

Magdalene Ken a young lady from a humble background wanting to know about the cause of her mother's death which happened more than 10 years ago. She didn't know why but ever since she was young she felt like there was more to her mother's death that they did not know about. Despite the investigation by the police there was still no news concerning her death and neither was the corpse found which gave her more confidence that her mother was still out there somewhere... Dean King the CEO of one of the thriving businesses in the country had a contractual agreement with Magdalene for 6 months to pretend to be a loving couple in the eyes of his family. They both had to give a good show for the benefits they will gain from it. Along the line the fake show of love that give themselves gradually became real as they gradually become fond of each other and a beautiful love bloomed from this fondness but, nothing beautiful lasts long because there will always be factors that will put their love to the test as well as questionable secrets from the past. Will they give in to these factors or will they fight and be finally complete?

Charisa_Bella · Ciudad
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17 Chs

Chapter 16 Take Care Of Her

Outside the restroom Katie wondered what was taking Nathalie so long because she has been in there for a while now.

"common Nathalie what's taking so long, hurry up so they don't get suspicious",sighed Katie.

Not long later ...

"...such a bitch, a crazy one for that matter", Maggie kept repeating over and over again.

Katie was stunned at the turn of events, expecting to see Nathalie coming out rather she saw Magdalene instead.

"Excuse me, where is Nathalie",Katie asked rather impatiently.

" Who the hell is Nathalie", yelled Magdalene.

"... uhm, Nat-nathalie is the lady who went to meet you in the restroom", said Katie fearfully.

" Oh wow,just when I thought the whole bitches war is over an accomplice just had to show up", Magdalene said with a mocking laugh.

Starting to get offended by Magdalene's insult, Katie raised her hand against Magdalene, only to meet the same fate as Nathalie.

"Indeed birds of the same story flock together", Magdalene said and pushed her.

The push that gained the attention of everyone at the party including Dean.

"Dean isn't that Magdalene,and who is that...

... without letting Sean finish hos sentence, Dean marched forward towards the scene that has caught everyone's attention.

"What were you doing to her....

...and there goes the voice that thundered down everyone's ears.

At the sound of Dean's voice, Nathalie rushed out of the restroom with her eyes all teary and with one hand being supported by the other.

With that vulnerable look everyone already had an idea on what must have transpired between the ladies .

"I can't believe that with such innocent appearance she could be this violent", whispered a lady.

" I know right, she doesn't look it", whispered another.

Nathalie was happy with the outcome of everything....

"...this wasn't my plan ,but still everything is going well for me" or so she thought.

With a smirk Dean said," don't you think looks can be deceptive"?

Marching towards Magdalene the coldness in his voice turned warm as he asked ,"darling are you alright"?

With that alone ideas of what truly happened crossed people's mind but Nathalie refusing to give up cried even harder.

"Dean is this the kind of person you want to be with , just look at my hand she twisted it even when I asked her to release me she refused,sob...sob..., I was so scared".

Only Magdalene being the one standing closely to Dean could feel him stiffen up even as he clenched his fist, she was thrilled that even though what existed between them was a mere contract paper,he still respected her, she unknowingly blushed at the thought of these.

"Alright enough of your drama Nathalie,I believe you have gotten the attention that you so longed for but now will you spare us from your nonsense. This is the very last time I will warn you never to do anything as stupid as this or else...

Leaving her with that warming, he turned towards Magdalene and smiled,a smile that warmed her heart up.

"...you are little but fierce", he chuckled.

Feeling offended for all the drama caused in a single night, Magdalene stepped on his foot.

"Of course I have to be since as your wife I will have to be able to shoo away all those flees that follow you around", said Magdalene with a smile with which Dean followed suit.

Since this was no small party, all the media present had a clip of gossip about the bitches war as it was hashtag .

Turning to Matt,Dean said ,"make sure you take care of her I don't want anything of this sort happening again".

It was a clear message to everyone that his woman will not be mistreated definitely not in public.

This was definitely going to stir up the internet at least for a week especially now that Matt's media house ,the Max media was taking the issue up,but then again Magdalene's identity has to remain hidden to the public.