

BLURB: The rude and bossy Ava Munroe thought she had it all, but she never did. Wealth and riches couldn't afford her the one thing she secretly desired the most. Whereas, enthusiasic but broke Kane Waylen wanted more from life, having a lot to offer, but was limited. Through a rude encounter, fate causes their path to cross which sets both of them on a path to new discoveries. Exploring possibilities beyond their usual boundaries. Will this journey of discovery be to their good or to their detriment? Will the social class difference between them put them further apart or draw them closer?

Kaci_3540 · Ciudad
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54 Chs



"Oh my god! That's not what you think okay," Mr John said, as he turned and saw Lina standing beside him. 

"You don't have to bother yourself, I heard all the things you said about my friend," Lina said, laughing derogatorily.

"Look, I do not mean those things I've said okay. I was just provoke," Mr John explained, looking at Lina pitifully. He knew he was already In trouble because Lina was definitely going to tell Ava.

'What have I gotten myself into?' Mr John thought, angrily giving himself a dirty slap. Lina looked at him, forcing a smile on her face.

"Please, do not tell her anything okay. Those things i said just came out accidently," Mr John pleaded.

"I won't say anything to her, okay?" Lina assured him, as she looked at him seductively.

"That's fine. Thank you," Mr John appreciated, and took a deep breath, feeling relieved.

"But on one condition you know?" Lina said, bitting her lower lip as she walked closer to Mr John.

'What is she up to?' Mr John thought, wondering.

"What's the condition if may asked?" Mr John asked, frowning his brows.

"Not a hard one though, and you're going to love it as well," Lina said, moving her left hand slowly on Mr John's chest.

"Stop this please, don't you know where you're standing presently? Anyone could just walk in here," Mr John angrily said, as he could already tell what her intentions were.

"Please come off it. No other person uses the private elevator my friend's office except you in this hotel and you know it," Lina said.

"Can you go on with the condition? I have a lot to do on my desk".

"I want you. I want to have a good time with you," Lina proposes.

"What do you mean by that?" Mr John asked, claiming not to know. He wanted Lina to clearly state it.

"Why are you behaving like a child, gosh. I mean, I want to have you in bed," Lina explain, struggling to touch his dick as to make him fall for it.

"You mean, you want me to have sex with you?" Mr John asked.

"Exactly my point. You're going to enjoy it as well. Look at me, am a baddie you know," she said, doing a three sixty turn for Mr John.

"Hell no. I'm not going to do such a thing," Mr John boldly declined.

"Fine then, I'm left with no other choice than telling my friend. And you know what that means?" she threatened him.

"Why I you doing this to me?" Mr asked frustratedly.

"Don't you know you're the reason I usually comes here. I was looking for a perfect time to approach you."

"Look, I am married with two beautiful kids okay. So don't do this I beg you."

"Fine then," she said, angrily walking towards Ava's office.

"It's okay. But just once and that's all," Mr John accepted, as he was left with no other choice than to give in. He knew Ava was definitely going to fire him immediately she heard what he said about her.

And he wasn't ready to go home jobless, as the job was everything to him and his family.

His beautiful wife Celyn was layed off from her job after having a complicated delivery of their second child. She has been jobless since then.

"Good. This is my card, meet me up at 7:30 PM," she said, as she brought out a card from her pause. She walked back ward and handed over the card to him and headed to Ava's office, smiling victoriously.

Mr John looked at the card in his hand, tears ran down his cheeks. He has never cheated on his wife before. So he pained him that he had to cheat on her in other to secure his job.

He puts the card into his suit pocket, and frustratedly walked back to his office.


"Hey girl. How's work going?" Lina asked, as she got into Ava's office.

"Fine girl. Just having a bad day," Ava responded coldly.

"What's the matter?" Lina asked, as she grabbed one of the chairs facing Ava's table and took her seat. Placing her hand bag on the table. She hadn't sighted Kane yet.

"Over there," Ava called her attention to Kane.

"Whao! You've gotten a new PA?" Lina asked, wondering, as she sighted Kane sitting by the left hand side in Ava's office. That's was where Ava needed her PA to be for easy accessibility.

"Yeah. And he's giving me a terrible time," Ava responded.

"Just few days ago your formal PA resigned, now you've gotten a replacement already?" Lina asked, staring at Kane.

"I get whatever I want and whenever you know?" Ava proudly asked, as she rounded up with what she was doing.

"I know my friend. I told you, there was none like you huh?" Lina trying to sweet talk her.

"I know right," Ava responded, and they both laughed.

"This was why I loved having you around me," Ava said, feeling satisfied.

"I got you girl. You're an amazing woman,"Lina said.

"Thank you."

"Girl, this one is hot," Lina admired Kane.

"Hot you say?" Ava asked, and laughed derogatorily at Kane. "Girl, he looked like a frustrated pig."

"Am sure you'll clean him up to your standards," Lina said, and laughed.

"Definitely. I can't have him around me looking this way."

"So what brought you to my office?" Ava asked, suspiciously.

"Nothing really. I came around so I decided to check up on you," she lied.

"Why am I having this feelings that you're crushing on one of my staff?" Ava asked, looking into Lina's eyes.

"That's never possible. Am I that bad?" she asked.

"You're worse than that my friend," Ava responded, as she laughed out loud.

"Am gonna stop coming here to check on you, if that's what you want," Lina jokingly said.

"You and I know you can't stop," Ava said, as she continued laughing.

"Do you care for anything?" Ava asked. But Lina couldn't respond, because she was lost in imagination as she stared at Kane.

"Lina! Are you alright?" Ava asked, snapping her fingers on Lina's face, as she noticed how lost Lina was in thoughts.

"Yeah- yeah. Am good."


"So she had what they called laughter in her?" Kane asked, staring at both of them from his desk, wondering. He had never seen a single smile on Ava's face. So he had concluded Ava to be an arrogant boss.

Ava snapped both her fingers, calling Kane's attention.

"Hope I haven't gotten myself into another trouble?" Kane asked himself, as he quickly stood up and walked to his boss table.