
18. Finding A Story's End

A/N Man, this chapter has to be on the harder end of what I've written for this story. But, I'll admit, I think it was worth it. I hope you enjoy!


Chapter Eighteen: Finding A Story's End

The sun rises once more over the town of Royal Woods; its heat enveloping the town like a shroud, as well as signaling the presence of a beautiful day.

It is as if the events of the past few days hold immense weight over this, tiny, part of their world. And to a certain family, they have.

The warm, soft rays filter through the newly cleaned window's glass, illuminating a certain room in a certain orphanage for all to see. Inside, the two cabinets that once held what few belongs the room's occupants had been able to acquire over the years now sit open and empty, while the beds are perfectly made.

In this place, this can only mean one thing: an orphan had found a family.

A young boy stands at the foot of one of the two beds he had called his own for close to five years, simply forcing his belongings into the suitcase that the orphanage director was able to provide. It takes him a moment, but when he finally succeeds, he wipes the sweat from his brow and smiles.

He begins to zipper the container- though he finds the fact that even though he had made sure to fold all of the clothes he had and then add his personal belongings, a single suit case is still not enough space for it all. And yet, after a moment of struggle, he finally succeeds and leans against the container to prevent its reopening.

For the next moment, the young boy simply lies there, his mind ever-so clear despite the chaotic events he had to undergo, "Heh… to think… If I hadn't met the Louds, I'd be kicking and screaming to stay around here…" He glances out the window- the world seemingly open for him to explore, "And now, I'm willingly packing my things so I can move out." He chuckles, "Oh how things change…"

"It's hard to believe…" He can't help, but shed a few tears at the thought. Just a few days prior he was laying on his bed, clutching a familiar pendent given to him by the one person he had allowed himself to be close to. And now, he was laying on his belongings. In the next moment, more soft tears flow down his cheeks. To him, it is as if all of the emotions and pain he had bottled up over the years had finally been given their chance to release. "Man… here I am being all sentimental. I'm glad no one's around to see me like this."

Or at least, he thinks that is so.

"Hey Lincoln." A soft, familiar voice enters the room, bringing a soft smile to the young boy's face, "Miss me?"

"Of course." He chuckles, "Liberty always did have a way with cliché's… though I know how to make them my own." Before turning to face his visitor- her white hair as pure as the day they had first been able to tell it so. "And here I thought I'd be leavin' here without you."

"Heh, I'm gone for a few days and suddenly you don't remember me?" She smiles, before walking over and embracing her twin- which the young boy wordlessly returns, "How are ya, bro? From the looks of it, you've managed to go a week without someone needing to patch up your ankles!"

"I'm doin' all right, sis. I'm doing all right." He holds her close, unwilling to let the moment pass, "I'm just packin' my things so I can finally move out, ya know…" He then releases his grip, allowing the young boy to look into her eyes, "And as for my ankles…" He rubs the back of his head in slight embarrassment, "While I did hurt them when saving the Louds, the doctors were able to do a good job to get them back into place heh…"

"Haha!" Liberty laughs, "Did they do as good a job as I did?"

Lincoln shakes his head in response, "Nope." He wraps his arm around her, "No one can do as good a job as you, sis. After all, you're the one who's been helping me walk ever since we were babies!"

"That I did. That I did." She pokes him, "But you're the one who's always helped me dream bigger. And I doubt I could've gotten as far as I have without you by my side."

"Thanks sis." Lincoln smiles, "I know. After all these years, I thought I had been relying on her for everything, when I reality she and I worked together… and I wouldn't have had it any other way." Before he looks at his sister once more, "So, why are you here all of a sudden?"

"Now Lincoln." She speaks with a matter-of-factly tone, "We promised that if we ever got adopted, that we would say goodbye to everyone, together." She throws her arms around her brother's neck, making sure to lean in as closely as she can as she does so, "Besides, I didn't want to say goodbye so soon…"

"Because saying goodbye is one of the hardest things possible…" He sighs, before shaking his head, "You never forgot." He looks into her eyes, "And here I thought that you didn't wanna say goodbye because it would just be too painful for us to say it."

"Well, I was waiting for you to get adopted too!" She breaks the embrace and lovingly pokes his nose, though the boy simply takes the 'attack' with a soft smile, "Besides, you know how these kids get, they need both of us to be there when we finally leave them."

"Course. I just hope that they'll be able to handle it all." He mentally slaps himself, "Wait, what am I thinking?! They'll be able to take care of themselves! After all, they've got Cristina and Chandler watching over them!"

Liberty continues to smile, before looking around the room they had once shared, "So many memories… it's almost a shame that we have to leave it all behind…" She sighs, before taking a seat on her old bed.

"Yeah…" Lincoln sighs, before taking a seat on his sister's old bed as well, "No more sharin' beds when we get scared."

"No more talking about things only close siblings can before drifting off…" The young girl adds, a hint of pain filling her voice.

The boy responds by leaning back, "No more sharing the shower…"

"You think we're too old for that now?" His twin raises an eyebrow in curiosity.

Though, her twin simply shakes his head, "You know Libby, I don't think we'll ever get too old for that. After all, I'm the only one who knows how to brush your waist-long locks properly."

The girl chuckles, "Heh, true Lincy, true." Before she sighs.

Lincoln then shifts in the bed for a moment, allowing its soft- albeit freshly made- fabrics to take him in for a moment, "You know Libby… it's gonna be hard to get used to a new bed."

"Nah… I doubt it." Liberty lies down next to the boy- allowing a familiar heat to overtake the duo for a short moment. Whenever one of the siblings felt lonely or afraid, they would climb into the other's bed- and neither would object- and then together, they would sleep the night away.

For a moment, the young girl shifts as well- though instinctually she knows how not to disturb her brother's comfortable position- before she rubs her chin in contemplation, "Hmm… now that I think of it, you're right bro."

Lincoln nudges his twin, "Hey sis, how's your new bed?"

"Nowhere near as comfortable as this one." She holds her stomach in laughter. "Haha! To think, one of the things I'll miss from this place is the bed!"

"Yeah… and all of the memories we've shared from in them both…" Her brother raises his arm and declares, "Never let it be said that the Shermans made us sleep on lumpy mattresses like those orphanages they show in the movies!"

"Yeah! We're in a great orphanage run by the nicest people ever!" The girl adds, before the boy chuckles, "And they gave us a new home."

And then, before either of them knows it, they're laughing together- seemingly as if nothing had changed- though they both feel that everything had. Soon enough though, their laughter dies down, leaving nothing, but the memory-filled silence to overtake the room.

A few moments pass after that, with the duo simply laying in silence, the memories of their lives at the orphanage slowly filling their minds- though neither of them choose to break the silence to speak of them… that it, until Lincoln stretches once more, "So, how are you holdin' up without me being around to sleep with?"

Liberty nestles close to him, "I've been fine. Every time I've felt lonely or afraid, well, I've just thought about what mom told us. You know… the holding on memories."

"That they never change?" He comes close to his sister once more, "She needs me… and I need her… we need each other, right?" slowly, he wraps his arms around her and instinctually, she returns the affection. "No… we have our own families now… but that won't stop me from helping her."

"Lincoln…" she pulls herself into her brother's chest, while her voice trails off. Suddenly, a fearful air overtakes the duo. It is as if death itself had decided to pay the duo a visit.

"Yes?" He responds, though he already knows that what would be coming next.

"I'm… I'm scared…" Her voice trails off for a moment, "What if our families stop wanting us? What if they decide that it's not a good idea to keep us around?! What if… what if?!" The young girl's stammering fills her brother's ears as if they are a wildfire that must be put out.

Undeterred, the boy simply holds his sister close, allowing their heats to merge once more, "Liberty, what happened to the fearless girl I knew? You weren't afraid before and you shouldn't be now. If they didn't want you, they wouldn't have agreed to adopt you." He then pushes her back, ever so slightly as to allow him to look into her eyes, "Plus, you don't have to worry about being lonely, ever, because…" He then leans in close, making sure that his next words would be whispered into her ear, "I'll always be around and I'll always love you, because… You're my sister, and the closest one I'll ever have."

"Big brother, Lincy…" She whispers.

"Little sister, Libby." He counters, making sure to pull his sister so close that she can hear his heartbeat.

"Thanks…" She whispers, smiling.

And for the next moment, the twins simply lay there; enjoying the last time they would share a bed like this.

Though, they both know that they can only hold onto their past for so long.

"Heh…" Lincoln chuckles, before releasing his sister from the embrace and sitting up, "Now how about you go play with the kids, I gotta finish packin' up you know!"

Liberty responds by sitting up as well and quickly hopping to her feet, "Yeah, yeah, I know." She waves him off, "But someone's gotta be around to help ya out!"

"Always lookin' out for me." He shakes his head, maintaining the smile as he does so, "Some things just never change."

"So what are you gonna do with these." Liberty kicks the shelf containing all of Lincoln's writing journals- no doubt they would be difficult to move.

The boy sighs, "You know, I was thinkin' of bringing them along- you know, so that I'd be able to keep going where I left off." His voice trails off. "But… they're part of my past, and I have to leave the past behind me."

She rubs her chin, "It's gonna be a bit hard to do that, you know… You don't really have the space to come in and bring them with you…" She can feel exactly what he is at this point,

He nods in agreement, "Plus… the kids really like listening to my stories before they go to sleep…" His mind slows down, while the countless memories and laughs that his stories had brought rush to the forefront of his mind. He started writing because on those lonely nights where even his sister didn't seem to be close enough, he would be able to escape his reality and create a new one.

But he doesn't need a new reality now, given what he has in his own.

"Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" Liberty tilts her head in curiosity. "These kids are gonna need these."

"Probably." He chuckles, before patting the shelf, "As much as I wanna hold onto our past, I'll be leavin' these behind…" He grabs one of the notebooks, before quickly flipping through, "I know that it's not a good idea to leave what you've written behind- after all, you can use it to inspire new works- but after everything that's happened, I don't think it's a good idea to just keep holding onto the past. After all, It distracts from the now."

"He's really learned." His sister smiles, "That sounds deep."

"I heard it from a movie." He chuckles, "Yeah… thankfully Lisa was able to hook up a crazy movie player thing in the hospital so I wouldn't get bored when they weren't around…"

"Heh, how'd you like its story?" Liberty can't help, but chuckle from her question.

"Ehh, I think it was fun, though the whole idea of 'making everyone super' seemed a bit contrived." He shrugs. "Still… it had a nice villain and got me excited for the sequel!"

"Of course bro, of course you'd say that!" The girl playfully punches her brother, "You never change."

The boy shakes his head, "I never do."

And with that, the duo laughs.

"Are we interrupting something?" A familiar voice asks, causing the twins to turn to face the source- two familiar redheads waiting by their door.

"Not at all." Liberty greets, turning to the duo as she does so, "What's up you two?"

Cristina simply walks over, her clipboard held firmly under her arm, "I just wanted to congratulate you two for finally getting adopted." She awkwardly rubs the back of her head, "And well… thank you for everything you've done for us over the years. It's been really helpful, you know…" Blush begins to fill her face.

Lincoln awkwardly rubs the back of his face; blush beginning to fill his face as well. Thankfully, his sister- despite just how close the two are- doesn't notice, "Well hey, it was no problem, ya know. Before we got adopted you were our family too." He then steels himself, "Can't let them notice that. That'd be embarrassing!" Before nudging Liberty. "And we take care of our family, right Libby?"

Liberty rubs her chin, "Well, maybe there was one or two…" her voice trails off when she realizes her brother is staring at her, prodding her to tell the truth. She waves them off, "Aww, all right, it's true, it was no problem."

The red-haired girl then smiles, "I wonder if he likes me back…" Before turning to her companion, "Thanks. All right, now it's your turn Chandler."

All three children turn to face the red-haired boy, who can only sigh in defeat, "I guess I have no way out of this." His voice fills with an air of sincerity, "Guys… I'm sorry for bullying you all these years."

Suddenly, a shocked air fills the room, with neither of the twins sure how to respond, while the silence prods him to continue, "After you started visiting those girls and moving out of our lives, I started to take over your old jobs and well…" He rubs the back of his head, "I never knew what you two had done for not just me, but for all of us." He looks away in shame, before turning back with a begging gaze, "I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me."

The white-haired boy turns to his sister, while the young girl does the same. Without uttering a word, they both nod, before turning back to the boy and throwing their arms around him.

"Wha-" The red-haired boy goes in confusion.

"Don't worry about it." Lincoln declares, "We understand… I think at least."

Liberty then adds, "We forgive you, everything."

Now, Chandler would always say that he isn't one to cry- after all, one must toughen up if they are to survive as long as he did in an abusive household- but in that moment, he begins to tear up, while he does not hesitate to return the hug. "Thanks… thank you both so much."

And so, Lincoln breaks the hug and steps back, allowing his gaze to fall upon the red-haired duo, "Now… please take care of them, they really need someone to look after them all."

"We promise." Cristina wastes no time answering, while Chandler remains silent. The girl turns and nudges the boy, "Chandler?"

The boy simply smiles, "I promise, thanks, for everything."

"It was no problem." The white-haired girl waves them off, while her brother simply shakes his head with an understanding smile.

"Now come on, we've got some prep work to do." Cristina declares, before grabbing Chandler's hand, "Come along now."

And wordlessly, the red-haired boy nods, before following her command.

"Heh, well that was nice." Liberty quips, "To think, that's the kid who spent most of his days trying to show that he was better than us, and now he's coming to us for forgiveness."

"Heh, I guess that's just how the universe works." Lincoln counters with a smile. "Things just seem to work out great in the end."

"If what's happened the last few days has any weight to it…" She shrugs, "I'll give you it, things just seem to work out, despite, well… everything."

Lincoln considers responding to his sister's quip- though he finds himself unable to. Rather, he simply smiles for a moment. That is, until a certain Loud girl rushes up the stairs, her quick steps echoing through the home.

"Guys!" Immediately, Lynn rushes into the room, "The kids are ready for you two!"

Lincoln then turns to his sister and nods, "Well, that's our cue."

"Ready to say goodbye?" She wraps her arm around him, "We can wait another moment if you…"

Yet, Lincoln simply holds his hand up, prompting the young girl to stop, "Don't worry, I'm ready, and from the looks of it, so are you, right?"

She sighs, "I don't want this moment to end…" And yet, she simply nods, "No matter how good something is, all things must end eventually."

"So that new things can take their place." He finishes. And with that, the duo turns and begins to step forward… only for the young woman to grab onto Lincoln, "Hey… wait…"

"Huh?" The white-haired boy turns to her in confusion, "What's up?"

The athlete's face starts to go red in embarrassment, before she begins to play with her ponytail "Well, Linc… can I, uhh… talk to you for a second?"

Immediately, the boy turns to his sister, eliciting a shrug from her, "If it's important, I can just go meet you downstairs."

The boy turns back to Lynn, "Is it important? I mean, we can talk about it with Liberty here, ya know."

"Please…" She whispers, pain beginning to fill her voice "I wanna talk to you, alone…"

"I wonder what's going on…" Lincoln sighs, before turning back to his sister, "All right Liberty, I'll meet you downstairs."

The white-haired girl nods, before waving her finger at him, "All right bro, don't keep me waiting, you hear?"

"I never would." He can't help, but chuckle at her slight paranoia, "Don't worry, I won't." And with that, the young girl simply walks out of the room and heads downstairs, allowing Lincoln to focus his attention on the young woman in his midst, "What's up?"

Lynn sighs, "Lincoln… I know we met just a few days ago and all… and I know that I don't know you all too well but…" She rubs the back of her head in embarrassment, she starts to stumble over her words, "Ever since that night, well I umm… uhh…"

Yet, Lincoln simply tilts his head, "I wonder what's going on with her…"

"Oh screw it!" She shouts, before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him close, "It's easier just to show you what I mean!" And before he knows it, she has placed her lips on his own, causing both of their faces to go flush in embarrassment… though Lincoln chooses instead to return the kiss, rather than instantly break it.

And after a moment of holding the embrace, they break, allowing Lincoln to sigh, "Well… that's one way to tell me you have a crush." He chuckles, while wiping his lips.

"Do… do you feel the same?" She awkwardly asks, now unable to look the younger boy in the eyes.

"I can't be harsh. Just because it's the first time I've had a girl take interest in me like this, doesn't mean I get to be a complete good about it." Lincoln takes a breath, before placing one hand on her shoulder, while using the other to move her to face him, "Lynn, I'm going to be honest, I don't."

Lynn can feel her heart shatter. "Oh, I'm-"

"Don't apologize." He pulls her into a soft hug, "There's no need. I love you too, but as my sister."

She can feel her heart break just a bit more, "I guess…"

"We just met, and I don't think that's a good basis to start a relationship. I'm gonna be your brother now, and that's not to mention our age difference, you're thirteen, I'm eleven and just got to meet you guys…"

"But…" She tries to think, and yet, Lincoln simply continues onward. He pushes her back while holding onto her, allowing them to look into each other's eyes, "Lynn, I promise, give it some time. If in a few years, you still have these feelings then…" he looks away, while smiling and rubbing his head in embarrassment, "I'd love to give them a shot."

A soft tear trails down her cheek, though she puts a smile on instead, "I understand." She hugs him, "I guess you're right…" She holds him close, "I guess, I'm glad I at least have you as a brother right now… no matter how awkward that'll be."

"Heh." Lincoln chuckles, "And I'm glad to have you as my sister too." Before he breaks the embrace, "Now, how about you head down, I've gotta finish packing and get ready to say goodbye."

The athlete nods, before turning and simply walking out of the room, while Lincoln simply turns to face it once more. Though, as he does so, he can swear, that he sees Lucy tear up a bit, before holding her hands close, seemingly understanding what Lincoln had implied, before she disappears.

"I'm gonna miss this place." He shakes his head, "But… in the end, even I know that it's for the best." He then walks over and shoves the last of his belongings into the bag. "There's just one last thing." Wordlessly, he grabs the notebook resting on the nightstand. He holds it for a moment, allowing its weight to be know, before he smiles, "One book for the future." And with that, he drops it in, before zippering the bag shut and bringing it to the floor, "It's time to say goodbye." And with that, he walks out of the room.

He drops his stuff in the foyer, before grabbing onto Liberty, "You ready, sis?"

"I am if you are, bro." She answers with a nod.

And with their hands holding together tightly, they walk into the backyard, where they find each of the children simply playing with their guests- of course the Loud sisters as well as Liberty's adoptive parents

"Hey guys." Lincoln greets, causing the eight remaining orphans to turn to them and rush to their sides, "Despite everything that's happened, they still see us as their caretakers… I'm going to miss them all."

The group shouts in unison, "Big brother Lincy! Big sister Libby!"

"Heh, calm down guys, calm down!" Liberty motions for the children to relax, which they quickly comply. "We've got something to tell you!"

"What is it?" Maurice curiously tilts his head, while the rest of the orphan children respond by doing something similar.

For a moment, Lincoln considers telling them the truth right there and then, after all, they are going to find out eventually, right? And yet, he thinks, "No, I need to ready them for it all." He takes a deep breath, "I have a story for you all. But I need you all to sit down and be quiet so I can tell you it, ok?"

Immediately, the young children rush to their feet and crowd around the boy, ready to listen in to whatever he has to say, meanwhile the rest of the guests walk around the orphans, choosing to remain silent while they wait by the door- though given the circumstances, they already know what would be coming next.

Lincoln looks to Liberty, silently asking if she is ready for what he would say next, and the young girl nods in response. With everyone's eyes him, he takes a deep breath. "Once upon a time a king and a queen ruled over a beautiful kingdom with grace and niceness." His voice fills with a soft pain, "All seemed calm, as if nothing could ever tear the two apart."

The children remain silent, though some smile at the idea.

And yet, unlike before, his voice remains steadfast, "And then one day, suddenly…" he pushes his arms out for emphasis, while his voice influxes, "The queen was taken from her king!"

"No!" Some of the children shout in unison, thought they immediately quiet down as to hear the rest of the story.

"Yes." The boy nods, "And so, the king called upon all of his guards to find her, but alas, none could do so." He looks away, "For the evil witch had locked her in the tower, and only he could unlock it!"

"What happened next?!" Alexis asks, excitement filling the air.

Lincoln smiles, "And so, to find her, he had to go out and fight all the evils of the world. And he did this so that they could be reunited! Yet in order to do so, he had to leave the kingdom behind for a bit." He rubs her head, "But don't worry, the king promised that he would return with his queen one day, or die trying."

Determination begins to fill his voice, "And so, he went off. He fought through the plains of darkness and wandered through the valley of the shadow of death. He slayed the guardians of his lover's castle- the dark soldiers of eternity." And then he begins to tear up as his gaze falls upon the children once more. "He climbed the dark tower and freed her from her captivity."

The girls, of course, have dream-filled eyes while the boys just grimace in frustration- though they nonetheless remain interested. "Heh… some things just never change." Lincoln fights the urge to laugh, "If I remember one thing about these kids, it's that while they like my stories, the boys still get annoyed by the knight saving the princess, while the girls just love it." He smiles instead, "But, I think it's the most fitting story for it all."

And with a final push, the white-haired boy finishes, "And with that, they returned to their kingdom, and created a new family for them all to enjoy. The end." At this point, soft tears begin to fill his eyes.

"That was a nice story." Berry quips.

"It was the first story I ever wrote… and finished." He looks down soft tears beginning to form in his eyes, "I guess, it's time…" Pain begins to fill his body, before he looks back at the group, "Hey... guys… I wanna tell you all something…"

The children lean closer in interest.

"I love you all. You have been my brothers and sisters for years… and I've been your big brother." He can't help, but begin to cry… though he does his best to keep talking, despite the rush of emotions, "But… I've been adopted." He takes a knee, allowing him to come to their height, "And I'm gonna be going for a long time now… but I promise, I'll come to visit."

Liberty then comes to his side, "You mean we will come to visit." Despite her desire to stay strong, she finds herself tearing up as well.

The you children remain silent, unsure of just how to take it all.

The girl continues, "We love you all, and I'm sorry I couldn't say goodbye earlier… but… we're gonna be going now, ok? Please… we need you to be strong."

Slowly, the air around them all softens, while some of the orphans begin to tear up as well.

"This isn't good…" That is the only thought that comes to the twins.

And yet, before either of them know what's going on, the orphans rush to their feet and tackle the twins, making sure to get as close to them as possible, while following it up by shouting, "Don't go and we'll miss you" so much that the twins can barely understand them… though they still make the effort to do so.

Lincoln and Liberty take the chance to hug them all with that, before the boy answers, "We'll miss you all too… but it's time for us to go."

Liberty then responds, "Don't worry though, we'll come back every now and then."

For the next few moments, they simply hold onto each other- with the orphans unwilling to let go of the big brother and sister they had grown close to over the years, and the twins unwilling to let go of the little brothers and sisters they had cared for.

However, they all know what must be done, even if they do not understand why.

And so, with some tears, the young children painfully break the dog pile, leaving a certain six-year-old standing before the twins, her gaze hardened while she holds her stuffed animal close. "Lincy…" She does her best to put on a strong front- though given her age and the face she makes trying to do it, Lincoln can't help, but find it more adorable than serious.

Though, despite it all, he looks at her with a concerned gaze, "Stacy…" his voice trails off for a moment, "Are you-"

Yet, before he can finish, the young girl tears up, before slowly stepping over and hugging the boy. "Don't worry Lincy, I'll be ok… I promise." her voice fills with pain, while she looks at the boy with a begging gaze.

"She wants me to stay…" Lincoln returns the hug, "But, I have to go."

The young girl continues, "I knew this day would come. I did." Tears fill her eyes, while she does her best to keep her composure- though she finds herself crying into his shirt, "Please be happy big brother… Please…"

"Oh Stacy…" The boy finds himself tearing up again, "Just because you knew, doesn't mean it won't hurt when it happens…"

For the next moment, the two simply stand there, with neither willing to let the other go. Though, much to the boy's surprise, it is the young girl that breaks the embrace, before she raises the stuffed animal she holds so dear, "Here Lincy…"

He tilts his head in confusion, "What do you-"

"Please… I know it is going to be hard to sleep, so Bun Bun can help you…" her voice trails off, while she does her best to put up the serious façade once more, though, given what had just transpired, he can tell this hurt her more than she lets on. "He's helped me all these years... please Lincoln."

"She needs this..." Wordlessly, he takes the stuffed animal in his hands, "Don't worry, I'll take good care of him." He looks into her eyes, "I promise. Thank you."

As soon as he says that, she throws her arms around him, prompting the boy to do the same, "Promise you'll come back and read to us?"

"I'll miss these guys…" Lincoln smiles and speaks with a sincere tone, "I promise."

And with that, she breaks the embrace and moves to join the rest of the orphans, allowing Liberty to approach her brother.

"I guess… that's everything." Lincoln stands up and dusts himself off, "You ready for this, Libby?"

"Heh, to think, I few days ago, I couldn't even think of life without you, and now, we're going to be separate for a long time." She rubs her head awkwardly.

The boy chuckles, before turning to face the young family now waiting by the door, "Don't worry Libby, I don't think there's much to be afraid of."

Liberty turns as well, noticing her own family waiting next to them, "Heh, well Lincy, I admit, even I'm still getting settled, and I've almost been living with them for three weeks!"

Lincoln chuckles, "Well then Libby, that means that there's still plenty that we don't know." He turns to her and extends his hand to her.

"Yeah, but hey, at least we'll be getting through it together." In response, she holds up the star-shaped locket and opens it up, revealing an image of the twins with the rest of the orphans and the Shermans. "At least in spirit, right Lincy?"

Lincoln pulls out a heart-shaped locket, revealing the new band Leni had taken the time to give it, "Of course."

"Heh, I suppose it is our turn to interject." A man cuts in, causing the twins to turn to the source- Mr. Sherman, sporting an uncharacteristic smile.

"Mr. Sherman?" the twins speak in unison.

The man takes a knee in front of them, allowing him to end up at eye-level with the twins, "I'll say my piece in a few." He motions his wife to step forward, "But, Mrs. Sherman has a few words to say before I do."

The twins remain silent, before the old woman walks over and pulls them into a loving embrace, which they, of course, return with a whole-hearted smile.

"I'm so proud of you two." She whispers, "I always knew that you were special."

"Thanks Mrs. Sherman." Liberty pats her back; "We couldn't have gotten this far without you. Thank you!"

"Yeah." Lincoln holds her tightly- as if she is his mother and he is her child. Though, given their time with her, no one would put it passed them, "I cannot thank you enough…"

"Your happiness is all that thanks I will need." She lets them go with a smile- though it is obvious that she is in more pain then she lets on, "Good luck out there and do wonderful things!"

"We will, Mrs. Sherman." The boy smiles, fighting back more tears.

The old director flinches, before smiling in understanding, "That is the first time that he hass called me 'Mrs.'." And walking behind her husband, knowing just what is about to happen.

The old man takes a deep breath, before looking into their eyes. Silently, he wraps his arms around them, before pulling them into a soft hug, "Thank you, for everything you've done for us."

The twins simply smile, knowing that they had no need to respond.

And so, the man releases them and begins to whisper, "I suppose it time I give you the rousing speech I give to all of my charges before I let them go…" He sighs, "But I already gave you that." He takes a moment to think, seemingly unsure of just how to follow that. And so he simply looks into their eyes, "You two were the son and daughter we could never have and I am glad to have been there to watch you grow." And then, in an unusual sign of affection, he begins to tear up, "I want you two to behave, ok?"

Now, on most days Liberty and Lincoln would find the sight of Mr. Sherman- the stoic protector and maintainer of the home- crying to be rather off-putting. And yet, they find themselves tearing up with him.

"Be good, you hear? Be brilliant and well…" He wipes the tears from his eyes, "If you ever want to visit your roots, then we'll make sure to keep your room here, ok?"

"Ok." Liberty tears up as well, before hugging the man, "Thank you Mr. Sherman."

Her brother follows it up by doing the same, "Yeah, thank you."

"Remember: Life is strange. Things will happen and you will do things that you do not completely understand. But in the end, if you keep on the straight and narrow and do your best, I believe you will succeed." The man wipes the tears, "Good luck in all of your endeavors." And with that, the twins release, allowing the man to step aside, with Mrs. Sherman following suit immediately after.

"I guess it's finally time." Lincoln takes a deep breath, before turning to his sister once more, "Ready to head into the unknown?"

She turns and playfully punches his arm, "Nope." Before the two laugh and hug once more, "Big Brother Lincy?"

"And Little Sister Libby." The boy responds, before breaking the embrace and hand in hand turning to their families. "See ya later, sis."

"And see ya later too, bro." Liberty counters.

Then, in unison they declare, "Let's go." Before they break their hold on each other and move to join their families.

With that, they greet them all, before the two embrace their adoptive families, and with one final picture and goodbye, head off- leaving their past behind.

1 12-15-14-5 2-21-14-14-25 18-5-19-20-19 1-12-15-14-5 23-8-9-12-5 20-8-5 20-23-9-14-19 8-5-1-4 15-21-20 6-15-18 20-8-5-9-18 14-5-23 8-15-13-5-19! 13-25 20-1-12-5 9-19 20-15-12-4 1-14-4 9-'22-5 8-1-4 13-25 6-21-14. 1-14-4 19-15 6-15-18 14-15-23 9-14 13-5-13-15-18-9-5-19 20-8-5-19-5 20-23-9-14-19 19-8-1-12-12 16-12-1-25, 5-14-10-15-25-9-14-7 12-9-6-5 15-14 1 19-9-13-16-12-5 19-21-13-13-5-18-'19 4-1-25.

A/N Man, that was so hard to write, but I think that it was all worth it! What do you guys think? I thank Wolvenstrom for his help writing this! Also, for those waiting on UB's update, it will be coming soon. I wanna focus on this to make sure its finale is the best it can be!

Only 1 chapter remaining before the story's completion! I thank everyone who's helped me get this far!

Guest Response (C17):

Guest: Thanks! Here's the update!