

Magdalene Ken a young lady from a humble background wanting to know about the cause of her mother's death which happened more than 10 years ago. She didn't know why but ever since she was young she felt like there was more to her mother's death that they did not know about. Despite the investigation by the police there was still no news concerning her death and neither was the corpse found which gave her more confidence that her mother was still out there somewhere... Dean King the CEO of one of the thriving businesses in the country had a contractual agreement with Magdalene for 6 months to pretend to be a loving couple in the eyes of his family. They both had to give a good show for the benefits they will gain from it. Along the line the fake show of love that give themselves gradually became real as they gradually become fond of each other and a beautiful love bloomed from this fondness but, nothing beautiful lasts long because there will always be factors that will put their love to the test as well as questionable secrets from the past. Will they give in to these factors or will they fight and be finally complete?

Charisa_Bella · Ciudad
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17 Chs

Chapter 7 The Proposal

At that moment her eyes were already tearing up, her nose felt sore, her soft cheeks were already red and her palms wet. Looking at the terrified woman in front of him, Dean was quite amused. Although this was not supposed to happen, he still felt satisfied with the new outcome.

He narrowed his gaze on her with a brow lifted as an idea came to his mind. After all, she said she could do anything to keep her job and she was perfect for what he had in mind.

Magdalene on the other hand was starting to feel embarrassed. She could here her own heart beat as the atmosphere was getting seriously weird.

She felt hot even though the room was well ventilated.

Finally he spoke up.

"There is something you can do".

" Okay? Magdalene just nodded".

Dean said,

"Alright , i want you to be my fiancee; pretend fiancee".

...right at that moment,a nurse walked in to inform Magdalene that she could leave at any time if she felt better, then she left.

Dean said,

"Magdalene if we are going to discuss this we should go somewhere else to stop all these intrusions".

Magdalene subconsciously nodded her head even without realizing what she just did. Then they left for a coffee shop.

At the coffee shop...

Magdalene was short of words even though she had a lot of questions to ask, she decided to hear him out first.

Dean said,

"I know this sounds weird but I need you to pretend to be my fiancee to my family and the board of directors back at the HQ. They don't think that am capable to run the company because they think i am...

There was an awkward look on his face but Magdalene pretended not to see it and stayed calm

"Nevermind, you don't have to worry about that and besides the contract lasts for half a year and then we will get divorced",Dean said.

"Divorced? Magdalene unknowingly voiced out.

Dean said

"I think being married than engaged holds more ground and don't you worry, we don't have to consummate the marriage. As we leaving here, we will go to get the marriage certificate, and then head towards your place to get your things"

Magdalene was still in so much shock, trying to digest everything he had mentioned .

Magdalene said

" How could he even think of such a thing. Why can't you just get married, huh? Find a nice lady and settle down. You will get what you want instead of playing with something as marriage".

Upon hearing her questions, Dean chuckled and laughed.

Dean said

"You are so naive".

He looked at her as though he was going to swallow her up.

Magdalene said,"..." 

Dean said,

" If i wanted to settle down i would have done that long ago and spare myself from all of these drama. Besides am running out of time and everyone is expecting me to come back married and get the company".

He sounded serious while explaining but, Magdalene felt that he was not telling her everything.

Magdalene thought,

"This man is really something, but she wouldn't dare to say it out for fear of what he could do to her. Such as weird man.

How dare him make a joke out of marriage?

Dean on the other hand wondered what she was thinking. Her silence was eating him up and he needed to know if she agreed to the contract.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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