
Find me in your memory

Meet Elena Carlo The sister of the cold-blooded king of the international underworld. Not only did she come from one of the most powerful criminal family she was also known as a genius and prodigy amongst her peers. She had everything with her luxury, money, beauty, and most importantly her brother who raised her making everyone envious. He was her everything just like she was his until one cold night where she was assassinated. Just when she thought everything has come to an end. She woke up as Xin Xiulin an 18-year-old orphan who has lost everything. Was a new beginning a curse or a blessing? Meet Jun Zixuan The president of a multibillionaire company.The king of the country's business world who only a very few can dare to offend. Having his heart broken already he believed he can never love again until he starts to notice changes in the silent orphan in his house. Her similarities to a certain someone made it easier for her to worm her way into his heart. While all she knew was familial love can he teach her something new? While she would like to go back to her brother can he stop her? But what if her shadow of the past never left her? Would it come back to haunt her? Will she embrace that fire or burn in it? But the life of Xin Xiulin wasn't as easy as it looked. While past acquaintances kept coming can she know who is a friend and who is a foe? If you want to know the answer come join her and him in this wonderful journey of love, hatred, and longing. ### This is my first and original novel. The cover is not mine. Credits to the original owner. There is no RAPE or MISUNDERSTANDING Discord: https://discord.gg/ypG4KQF5AT Instagram: @maverickmayaonline

maverick_maya · Fantasía
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55 Chs


The woman in the car looked back as she left the place she called home. She couldn't help but ask her assistant again "Are you sure we are not supposed to wait for him?".

" Yes miss, sir said he will accompany you there when we reach," Michelle said as she looked at her boss who has been pale as a sheet since they left their house." Is something wrong, young miss?".

Elena didn't know what's happening to her. She felt very uneasy about visiting her parents' grave today for the first time. It didn't feel like the right time. She hadn't seen him for 3 days till now, he said he will be back but he hasn't returned yet. He never missed this. She shakes her head saying everything's okay to her assistant, but it was more to reassure herself as she left at the same time she did for the past 13 years.

They got down when they finally reached the place which she once called home but now a graveyard for everyone who died here. She made her way to the grave with a bouquet of white roses which her mother has always loved.

She looked at the picture on the grave of a two smiling couple who looked so full of love she couldn't help but smile too. " I'm back Mother. I hope you and father are doing well. I got your favorite flowers too. Brother will be here in some time. Happy anniversary! " She said looking at the grave.

As Michelle and her personal security team looked at her from afar. " She looks lonely. Do you think I should go there? " Michelle asks Alexei, the head of security." You know the rules, Elle we can never stand with her unless we are given instructions too, so until then we can only be behind her," he said looking at her.

Michelle opened her mouth to retort, but only took a step back and looked back at the lonely girl in a black dress which was swaying slowly.

Elena sat down near the grave and stared at the picture. " Daddy, I'm sorry I didn't visit for so long. You know how I feel about visiting alone without brother. He has been very busy with everything since recently," she said, looking at them thinking back to the times on how many times her brother said he was busy. She told her parents everything about her recent happenings if anyone would have seen her now they would have thought she was crazy talking to the grave which didn't even have a body in it. But she couldn't help it this always made her feel better. It was better than accepting they were gone forever.

Then suddenly they heard roars of a few cars and people getting down with a lot of guns. Her security team all came running to surround her. Life or death will always only be with her, that's what they have been taught since they were young.

Elena looked at them with curious eyes when they surrounded her. She felt like everything was happening in slow motion as they were coming running and killing each other. Until she heard a gunshot and she saw Alexei killing all of them without blinking his eye as he urged her to leave with Michelle.

" Miss we gotta leave immediately," she felt like a cold wind has hit her face at full force. Who are they? What's going on? Were not the questions that were running in her mind because she knew who her brother was, the only thing she knows is that she is supposed to live at all costs now. Michelle took her hand and dragged her to her as she gave a last look to her parents' grave. " Run" was the last thing she heard from Alexei, who she grew up with.

They both immediately started running into the black forest behind their house which was one of the biggest ones in Russia.

They kept running while they heard people were still following them, but she knew this forest better than anyone here. She told Michelle they need to stop near a tree so that she can call her brother. They kept running until they found a peepal tree with a hollow. They both went and hid in it.

She rings him up, but he doesn't lift it," Damnit lift it once". She keeps calling until he finally lifts it.

A low voice could be heard in the call" Lennie, I'm on my way. Just wait for me okay? " Everyone in the car on the other side can see a soft expression on the devil's face who never has any expression.

" Brother, we are being attacked I … I don't know what to do".

" What do you mean? Where are you? Do you have anyone beside you? ".

" Michelle is with me".

" Give her the phone".

Elena immediately passed her phone to Michelle, who started nodding for whatever he was saying, and then she sent out their location.

" Miss, sir is coming we just have to hide out here for some more time" she nodded as she sat down.

She felt like time was passing slowly because she felt she has been stuck here for days, even when only a few minutes have passed. Then she suddenly heard some rustling nearby, she looked at Michelle, who was already looking at her and Michelle nodded she knew what she meant.

She was gonna see who was there and she was supposed to be here only. Elena nodded at her and pulled her into a hug.

Michelle was surprised when her young miss hugged her because they never do that, but she did hug her back and slowly moved her hand to her face to wipe the teardrop which fell out.

"You will be okay, Miss. Sir will be here". And she went out only to see that she was outnumbered.

" Miss Carlo, I think you should come out before we kill this little lady out here". Elena was shaken when she heard that voice she slowly came out of her tree only to see that Michelle was already lying on the ground, she ran to her in hopes of waking her up.

"Michelle" she called out, but she knew Michelle was dead the second she touched her. She slowly took a step back and looked at them. They couldn't see the fear they expected to see in her blue eyes.

Hello! I'm Maverick Maya. Lovely to meet you!"Find me in your memory" is my first Webnovel.The first 10 chapters will be available immediately, so you'll have more to read and will be able to quickly familiarize yourself with the story and the characters. Thank you for your interest in my first novel. Enjoy!

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