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{St. Foldgreen, Britain-France} Five years after the tragedy known as the "Angel Incident" occurred, the survivors made the decision to stay to rebuild and soon all was normal in the humble border town, however, God and his legion of husk angels had other plans for the small town and the former archangel, Gabriel Goodall knew that something wasn't right when the mayor announced the construction of a new church when the town hadn't originally planned to do so.

MuddyMuck · Fantasía
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1 Chs


"Our place of community and worship shall be named Caim, it shall be the home of the gracious townspeople who once walked among us but now are lost to the vile angel that tore them away from us not too many years ago."


That was a day to remember, the sky was a perfect blue and there wasn't a single cloud to be seen. The sun was so warm a contrast to the cold dewy grass and the smooth breeze that blew through the crowd that had gathered around the short round man who was standing high on his rickety old podium. Most townspeople celebrated the announcement of the new church, but some did not, as was the case for the soon-to-be pastor, Gabriel Goodall.

"Those brainwashed bastards deserved it." Gabriel spat, scowling at the pink-faced mayor.

"Now, now darling," Gabriel's fiance, Esther Greene, began as she adjusted her sun hat, "There's no need for that kind of language here, besides it'll be good for you to preach again, don't you think?" Esther flashed him a gleeful smile, very rare for the usually bleak and pale woman, perhaps this was a good change in their lives. "I suppose," Gabriel murmured, scowling unyieldingly. "I know you're not really a fan of your father or his dog leash of a book but these people are and they need someone like you to preach it to them, you are the messenger of God after all. Your voice is more powerful than any other, no one can beat you." The mention of Gabriel's father caused him to swear under his breath, despite the man's divine past he had a rather colourful vocabulary when it came to the topic of the beast he once loved as equally as the townspeople. "With the way you put it one could only assume you feel the same way as these sheep." He cast a disapproving expression at the frail woman who merrily shrugged in response to his cynical words. "It was only a matter of time before my mother would have succumbed to her illness and my father was an imprudent man who would have gotten himself killed sooner or later. I might as well thank your father for reaping their poor souls before time did." Esther had always found a way to make something good out of a horrible situation even if it was at the expense of her late mother and father. "Now let us put this subject to rest, there's no good in dwelling in the past." The younger woman gave her fiance a comforting pat on his back and turned to leave with the rest of the chattering crowd, Gabriel on the other hand did not leave, he stood glaring at the lively mayor who thanked the remaining townspeople and wished them a good day. The few remaining went their separate ways leaving only a scowling Gabriel and a cheery mayor."Mr. Goodall!" The mayor exclaimed, "I was worried that you wouldn't come, knowing you I thought you'd be at home taking care of your beautiful fiance! Speaking of her, did she happen to come with you?" The taller man grimaced at the mayor's words. "She has already left, I wanted to speak with you, Matthew." Matthew hummed solemnly at Gabriel's response, "Shame, it is always a pleasure to speak with her but what was it that you would like to speak to me about Mr. Goodall?" The shorter man fiddled with the large ring on his finger nervously, beads of sweat forming on his reddened face, he knew very well that Gabriel was a force to be reckoned with and it was never a pleasant day for anyone who was on his bad side. "I know you want to let the voices of the original townspeople that survived the angel incident be the poster child of St. Foldgreen but why was I chosen to be pastor of the new church?" Gabriel questioned. "The people thought you'd be the perfect candidate! You are the spitting image of St. Foldgreen's morals and values! Of course the ladies of the town chose you because of your admittedly above average looks, even my own daughters had to have a say in it." Gabriel was no stranger to the comments on his angelic appearance and the jealous glares of men less fortunate, though he did not take pride in it in fact he resented being gawked at and he most definitely resented the vile words the spiteful women of the town would spew at Esther for being engaged to Gabriel. "So it was a matter of how I look then." His scowl returned with more ferocity than before, frightening Matthew of what Gabriel would do next. "Now Mr Goodall let's not jump to conclusions! It wasn't just a matter of how you look, your personality and way with words stuck with people the most! Your voice comforts and frightens which is what the people believe makes you the best candidate." Matthew reassured, chuckling nervously as he dabbed away the sweat on his wrinkled forehead. Gabriel sighed, running his hands through his golden curls. "Give me some grace Matthew, I need time to think about this." Matthew nodded a bit disappointed in Gabriel's lack of enthusiasm. "Well," The man sounded drained and breathless as his gaze seemed to be rather interested in the prickly grass beneath him, "I'm sure you have other matters to attend to so I'll let you go on your way now. Good day to you Mr Goodall." Gabriel watched as the skittish man scampered away with a tired expression, he couldn't wait to be at home and out of the barbarous heat.