
Finding The Way Home - Together We Win Together We Survive

“Let your heart cry out today, I am with you.” He provided her the assurance which she needed the most at this time. She pulled away her face from his grip. He placed his hand over her hand on the bench. She didn’t pulled that away. She was scared. ------ Story of university friends who are hacked and threatened by a professional hacker seeking revenge. Group of five boys makes a plan to fight him back. Farris to lead the team while when they come against a girl Alizeh who was the victim of the same hacker, They all decide to fight together for each other.

AshAysha · Acción
Sin suficientes valoraciones
2 Chs


It was the mid of autumn and final exam week was at hand. Libraries were filled with students pulling their hairs and stuffing their stomach with coffee and instant food supplies; teachers were having back to back long revision classes from morning to evening for the senior batches while some students were busy in preparing for their farewell. But here; some weird, mystifying and slap-happy people residing in the university enjoying their life being less bothered about their graduation but little could they know about what the coming days was holding up for them.


"What is his name?" Farris saw directly into his eyes, who was handcuffed from behind but still had an evil smile on his face. It was crystal clear; he didn't felt any kind of remorse about what he did.

Handcuffed person smirked and said,

"It's me!" And he laughed loudly, his laugh echoing in warehouse built underground, disgusting enough to make your ears sick.

Aariz raised his hand and slapped him hard at the right side of the face so hard creating fingerprints on his cheeks. But that person had a sickening, unflattering personality. He laughed again evilly in response.


"Farris! Farris! Wake up right now! It's already 8:00 am!" Fajr shouted out of frustration, she was continuously knocking, no almost banging the door to wake up the person who was sleeping like a dead person.

"He is such a pain." She mumbled to herself.

"I'm already awake Maa, you don't have to hit the door so hard, was having my shower, I'll be out in minutes." He said pulling out his face from the blanket.

"Okay I am waiting downstairs at the table, hurry up." Her voice came from the outside.

Farris peeked out from blanket and pulled out his ear to hear her steps going far away from the room.

He released a sigh and threw his blanket on the side sitting up straight on the bed.

"Why? Just tell me why do we have to study? I can run my business even without this qualification but no I have to study." He cried out to himself being irritated from waking up early.

"Ugh!" He was disgusted by this routine.

He slammed his right foot on the floor and walked towards the windows. He removed the curtains and was captured by cloudy sky. It was about to rain.

"Such a beautiful weather and instead of enjoying it with someone I have to prepare to leave, poor me." He groaned.

After 10 minutes he was ready to go, dressed up in white shirt with black jeans and white sneakers underneath. He was reflecting upon himself in mirror when he felt something was missing.

"Watch! Yes I forgot to wear my love."

He went towards his cupboard to fetch his recently bought Rolex and wore it proudly. He took a glance over his appearance and left the room picking up the backpack.

"Maa I'm sorry I can't have breakfast today, I'm late and Sir Haroon is probably the strictest person in our university and to be very honest I don't want to be scolded on such a beautiful day." He said to Fajr who was standing near the oven setting temperature for baking the cake.

"You won't change right?" Fajr turned her face towards him and having his idiotic smile in response she couldn't help but kiss his forehead and prayed for his safety.

"Smell is good, are you baking it for me?" His eyes widened with sparks.

"No, it is for my regular customer, she has birthday today so it is complimentary." Fajr explained precisely.

"Oh Okay, You care a lot more about your customers than your own son Maa, that's not fair." He teased her at which her response was just as expected; she slapped him at his back.

"Obviously, they pay me for my services but you are just my credit." She said sarcastically.

"Maaa!" He was left speechless after hearing his mother comments.

"You are really unjust."

"I think you are getting late Farris." She was holding up her smile and indicated towards the clock.

"OHHHH, THAT'S BAD. BYE MAA, TAKE CARE." He picked his keys and ran towards the door.

Fajr chuckled and smiled, they always had this kind of bonding.

She was sweating all over from head to toe after running for 30 minutes. She headed towards her house and as she entered, she was greeted by her younger sister.

"Ally! You are here; I was almost about to call you, we are having breakfast."

"Let me take some breathes and a shower Hoor." Alizeh threw herself on the couch in lounge.

After releasing some deep breathes into the air she went up to the room to take shower.

She dressed up in a plain purple shirt with a white straight trouser. She wore her usual perfume and gifted Raymond Weil watch.

Then she went down to the dining room wearing her backpack to have breakfast with her family.

"Good morning Baba and Mama." Alizeh hugged her father from the back who was busy in spreading butter on his bread.

She pulled out a chair for herself.

"Good morning sweetheart, how is everything going?" Mahir her father asked affectionately.

"All good baba." She replied.

Rest of the breakfast time was spent in silence.

"Okay my little family I'm going will see you guys after a month." Alizeh stood from her chair, picked her bag and kissed her parents who replied with the same.

"One month? What do you mean?" Her mother raised her concern immediately.

"It's exam season Mama! And unfortunately, you have a dumb and lazy child." Alizeh gave her an obvious look.

While her father and younger sister were hoding their smiles on imagining of upcoming scene which was going to go live in minutes.

"Again! missed classes Alizeh?" Her mother slammed at the table and stood in anger.

"Maa please I am ready to go, let me be in peace this time I will take regular classes from next semester." She pleaded.

"Next semester? You don't want to graduate in these exams?" Shanzay glared at her resting hands at her sides.

Alizeh hit her head by hand because of the grave mistake made by her. She didn't even remembered that it was her last semester.

Alizeh turned towards her father with the helpless look.

"Baba! I'm leaving her at you, I really don't want to ruin my look today."

"No one would like a lazy person like you even after that all preparation too, so don't bother." Shanzay said sarcastically to Alizeh who was on way to leave the house.

"Okay! Take a seat and have breakfast now, wish her luck instead of taunting." Mahir asked her wife to be kind.

As she took the seat, Alizeh came back.

"See you too my cupcake." She pulled the cheeks of Hoorain who was busy spreading nutella on her bread.

"Allyyy, It hurts." She protested.

"Okayy, won't do this again." She chuckled and pulled her cheeks again.

Hoorain was about to pull Alizeh's hair but she was quick. She left immediately and with it both Mahir and his wife laughed at them who was angry a moment ago

Hoorain rested herself back on chair with her cheeks being red.

__________________________________________________________________________Farris stooped in his black lexus which he bought a year before when he enjoyed lucrative profits after the struggle of 3 years in his business.

He was now headed over to Greentech University.

He pulled his hand towards the song system and played "LOVESTORY BY TAYLOR SWIFT"

I wish I wasn't single.

He was imagining his date person but arrival at the destination put a halt at his fantasy.

He was turning his car towards the parking lot when another black Lexus appeared along with it and in haste, both of the cars collided.

Farris stepped out of the car immediately. Person from the next car did the same.

"Are you blind or drunk? Weren't you able to check if someone is coming or not." The person from another car burst on him as he approached.

"Wait a second lady, if that's the case you can do the same." Farris answered her directly seeing her into her eyes.

"You will have to compensate Mr." She replied commandingly.

"So do you, or shall we both go to police station?" He smirked and rested his back on the car.

"You are so annoying." The lady was irritated by him.

"The thing is we both are to blame for this situation so you are unable to make me feel sorry and that's getting on your nerves." His lips curved into a short smile.

He was enjoying her frustration but it was infuriating her.

"Can you move so I can move my car Mr." She asked him controlling her anger.

"I am not Mr. I am Farris Agha but you can call me Farris." Farris did not wanted to end this fun soon.

"Whatever you are I am not interested Mr." She looked away from his face; she was losing her patience now.

"It's Farris!" He emphasized on his name and pulled his face in front of her.

"Okay Farris, can you move now?" She gave up on his stubbornness and was now waiting for his movement.

"Okay, here you go." He smiled and made his way back to the car.

"Such a bottleneck." She murmured.

"I can hear you." He said with his back facing her.

"Uhh" She wanted to slam his head on the car but she pulled the gear and tightened her grip on the steering wheel to reverse while his lips were smiling like he enjoyed this whole situation a lot.

Farris made his way in the parking lot, the girl followed him.

The lady parked her car at opposite side of where he was parking his own car. She was simply dressed and walked towards the campus entrance.

Farris eyes travelled with the steps of that girl.

"She is a cute angry bird." Farris laughed at remembering his altercation with her.

"It was fun but hell, my car got damaged it was costly." He placed his head on the steering wheel but suddenly the sound of rainfall straightened him up.

"Oh shit, I have just 2 minutes left to reach the class, Farris run." And he locked his car hurriedly and ran towards the classrooms but because of stormy rain his clothes became a whole mess on the way.


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