
Finding Ally

In this heart stopping thriller, mystery and romance, Megan who has felt like she has been followed her whole life becomes best friends with a girl who has the same experience, they become inseparable, but Ally soon goes missing. Will Megan and her sworn protecter find Ally or the horrific truth?

Gemma_cochrane · Adolescente
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

After Ally found me; broken down, we got closer than ever; I almost forgot about Ethan. We went from a "how are you?" In the hallways to a nod. I got scared, I thought he was following us, but I couldn't just let go of him. My head told me to run. Run as far away as possible. But my heart ached for him. I couldn't let him go.

I remember one time at lunch, going to him and telling him to meet me outside school at the café, I remember his eyes Flickering for a second and a smile slowly formed, it was so subtle, I didn't even know if he was actually smiling. We met after school and we talked for so long that when I looked outside for the first time, I saw that it was pitch black outside, and I had to walk home, alone. I started hyperventilating, panicking, next thing knew I felt something warm on my cheek; I thought it was tears but I hoped it was Ethan's hands, turns out it was both, he wiped my tears away before they had I had time to react. Looking into his eyes, we shared something...

After I stopped crying and hyperventilating, Ethan held me for a long time, but it was nice. He insisted on driving me home, I agreed and went to the bathroom. A woman followed me in, but I didn't take much note. I looked in the mirror and realised I had mascara running down my face; although I looked like an emotional wreck, he stayed by me. I leaned over the sink and washed my face. I looked up, and saw the same woman there, I thought she was waiting for me to finish but there was plenty space... I began thinking, what if she was sent to hurt me? She took a few steps towards me, until we were nose to nose I had nowhere to go, I started moving away looking around frantically, but with and iron grip, she clasped onto my wrist and with a raspy voice, whispered, "They sent me. They want you to know, they know everything about you. Choose your battles carefully or-" she never finished. She just stopped, dead. This was the first time I really saw her, her hair was ginger and she had black eyes that were empty, I saw no emotion, the last thing I noticed on her was the bitter smell of coffee and cigarettes. Within the blink of an eye, she crashed to the ground , cutting her head open on the sink on the way down, she  started convulsing; I screamed my heart out and the door flung open, Ethan caught me as I fell to the ground and I watched workers help the woman.

Even though Ethan did not feel what me and Ally felt, he knew what was going on, when I had told him what happened in the bathroom, he became my protector, he swore he would always protect me. No matter what. And so he did.