

Briar Nightingale watched her husband smash things for the next one hour as she knitted quietly.

She knew stopping it was unnecessary, stopping it would possibly end with a blow to the head because he was 'blinded by his rage' and a soft 'sorry and kiss on the lips'

Besides, it was good to release yourself once in a while (doing good things and not smashing furniture) but Briar had realised each time it happened that it meant new furniture and who in the world refused such marvelous offers from the Universe?

"Who does he think he is?!"

Briar shrugged, he did not seem like a bad person to her and Jordan always started it.

Ever since they had met, he always initiated the fights.

Then as a teenager, she had liked the whole bad boy persona, until they got married and now it just irked her.

"I would...."