
Finding You (Me, Us, We).

It's cold...and with darkness surrounding her she is sitting with her knees near her chest and her head buried between her folded arms. 'FAMILY', it was her everything. All she wished was for her family to be together happily which was more than anyone and anything for her. But destiny and fate don't let anyone have their way. The accidental death of her parents, and her brother leaving her all alone, made her lost and abandoned. "It's all your fault that they are dead!" such words said by her brother while leaving made her all devastated. On her way to seek an apology with the help of her brother's friend, they both meet with an accident, which results in some of her memory loss. With shock and fear, she closed herself from everyone. In loneliness, she engaged herself with books. Later, on hearing this, her brother returns. Now living with her brother, she encounters the known and unknowns and events in her life. This Is Her STORY.

ariya_taheem · Adolescente
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33 Chs

Chapter. 29. The school annual function.

Max silently watched Aai and Ren.

After staying for a while, Ren got a call and was leaving.

Ren: "Then everyone, keep up the work".

Max: "When will you return?".

Ren: "....Just some work. Don't worry I'll come to see your show. Have fun".

Aai stood there quietly. Ren walked to her and patting her said, "See ya kid..!!".

As Ren was about to walk, Aai held his sleeves.

Ren: "...? Kid...?".

Aai: "...Oh!? Sorry...". She let go.

Ren: "...I'll be back". Saying he left.

Max: "....".

Days passed and it was the school's annual day.

Everyone was excited and happy. Numerous people visited. The student's family, friends, lovers...visited.

Aai on the other hand thought of skipping but was called over by her group leader. She stayed in a room looking out at things. Through the window, she saw others with their family, showing them around happily.

She pulled over the curtain and sat on the ground, stretching out her feet straight and leaning towards the wall. She, in the past always attended her school function with her mother mostly. Just like those students, she used to show her mom around, eat, and have fun.

Aai: "...".

As she was thinking the room door opened.

Max: "Oh! What are you doing here?...".

Aai: "....Nothing".

Max: "...Are you alright?".

Aai: "It's nothing...what's the matter?". She said as she was getting up.

Max: "Oh! I was asked to bring some things for the play....come with me".

Max took Aai with him. As they were walking backstage, Aai was called by. The two turned to see Belis running towards them wearing her costume.

Belis: "SENIOR!...You came!...!". Saying she paused noticing Max besides.

Max: ".?..".

Belis: "I'm borrowing senior...". She, holding Aai's hand walked at a distance.

Aai: "Belis?".

Belis: "Tsk! There's someone or other annoyance... " she murmured.

Aai: "Huh?".

Belis: "Oh! Nothing senior. Did you come for me, mm?".

Aai: "You asked so....Umm didn't Idris come?".

Belis: "I don't know. He seemed to be busy with work..."

Aai: "Did you invite him?".

Belis: "Ah! Mmm...I couldn't...".

Aai sighed.

Belis: "I'm so happy you came. My group will be performing after lunch followed by my solo. You must watch me, okay?".

Aai: "...Yeah, sure".

Belis: "Look at me senior...Well then I've to go back, be sure to be on time!".

Belis ran away and Aai walked her way to the backstage.

Few more groups were going to perform. Aai walked towards Max who was waving over.

Max: "Hey! You know brother said that he would be a little late to come".

Aai: "..Ren?..". She locked eyes with Max.

Max: "It...It's not bad. Our play has been shifted to the afternoon. Aaa! I'm so nervous". He scratched his head.

Aai: "Just enjoy yourself. You all have been practising so far, the result would be satisfying".

Max: "...Hehe you're right".

Chase: "Aai's right. Let's enjoy yourselves".

Everyone was relaxed hearing Aai and Chase and cheered for themselves.

Max: "You sure speak the right words when needed, hehe".

Aai: "Stop that!".

Max tousled Aai's hair.

Aai till time roamed around then stayed at one place till Belis's show.

It was Belis's group performance at first followed by Max's play then Belis's solo performance.

The 1st two shows went well and received cheers from the audience. Aai as she was returning from the washroom, she heard some girls talking about the stage and the lights.


"Who's there?...!!".

Aai: "...You, What we're you talking about?".

: "N..nothing..".

Aai: "Wait aren't you that girl? What are you up to now?". Aai was anxious and glared at them.

Shanai: "...um!!".

Aai: "SPEAK!".

Shanai: "..It...it wasn't us.. .We didn't do anything!!".

Shanai with two girls were planning to ruin Belis's solo performance by ruining the stage lights. According to them they were messing with the lights and curtain arrangement but couldn't do much. Leaving the work half done the three were nervous and afraid of their act's results.

Aai ran towards the stage. Belis's show was about to begin. She ran to backstage to stop Belis. The curtain opened welcoming Belis. The opening went smoothly. Aai halted at the side of the stage. Belis noticed Aai and happiness flashed her face. As she started playing her violent,

Aai: "WATCH OUT!!".