes, then we heard it.

"Where, how?" Great-Grandfather was trying to talk, but Queen Alcou interrupted him.

"Brother, you're awake," she said, giving him a tight hug.

"Yes, I am awake, and how long have I been here?" my great-grandfather asked.

"two hundred years, brother, two hundred years," Queen Alcou answered him.

"two hundred years!, where's Wozing?" the great-grandfather asked.

"She is still in Chizou's tribe; she brought you here because of security reasons," Queen Alcou said.

"Is this Wofeila?" he asked, pointing to me.

"Yes, grandfather, she is," my mom answered.

"She is just as beautiful as you are," your great-grandfather said.

"POC, more beautiful than she is," I corrected my great-grandfather.

"(laughs) Yes, dear, and what's POC?" great-grandfather asked.

"Point of correction," I answered.

"Is that even a thing?" Mom asked.

"Yes, in Wofeila's dictionary," I said, and we all laughed. I am beginning to understand my dream little by little. I smiled and remembered that this was the name I was called in my dream.

"Great grandfather, what's your name?" I asked him.

"My name is Wuhan," my great-grandfather said.

"Wuhan, such a cute name, but why would you name your child Zouzou?" I asked.

"What's wrong with it?" the great-grandfather asked.

"I mean, it's so weird and funny, zouzou." I laughed while saying that.

"Zouzou means peace; it's a very lovely name, and you are as mischievous as Xiaola. I remember my granddaughter, who is very playful and cheerful. I miss you, my baby," my great-grandfather said.

"I miss you too," mom said, and they hugged themselves so tight that they started crying. I couldn't help but roll my eyes, and my great-grandmother-in-law just smiled.