
1. Anne and Leo

Before you read this story, I would like to make it very apparent that in this story both Anne, Sasha and Marcy have been aged up to 16, Spring can be considered either or 12 or 13 I'll decided later in the chapter since his age doesn't it'll just be better for the story in the long-run. It'll be update pretty infrequently to be honest, but I'll notify if there's going to be a long period of time before the next one. I've had the thought of this story for a while and I have a lot of ideas for what to do with Leo's character, he's got a lot more to him then it seems; with that, I hope you enjoy the chapter.



Trudging through the dense forest, they lifted their right foot, feeling as if it suddenly weighed a significant amount more than it did previously. Perhaps it was all the mud they'd collected at the soles of their shoes; it was as if another layer had been added to them entirely.

They pushed through the thick brambles, each wall of vines being sharper than the last. At this point though, they didn't seem to mind the countless scrapes, bruises and bleeding cuts that was over every inch of his body.

All they could think about was where they were going? What were they doing out here?

Their memory was foggy, and yet at the same time there was intervals of his mind that he could recollect almost perfectly.

His name, for starters was Leo. There was no last name he could think back on, but that seemed right, they didn't think they ever even had a last one.

Where they were, it was a frog-filled land with amphibians of all kind inhabiting it. Frogs, toads and newts seemed to be the main front runners of the society, all having a hierarchy of their own.

Other than that, though, their mind was blank. Sure, they knew the most basic of social cues and manners but it was mostly a blank state.

The tree's spaced out as they continued forward, washing their weirdly mechanical shoes off of mud that was over it, they of course had a soft interior and a surprisingly comfortable spring whenever they moved, but the outline still seemed as if they'd been made for a robot.

It wasn't like they cared all that much, they'd could've been skulking throughout the entire woods in nothing but bare feet and wouldn't have cared all that much.

Sure, it would've hurt like all hell but they would've kept going nonetheless.

Observing their clothes for one of the first times since they'd woken up and began walking, it seemed rather plain, all things considered. The shirt being a plain white, still in fairly good shape despite the trek they'd been through – the trousers were brown and baggy, completely void of any wear and tear.

Getting up from the log they'd been sitting on, Leo dusted himself off of the few spiderwebs that had fallen over his shoulders.

He took his reasonably large figure off even deeper into the canopy, unaware of the town he was closing the distance on.

"Anne, hurry up! You know Hop Pop will start complaining if we're not in the wagon as soon as he tells us to," Sprig Plantar, a young 13-year-old frog called out to his friend who currently rummaging around in the basement of the farm.

"Uh, HP really is too much of an old codger. He's gotta learn not to rush people.." Anne Boonchuy, resident 16-year-old human girl. She'd somehow been transported to Amphibia via a magical music box, and now she found herself stuck in the town of Wartwood.

Due to her sudden appearance, the mountains that encased the entire valley had not yet opened up to clear a pathway, so she'd be trapped there for a while before she could make any real progress of getting home.

Both Sprig and Anne had quickly became friends, not only on the first meeting but even more so after a few near death experiences and life lessons.

And even if Anne had been expected by the townspeople, but now they at least tolerated her.

"Anne, Spring! If you ain't out here in the next 5 seconds than I'm leaving without yah!" Hop pop, the much older orange frog threatened from the top of his wagon, it was old and dingy, being driven by the family snail, Bessy.

And rounding out the Plantar family was Polly, much younger than her sibling and grandparent, she was in fact still a tadpole and resided in her own water filled bucket. She was more rambunctious and power-crazed than anyone, despite her size.

The two friends quickly booted the front door open and made a last effort dive for the wagon landing on the back with a thud.

"Made it..." Anne announced lowly, pumping her fist into the air with pride.

Sprig had suffered a much nastier collision, shaking himself back to reality and catching Hop Pop glare burning though his soul.

He didn't say much else as he whipped the reins forward starting them off towards the town Centre of Wartwood.

"So, HP why are we going into town. I swear we did the shopping yesterday?" Anne questioned aloud, now leaning over the side of the wagon, letting the wind race past her hand.

"Wait you did?" Polly spoke up first with a question of her own.

Anne suddenly had a much sourer look on her face, "Trust me Polly, when you have to start doing proper shopping runs with Hop Pop...you'll understand."

"Stop being so dramatic, it wasn't even that bad."

"You stared a glue for 2 and half hours!" She exclaimed back.

"Only two? Heh, you got off lucky Anne, I was spent a whole day in the vegetable isle.." Sprig added, a dark shadow cast over his face.

The two of them shared a laugh as they continued chatting until they made it to Wartwood, where Anne waved to most of the residents she knew, few waved back and only a select amount chose to only smile.

'Well, it's better than them all screaming and running away.'

Thinking on it though, Anne was starting to wonder if either Sasha or Marcy where here in Amphibia as well, or had she really been sent here all alone.

She had to make sure, that if they were here that they were safe. Although Anne couldn't deny that she was feeling a little sad without having either of them around.

"Hey Anne, you, ok?" Tugging on her school shirt was Sprig looking up at her with a slightly worried expression.

Seeing who it was made Anne feel at ease a bit, after all Sprig had been the one friend she'd had since her arrival in Amphibia and it almost felt different than the friendship, she'd had with her only two best friends back home.

"I'm good, just thinking about stuff. Glad you here buddy," Giving him a soft smile, Anne pat his saggy hat, ruffling it up ever so slightly.

Upon their arrival, they got a few passing glances but other than that it was just a normal outing through the town, "Wait you didn't even tell us why we were here HP, I really gotta stop going off on tangents."

"We're here because the farm hasn't been selling all the well as of late, so I need to set up the stand at the earliest and hottest time of day for sales," Hopediah explained, albeit a little solemnly as he began to quicken his pace through the market.

Anne couldn't help but feel bad, there wasn't much she could do to help in this scenario. No amount of hard work on the field would do anything to how well they were selling.

As they continued over to the market area, neither of them even noticed Ivy watching Sprig from the treetops above, "Don't worry Anne, things always get a little difficult this time of year. We just have to cut on spending a little.

"Yeah, I know. That was before though, with another mouth to feed it'll be a lot harder," Anne sulked apologetically.

"You're too hard on yourself girl, I'm sure Hop Pop can figure something out, he always does!" Polly reassured her, hopping ahead with her bucket.

Suddenly, Ivy engaged her attack, "AMBUSH!" She declared, plummeting right into the young Plantar boy, sending the two of them tumbling.

"No! You got me again, but I thought you out with your mum today?" Sprig asked raising a brow.

"That's why I rushed over here; I think we found another gangly beast like Anne!" Ivy responded with a confident grin.


With absolutely no hesitation, Anne shoved past Sprig and made his way to Ivy, "Where? What did they look like, do you have them now?" She bombarded the poor frog girl with a barrage of question.

"O-Out in the woods, I think they were hunting for food," She stammered out, definitely intimidated by her glaring stare.

'That could be Sasha, she could be here!'

Anne nodded Ivy her thanks and sprinted off towards the large, oak trees; Sprig following close behind.

Leo gathered his scarce belonging; he didn't have much on his person anyway. Picking up the sharpened large stick, now making it into a hunting spear.

He had to after all, there was creatures of all kinds inhabiting these woods. That wasn't even mentioning the frogs he'd come across during his scavenge for any kind of assortment of nuts, fruits and even animals he could kill.

It was good thing that he saw them though, it meant there had to be a civilization close by, maybe even right next to the woods.

The only downside was that he'd been interrupted doing the stalking mission where he was trying to trap and soon cook a large praying mantis.

Now he was forced to swallow the assortment of dry berries and plants he'd collected, even if it was for survival, Leo at least had his standards and limits.

That limit was eating bugs, it could be force fed to him and it wouldn't matter, he would not eat them.

As he ate, reluctantly swallowing the food with a grim expression he heard wind of leafs being crunched under something running at a swift pace - seemingly towards him.

Stick and branches were soon kicked away and snapped off trees with no regard whatsoever. That was good, it meant they were just a few meters away, he'd chosen this spot for this exact reason.

If any monster, frog, toad or creature came to attack he'd know!

Strange, that was all Leo could think at those racing thoughts. Why was he so adaptive to any environment? And how did he have such acute knowledge of her to hunt, trap and plan ahead for a fight.

To be honest, he didn't hate that he had the ability to do it, he was mainly just confused.

Darting out from the large, towering tree that Leo had lit his campfire. Was a figure that seemed to be in the same shape he was, not possessing the usual biped appendages that the froggy creatures of this world did.

They were just like him.

Although he had a somewhat relieved look on his face, the resembling stranger looked lost more than anything as well as frustrated like they were expecting him to be someone else.

"Who...are you?" She finally opened her mouth, now wearing an aghast appearance.

Swallowing the larger than anticipated lump in his throat, Leo finally opened his own, "Leo. I'm just Leo."

The two sat down in the midst of the flickering fire, both on opposite sides of the camp, "So you don't remember anything?" Anne repeated, trying to process everything she'd heard, even though she was now in another world; everything she'd just been explained seem a bit farfetched.

"No, not anything other than the basic and these weird...skills, I don't think I've ever hunted in my life but for some reason, I just knew how?" Leo was exactly doing the best job at answering the plethora of questions the brown-haired girl had for him.

In fact, this was the first time he said a word since he woke up with his memories wiped from his brain.

Anne didn't reply to what he'd said, instead giving the boy in front of her a good look. In all honesty, he just looked like any other kid she'd see back at high school, nothing about was all the incredible.

Well, that was apart from the snow-white hair that adorned his head. The top was smooth and slick but it eventually spiked downward and out in any other direction, not to the degree that it looked messy, he honestly looks like a typical romance anime protagonist just with outward prickly hair.

Now that she thought about it, Leo's face was what really stood out to her. His almost scary blood red eyes, it was pretty inhumane for anyone to have that kind of color and there was no way he'd be wearing contacts.

His face was fairly pale to, not enough to really take notice of. But you would definitely see the difference if you compared him to anyone else back home.

"Were you expecting me to be someone else?" Leo blurted out; a stoic look on his face.

'He's so abrupt...he didn't even think about if he should ask me or not'

Twiddling with her fingers, Anne wondered whether or not she should really spill her guts out to a total stranger she'd never met before.

Well, there wasn't really any other human she could talk to, "I thought...you might've been one of my friends."

Leo paused for a second, not knowing what else to say. He was surprised to hear that there could actually be other people in this world, wherever they were maybe they could help him figure out who he was.

He seemed to be like Anne in a way, human. His fingers were a bit disjointed, as well as he legs but he mainly blamed that on all of the injuries he'd ignored on the way here.

"Sorry, about your friends. I don't know what to say, since I don't know them or anything about friends right now there's not much I can say.."

Anne squinted at the boy suspiciously, he really did have the most deadpan expression she'd ever seen someone have.

'He's a little weird to be honest...Sasha would have zoned him with a couple seconds'

She watched Leo, poorly cut up the various fruits he'd gathered some of them spilling onto the dirty floor, not that it bothered him in any way.

"Woah, dude you can't eat that you'll probably catch some disease!" She quickly swatted it from Leo's hand, the boy gasping all the same.

"...My food."

"Look, pass it here I'll cut and you can cook," She tried not to think about how she sounded like her mum, snatching the fruits from his hand gently slicing through them with the stick Leo had on his person.

'It's dirty, but better..'

She didn't know what to think of the peculiar, blandly-spoken boy. What she knew at the very least, was she'd do her best to help him out, after all it'd be nice to talk to another human again.

Unbeknownst to her though, Leo was more than likely to be her first true human friend.


And finished, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I feel as if it's a good start to the story, after the next chapter. I'll lean a little into the actual episodes from season 1 of the show some more, with some original story chapters sprinkled in there.