
Final Boss of the Multiverse

New Final Boss of the Multiverse With a mysterious past and an unknown future, our protagonist change from a simple man to a sociopathic monster who strives to reach the zenith. Is it to change his fate? To bring the pain he experienced onto others? Or is it simply destiny calling out to him? Follow his journey as he goes from a weak feebly mortal to a cruel god who will do anything to gain power, and don on the title of the "Final Boss of the Multiverse". AN: So hello, this novel suddenly got revived out of nowhere but yes, it's officially back once more and now its better than ever. New powers, new cheats, no more Braun Legion, how will our Giga Chad protagonist change his fate once more to become a menace to the whole multiverse? Will he strive as a one man army? Or will he gain new Braun Allies once more and return to the good ol' days of Braun domination, all of that and more in the Final Boss of the Multiverse And if you are confuse, this is the new refined version of FB and the old one can be found in my account, it's pretty trash but you'll get to know the Braun Legion and his op cheat. No, this is not a sequel, this is a rewrite, and no, IR won't get drop, I'll resume it later in like 10-20 days. (Welp, that's a lie) (Started in May 15, 2022 - 172nd day of writing, well technically no because I haven't written a chapter yet and only made the outlines, synopsis, tags, and find a cover so it should be May 16, 2022 - 173rd day of writing. And don't expect god like writing quality, I get lazy sometimes and just make a decent chapter, but fuck you, I write 4k words a day, so go suck my nuts, I don't give a shit if you hate me and my work, a thousand others will love it and you're just nothing but a single fucking ant, so go back to mommy and say you got bullied by God, yeah, I have a fucking god-complex, hate me more, it only empowers me further because I'm a sociopathic scumbag who thrived off others suffering, and yes, this is a joke... maybe.)

NoNameDeity · Cómic
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215 Chs

Ch 198 – Supreme Genius! 

The light receded in the empty void of space. It was a strange area as if a huge chunk of reality has been torn off and replaced with nothingness. Not even any semblance of any object can be seen in the area. There was no cosmic dust, no passing rays of light from distant stars lightyears away, or anything of that sort. It was purely blank.

But only a single clump of light can be seen in the center of it all. The clump of light's figure rapidly solidified and took on a more humanoid form. Finally, when the light receded to the point that one can look at it with the naked eye, a humanoid figure can be seen.

The figure had an androgynous appearance. They had long hair split into black and white, along with heterochromatic eyes that complemented each other, giving the entity a mysterious and otherworldly air. Their skin was snow-white and brimming with vitality; their body was clad in a simple robe covering them from neck to toe, and the robe was similarly colored both black and white.

The figure seemed so distant from what 'real' is; as if they're a being not belonging to reality.

The entity had an aura incomparable to what a mortal is, in fact, the being felt godly and divine. Their mere gazes, when looking upon a mortal being, would cause them to freeze as if they were being looked down upon by a god.


The figure waved their arm, causing their wide robe to flutter. A flash of white light appeared in front of the being and the darkness beside them seemed to move like black liquid. Along with the darkness being alive, other figures appeared out of nowhere as space warped further, and they all rushed toward the source of the white light.

Upon seeing all of them enter the light, the figure took a last glance around them once more before eventually entering the light. With nothing left in the empty space, silence soon sunk and caused a desolate air to encapsulate the entire area.

The only observer to have seen the entire scene, Angelica, stared in a daze for a long period of time before muttering: "This… What is this ominous feeling?"



A voice hummed lightly like a soothing stream of water in a lively forest. The figure of black and white stared at the grandeur scene in front of them with a small grin, their eyes shining brightly with joy as Isaac, the now Supreme Emperor of Life and Death, a mysterious entity that is neither man nor beast, neither alive nor dead, with control over all other laws, can be seen inside his Inner World.

For a mortal to ascend to the realm of gods, they'll have to break their core and absorb the laws of the outside reality to form their own Inner World. Of course, that's not the only requirement, because if that were the case, then there would be countless gods roaming out and about already.

For a mortal to ascend to godhood, they not only have to be a demigod with sufficient foundation to face the harsh tribulations brought by the universe because they are essentially stealing the laws of their home world or whatever they are stealing from like space, asteroids, planets, and such, but they also need to have attained god-level comprehension of their respective laws.

What does it mean to attain comprehension over a certain law at the level of gods? Even if one was a mere mortal, one can utilize any form of power to gain meager control over the laws of reality. Even a normal man can cut boulders and buildings with a sword if he has god-level comprehension of the law of sword.

Comprehension is the understanding of a being of what reality is. The deeper they delve into this closed book, the more they'll understand its secrets and profundity, bringing a qualitative change every time they gain a deeper comprehension.

It's akin to a blind man and a man with eyes, it's simply too big of a difference in terms of efficiency and understanding.

Now take that normal man, and turn them into a god—beings wielding mysterious abilities capable of shattering mountains and splitting seas with ease. Given that a normal man can already cut boulders with a sword if they have god-level comprehension over the Law of Sword, then imagine what a god can do with their already immense strength.

"Bahamut," Isaac said with a gentle tone as he stared at the black slime on his forehead and smiled.

"Kyuuu," a soft voice echoed out and the black slime bobbed up and down.

"Everyone, go back to Earth for the moment," Isaac said and stared at the demigods surrounding him in the void of space.

Gal Jum, Qian Feng, Yokota Makoto, Clover Fourleaf, Empress of Light, Immortal King, Shadow Monarch, Nox Aeterna.

They were beings that could be considered legends in any other world, beings that were at the peak of the mortal realm. They are the emperors of worlds, with strength capable of taking entire continents by storm all alone. But now, at the current moment, Isaac felt like that even by just lightly tapping them with meager amounts of strength, they'd die already.

Of course, that wouldn't be the case if he was a normal god, but he's not. He's a living anomaly, a paradox if you will. Not only does he have an inner world like normal gods, but also laws imprinted on his body like god beasts. Just him being inside his Inner World alone caused a shocking resonance to form, making the laws become lively and allowing the planets to quickly prosper.

But that's not the only thing that was shocking. After doing his mysterious plan full of profound mysteries, he successfully fused his two bodies into his cheat, the golden core, and became both alive and dead at the same time.

Neither man nor beast, neither dead nor alive; that was the paradoxical existence named Isaac.

Bahamut's body quickly expanded, turning into a bigger form and the remaining demigods entered Bahamut's body. With a silent explosion, Bahamut flew at rapid speeds towards Earth, all the while the laws imprinted on its body resonating with his Inner World, causing more and more changes to occur with its mere presence alone.

Now all alone in the void of space, he turned his gaze toward his entire Inner World and couldn't help but smile once more.

Eight worlds revolved around the bright sun. It was his clone's home star system now placed directly inside his solar system, along with all of its abundant laws and foundation. Just having an entire Medium World like Earth from the get-go would be immensely helpful for any god, which would make them a genius amongst gods, but he has an entire Law Star!

What is a Law Star?

In the cultivation of gods, their main source of growth is their Primordial Energy, the very energy that governs all of creation! It is what allows the universe to continue to expand, and is what gave birth to everything, including gods!

A god has access to such energy due to them having their own Inner World, in fact, even worlds have access to Primordial Energy. Every world has its own form of consciousness, allowing them to govern their own bodies and caused growth to occur using their reservoir of Primordial Energy.

But how is Primordial Energy produced? Laws.

The more laws there are in an Inner World, the more Primordial Energy is going to be produced. The gods of the universe, of course, have already broken it down into quantifiable numbers and created their own terms to create an understandable system of growth.

In the realm of gods, gods are divided into more realms.

World God which is further split into Small World God, Medium World God (Earth, Venus, etc.), and finally, Large World God (Terra, Tellus, etc.)

Up next is Law Star God. Reaching this stage is akin to an entire civilization creating their first solar sphere and harnessing the power of the entire star, bringing them to the legendary realm of Type II civilization. At this stage, the difference between a World God and a Law Star God is as vast as a mortal and a god in itself!

Then next is Stellar God, beings that have two or more stars in their Inner World.

At this stage, the realm system is classified by directly how many stars they have inside their Inner World. For example, a god with 100 stars inside their Inner World would be classified as a 100 Star Stellar God.

A Stellar God can endlessly produce more and more stars inside their Inner World, with the basis that they have enough space of course, but at their level, the amount of Primordial Energy they produced would be immensely high that expanding the space of their Inner World would probably be faster than constructing another star.

But is that really the upper limit of gods? Of course not.

If one has comprehended the 'Truth' of their respective laws, they can enter the realm known as True God, gods that have reached the pinnacle understanding of their laws in their respective galaxies.

At this stage, they are already peerless and could be considered one of the strongest beings in their home galaxy. Their Inner World has already become a True World, which would hide countless profundities that only beings in that realm would know.

Dismissing his current train of thought, Isaac moved his stare towards the sole Law Star of his Inner World.

"The way worlds are classified into either small, medium, or large categories is not because of their size, but the number of laws they hold. Even a small rock, if it has enough laws to rival a small world, then it would be classified as a small world. Of course, a medium world would be larger than a small world due to the larger amount of laws, but the classification of worlds is still entirely dependent on their laws," Isaac commented and his eyes flashed with understanding.

"A small world would produce 1 drop of Primordial Energy every year, while medium worlds would produce 100 drops of Primordial Energy annually. Large Worlds on the other hand produce a whopping amount of 10,000 drops of Primordial Energy every year."

"Just having Earth alone would be an immense foundation for any god, but what about starting with a Law Star? A feat that would put any being outside the realm of a 'genius' and instead be called a monster," Isaac asked no one in particular as his eyes shone with glee.

"Once a god successfully creates a law star inside their Inner World, it is akin to a civilization successfully becoming a Type II civilization! That means the difference would be immensely large, large enough to the point that a World God and a Law Star God are akin to a mortal and a god! And sure enough, me starting with a Law Star is truly a terrifying feat!"

How many drops of Primordial Energy does a Law Star produce every year?

If we understand that a small world would produce 1 drop of Primordial Energy every year, and a medium world would produce 100 drops every year, while a large world would produce 10,000 drops every year, then it's easy to realize how terrifying a Law Star truly is.

1,000,000 drops of Primordial Energy every year.

And that 'year' is of course in the universal standard, which is different from Earth's calendar year, meaning the amount produce every year in Earth's standards would be a lot higher!

In a single day, the amount of Primordial Energy produced would average to a terrifying 2,800 drops! That's already higher than a medium world's annual production!

This is the terrifying truth of Isaac's monstrous achievement, and how he is truly a monster. He's not just a genius, he's already above what a genius is!

No, he is a supreme genius!

AN: This chapter has 2018 words.

(December 10, 2022 – 380th day of writing)

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