
Fire's Of Enmity

Kerina_Irusan · Adolescente
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2 Chs


Verena Hernández

My blood boils at the sight of him, all the memories are coming back. I can't stop the awful memories of how my parents suffered. In a fit of rage, I gulp down the rest of the drink and throw the bottle at his head with as much force as possible.

He manages to duck in time, which enrages me more. I jump off the counter and storm past him before anything happens.

I run up the staircase which leads to a long hallway with many rooms, I rush into the third room, just incase someone checks the rooms, it would give me enough time to inform Tiago not to come.

Killing him sounds like the best idea but definitely not in front of hundreds of people.

I lock the door, I rush towards the giant window, in the middle of the wall. I take my phone out of my bag, standing close to the window.

I dial Santiago first, the phone rings and i open the window wide, in case anything happens, it would seem like i escaped but I'm on the second floor.

He answers, "Hello?" I can hear him driving, thank god. "Santiago, listen to me carefully," I whisper but speak loud enough for him to hear, I take out the gun that I had in my bag, holding it in a vice grip.

"Do not come to the party, whatever you do, do not come here. The Italians are here." I spit out the last sentence like it's acid in my throat. I should have been more careful, I'm on Italian grounds.

"What? Are you okay? Get out of there!" His voice sounds panicked and I hear tires screech. "I'm fine, I'm going to call Leon, go home. Now." I cut the call. I hear crashing from what I assume to be in the first room.

I panic, dialing Leon, it starts to ring, come on, pick up, please. I hear voices, loud over the music. I end the call when he doesn't answer. I don't have enough time to phone the others. Where are the guards when you need them, seriously.

"Check every single room!" He shouts, suddenly the handle on this room's door starts rattling, "Boss, the door is locked, she's in here!" I look around for a place to hide knowing if I jump, they'll catch me quicker.

I look around and there is a big cupboard against the wall right behind me, a few feet away from the window, there is a small gap, small enough for me to fit in. I hide there, with the lights off they won't see me.

I quickly put my phone on silent mode, stuffing it into my purse. I cock the gun, adjusting the silencer. I'm thankful that the cupboard is long and big enough so even if I stretch my arms out forward they still won't see me.

The door is broken down, someone rushes towards the window in front of me. He's probably a guard. "Looks like she escaped boss.." He seems nervous, scared as he stares down at the ground throught the opened window.

Slowly, in the dark, I raise my weapon. I aim it for his head, and pull the trigger just as he was to turn around and leave. His eyes are wide as blood oozes out of his forehead, before he falls to the ground with a thud.

With how my shot was and how he was facing towards the window, they'll probably suspect I shot him from outside. I hear loud cussing before I hear them run but it grows distant, phew.

I wait for about a minute, with my gun still raised, I stand out of the darkness, I point it towards the door that is now broken and there's no one there. With slow steps, I walk towards the exit.

When I'm close to the door, I press my back against the wall, and look through my pherpheral view, when I see no one on the right, I place the gun back into my purse and take out my dagger. I step closer to the door frame and check if there's anyone on the right. No one.

I hold the dagger tightly in my hand, my first few steps are cautious before I relax, just the slightest. As I pass the second door, I check inside quickly through the hallway to see if anyone is hiding there. No one.

I sign in relief, and start walking towards the staircase. Just as I was about to take the first step down the stairs, a hand covers my mouth from behind and I'm pulled into a room, the only door I didn't check... the first door.

I'm thrown inside and the door locks, I turn around and glare at him and he levels me with the exact same. He stalks towards me and stands in front of me.

On instinct, I press the blade against his neck. He grits his teeth as I press it hard against his skin, the action resulting in the blade piercing his skin, causing it to bleed.

He has space behind him to move back, but no, he takes a step forward, the blade pushing further into his skin. "You're on our territory Verena." His glares burns into my skin.

"Yet you're not letting me leave," I hiss at him, he grabs my throat, pushing me back and forcing me to take steps backwards.

"Why would I? Maybe I could send your head to your brothers with a pretty pink bow, huh? Maybe then you'll know to stay off our terf." He growls.

"If I remember correctly, you and your empire came onto our land, in our country, slaughtered not only hundreds of our guards but my parents too." I glower at him.

"Besides, I'd prefer a black bow drenched in your blood," swiftly, I move the dagger from his neck and stab his shoulder, I moved too fast for him to notice, I twist the blade into the wound before pushing him aside.

I rush towards the door, quickly unlocking the door and rushing down the stairs. I rush onto the dance floor, looking around for Lily, we have to leave now.

I panic when I don't find her, I move off of the dance floor and rush to the kitchen, living room, outside, no where. I quickly grab my phone, finding a message from her.


Hey girly, I left early, I was looking for you to tell you but I didn't find you. I'll see you tomorrow xx

Relief fills my chest knowing that she's safe. I replied back, telling her to let me know when she's home, safely but I pause, how did she get home?

I dial her number, after 2 rings she answers, "How are you getting home?" Did one of his guards lie to her and take her? God.

"Urhh..." She let's out a nervous chuckle, "I may or may not have taken your car..." I can js hear the nervous smile she wears on her face.

I sigh, shaking my head, my lips tug upwards as I start to smile. "Don't crash it and be careful." I cut the call and start walking, my place isn't that far away from here.

Bending over, I remove my heels and hold them together by the straps in one hand and with that I start fast walking, maybe even jogging. I have to get home.

Knowing what they are capable off, I'd rather not risk anything now, after 2 or 3 minutes I start running.

I'm around 4 minutes away, I think. I grab the gun - again - and continue running after I hear a car, I look over my shoulder for a second and spot a black SUV, shit.

The windows roll down and bullets fly everywhere, one grazing my upper arm and the other hitting the muscle in my shoulder, i hiss in pain at the feelingof it embedding itself into my flesh.

Cocking the gun, I aim for the tires, once I shoot the front left tire, the vehicle swerve's, I take that as my opportunity to shoot the driver in the head and watch as they drive off the road into the tree's.

After what felt like forever, I'm at the front gates of home. I took the back road as it felt like it was easier to get in as I had the keys and it's a road only we use. So it's safe.

I enter through the back, once I step foot into the house, the adrenaline wears off and I start to feel the pain.

I wince, my feet are bleeding, great, just great. Before I step onto the tiles I put on my heels so I don't dirty up the floors. It's hard removing blood of the floor.

I walk up into the living room to take the staircase leading to my bedroom but unfortunately everyone besides Tiago was sitting in the living room, looking tense as hell. I hope Santiago came back home.

I need to clean up before anyone notices. I creep up the stairs slowly and once I'm up I rush to my room, I open it to find Tiago sitting on my bed.

His head snaps up at the sound of the door opening, his eyes widen as he looks at my condition. "Before you do or say anything, I need to get stitched up so if you excuse me." I smile and walk into my joint bathroom.

First I need to sort my feet out, the rest I'll do after. I sit on the stool in my bathroom and take out the med kit from under the sink. I leave it on the counter, quickly locking the bathroom door.

I strip of my clothes, wincing as the muscle in my shoulder flexes. I turn on the shower, I need to rinse of the dirt first before disinfecting it.

Once the dirt is off, u wrap a towel around myself, drying off and taking a seat back on the stool. I used a disinfectant to remove the germs then put the ointment from the container on the cuts before wrapping it.

Now the one on my arm, I disinfect it too. It's not that bad but it's slightly deep so I bandage it.

Now for the worst part, removing the bullet from my shoulder. I quickly put on some clothes but use a spaghetti strap tank top.

I unlock the bathroom door and Tiago is still there, "Can you go to the east wing and bring me an arm sling, please." I smile at him innocently. He sighs, but nods and walks away.

I grab a metal tray from under the sink and place it next to me on the counter in the bathroom. I take the tweezers from the med kit, I sit on the stool after I move it next to the sink.

I use the mirror for help too, I take a deep shaky breath as I bring the tweezers to the wound. Digging the tweezers into my wound, I pause, shutting my eyes at the pain.

I manage to grab the bullet and pull it out, "F*ck!!" I yelp loudly as I pull it out, I toss the bloodied tweezers into the tray along with the bullets, I wince as blood oozes out of the bullet wound.

With shaky hands, I try to get the stitches ready when the bathroom door busts open. "What the heck?" Xavier says as he looks at the blood.

"Hi," I smile sheepishly. "Nah uh, dont 'hi' us Missy, what have you been doing?" Felix glares at the bullet. "Nothing." I almost shrug, but don't.

Turning back around, I go to set up the stitches when they all remove it from my hold, and demand they do it for me.

"I'm fine, I promise." I groan when I try to grab the kit back but they refuse to leave it. "Shut up, you've been shot, let us help you." Landon says, I roll my eyes but I smile widely.

"Where is she?!?" Leon's voice booms as he enter my bedroom until he finds the crowded bathroom. "Move!" He pushes past the boys and crouches in front of me.

He inspects my wound, "Bastards... pass the kit," without looking at them, he extends his arm back for them to give him the kit. "We'll do–" "Give it, now. Don't make me repeat myself."

Felix passes the kit to Leon, he puts a disinfectant on a cotton ball and places it against the bullet wound. I swallow harshly, gritting my teeth.

He removes it and blows gently on the wound, once cleaned, he gets the stitches ready. "I can do it myself Leon, I'm an adult not a child, I'll manage." I try to grab the needle and surgical thread but he moves his hand back.

"Shut the f*ck up." He mumbles angrily, "You may be an adult but you're still my baby sister." Reluctantly, I sit still. My eye twitches as he inserts the needle into my skin, stitching me up.

"Here's the sling." Santiago walks back into the bathroom, luckily my bathroom is huge otherwise we'd never have all fit in here. Leon cuts the thread once he finishes and he places a sterile adhesive patch over the stitching before wrapping a bandage around it.

He takes the arm sling from Tiago and helps me put it on. "Better?" He asks, I nod, the alcohol I consumed will help with the pain for a bit but it will wear off by tomorrow.

"The party was on Italian grounds." I should have known. "What happened?" Xavier questions me as he holds a glass of water.

I guess he must have went to the kitchen while I was getting stitched up. Maybe Felix sent Landon to his room because he's not here anymore.

"Thanks," I down the glass of water greedily, almost groaning at the cold sensation, feeling it in my chest.

I tell them what happened from the time I entered the kitchen, leaving out the fact u finished an entire bottle of alcohol.

"...and here I am now." After every sentence I said, they seemed to get more enraged, mostly Felix and Leon. "I miss my dagger, poor thing is tainted in dirty blood." I pout.

They all roll their eyes or shake their heads, but end up smiling. "Poor child, I'll get you a new one, Kid." Xavier says, ruffling my hair up slightly. "Shut up old man, and thanks." I stick my tongue out at him. He chuckles.

I yawn and then I realize how tired I was, "I'm going to bed, I'll speak to you guys tomorrow." I wake up slowly, my feet aren't injured that bad so I can walk. I walk into my room with the boys.

They wish me good night before they all leave, closing the door behind them. I walk up to the door and lock it, before getting into bed and turning off the lights.

With extra caution I settle in bed, trying not to touch any of the wounds. I look at the window at the far end of my room, watching the moonlight spill into my room, adorning the room with its beauty.

With a soft sigh, I close my eyes, and wait for darkness to envelope me and I embrace it when it arrives.

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Kerina_Irusancreators' thoughts