
Filipino time

"warning this is not historicaly accurate" Filipino time! A group of filipino prodigies divided in two factions, through political support. They realized that they have the same situation as Heneral Luna(General luna),they got betrayed by their own country as soon as they died they found them selves sitting in roundtable meeting of the seven tribes in palawan, and all of this happened because of system. They transback in time in the year 1450 ,71 years earlier before Spaniards discovered Philippines. Their plan was to rebuild the country's Pride and honor from its roots.

carljozshua · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Grand Plan

Loud strange voice: The meeting of seven tribes in palawan will now start!!

Everyone in the round table: What???!


They looked around them and what they saw was an ancient equipments and there's no mistake, they turn back in time.

John: What in world was happening?

The system notification popped up in front of each of them.

System :

*Soul transmission Duration 8 days.

*Soul transmission completed.


(This meeting was decided by seven tribe leaders after they got struck by immence light eight days ago, and having a nightmares of being possessed by somebody's soul since that day.)

John: I see what's happening now, everyone can read this right?

Everyone nodded with a surprised face, and James with sweat in his forehead.

John: So eight days have past? although it feels like a millisecond.

James: There's no turning back now isn't it?

After that answer the system popped up again.



(You're lives has 80 years left but you won't age until your death, unite the entire Visayas in ten years.)

*Reward: 5 years addition in your life.

*Failure: 5 years will be deducted in your life.


Arnel: So should we modernize this land first?

John: No we should cultivate this land let's teach them agriculture first, am i right Daniel?

Daniel: Yes, John is right we should teach them agriculture.

While conversation is rolling, the other prodigies are still in a state of shock.

Jasmine: Wait wait wait wait wait.... We just got in here!

Alberto: Yes, we just can't absorb it yet, and are you saying that we'll intervene in history? can't you hear yourselves and we'll change history?

After that, the question was answered by James with frustration and slams his fist in the table.


A loud noise caught the attention of the tribes men outside making them worry.

James: What are you talking about?! we're already here! we've been forced and the fact that were on this bodies we've changed the history already!

And what about the system? are going to ignore the fact that it can reduce our life?

Everyone was silenced by James' argument.

John: Ok let's calm down for a minute

30 minutes later.

While everyone was cooling down Agustin who was just observing realized something and ask.

Agustin: Ahm.. Guys i thought we're being transferred into these bodies, but no matter how i look at you guys... you're still the same we're just in a piece of clothing.

John: Yo- you're right... Maybe there's an error in system?


*Searching for error... no error.

(Do you want to apply the memories of the former owners of the bodies?)



John: Yes


*Applying memories in eight bodies

Then they soon felt an immense pain in their head.


"Shit this feel like forever!"

While eight of them having a conversation, their subordinates are talking to each other...

"They must've gone crazy!"

"Shh! everyone can hear you"

Fearing that the tribal leaders can hear them, but in perspective of the leaders they can't understand the language of tribal people.

"Don't talk like that! didn't we witness the light of god?".

"He's right... and now the leaders are talking to each other with an unknown language! it must be a Divine language!"

"Yes, they can see something what we can't see, it's like someone was talking to them".

"As expected of leaders, they're ordained by gods..."




*Process complete

(you can now read the memories of the former owners of this bodies)

John: i see so we have the same appearance as them...

Jasmine spoke with a surprise.

Jasmine: Wow there's too much of memory and we can talk to system too?

Then Jasmine ask the system.

Jasmine: System can you tell us what tribes we belong?


* Installing Ego

*Ego Installed

(I have transferred the memories of the former owners of these bodies, don't be lazy and try to remember through your brains!)

Agustin: This bastard!

John: He's telling us to use our damn brains...

Agustin: That bastard doesn't know how to respect.

And then the system answered him


(Are you going to use your brain now or what)

Agustin's face turns into red like a melon while his vein in his forehead is popping out.

Agustin: Ok that's it!

Agustin tries to punch the System notification.

Agustin: Ugh! I can't land a hit!

John shook his head in disappointment while his hands is in his forehead.

John: This idiot... of course you can't hit it.

John: Snd can't you see that? it got installed ego.


*John Mark Fernandez (Tagbanua Tribe)

*James de Guzman (Palaw'an Tribe)

*Alberto Enrique (Tao't Bato Tribe)

*Manuel Enrique (Tao't Bato Tribe)

*Arnel Morales (Molbog Tribe)

*Jasmine Bautista (Batak Tribe)

*Agustin Villanueva (Agutaynen Tribe)

*Daniel De Leon (Cuyonon Tribe)

(Make a plan for Visayas.)

(If you make a plan today you will be rewarded)


*Auto Translation

*Skill share

(Reminder: Only martial arts can apply in skill share).

John: I see

John: Now let's get to the business... ah! before that if the memories are correct we haven't had lunch yet let's eat first.

Then john speaks in tribal language to order them bring food.

Everyone was surprised by this.

Alberto: You can speak native language too?

John answered with smirk in his face.

John: Haha.. you noticed? check my status "status window".

System status window:

Title: Tribal Leader/Chief

Name: John Mark Fernandez

Age: 20

Talent: All-around talent

Skill: Memories LVL. 10/10 (Perfect)

Alberto reading john's status while poking his chin.

John: Since my compatibility in his memory is perfect i can understand the ancient language

Alberto: Hoh...

A minute later...

Jasmine: ew the food doesn't taste good!

the other prodigies is grumbiling too and murmuring

"we have no choice"

"we need to teach them how to cook properly".


An hour later.

John: We need someone who will lead our group.

Everyone faces turns into serious.

Alberto: I think you are the most suitable in that position .

John: Why not you? you're a son of a politician and maybe senator Enrique is more suitable.

*Alberto insisted*

Alberto: I think everyone has the same thoughts right?

Everyone in the roundtable nodded

John: Even you Mr. Senator??

John looked around him while everyone looked back at him with smile in thier faces.

John's thought: We have no choice isn't it? it's not like i don't like it... it's just little embarrassing.

John: Sigh... ok now we just have to make a surface plan.

Daniel: What should we do first is to focus on farming, but right now as we all know we're not in 21st Century anymore so all the farmlands in 21st century here in Palawan isn't cultivated yet.

John: So, are you saying we will cultivate the lands?

Daniel nodded.

Daniel: Yes...

John: Why? please explain it to others, isn't it requires enormous amount of manpower?

Manuel: That won't be a problem.

John: Can you explain Mr. Senator?

Manuel: Please don't call me a senator I'm not a senator anymore.

Then Manuel clears his throat .

Manuel: Ahem! First Currently the tribes in our country don't know how to farm properly and most of them are nomads, therefore we have advantage as long as we know to make a food they will follow us.

Second through this method we can gather people little by little.

John: Does anyone agree with this plan.

Daniel: Yes, I think it's effective.

Everyone nodded.

James: I get it now if this plan works well, we will sell Products to the other islands, for the mean time our priority is to get iron, copper and silver from them .

Agustin: I see, to strengthen our tribes we need to make weapons and tools.

John who fell in his thoughts suddenly remembered a history of the past and the words in his thoughts slipped in his tongue.

John: We need to imperialize this place.

Everyone was silenced by john's words and gulps in their dry throats.


Manuel: A-a-are you saying that we will imperialize Philippines?

This time the entire room was filled with pressure the issue was imperialism and can lead into dictatorship.

*John clinched his fist and inhales deep breath and exhales*.

Then john replies with terrible and terrifying aura in his face.

John: We're not Philippines yet and this is the first step to strengthen our (Bayang sinilangan) Mother land the people has yet to understand the concept of Republic, we'll teach them the concept and practice it after the country is capable of defending itself and self sufficient.

Everyone was still silent so John speaks with his loud voice.

John: How could you forget! 50 years or 60 years from now Spaniards will come here! we only have that short time to prepare! you all know what will happen!

Everyone has backed down and didn't continue to argue with john.

John: They colonized us for hundreds of years and i won't let that happen twice! the humiliation they brought to us they ever call our tribes (Indio) in purpose to insult us!

They sell our country to america and america colonized us too and in the second world war japanese conquered our country!

After that Alberto spoke.

Alberto: He's right

John: Do i have to tell you one by one?

Everyone is still silent so John continues.

John: Our National heroes have suffered becauce of colonization fighting for liberty, Dr.Jose Rizal ,the KKK, the gomburza, Heneral Antonio Luna, Andres Bonifacio.

John: Will you guys let them have the same fate again?will you let our land to be named after a foreign king?

Convinced by John's words everyone has decided to follow john's suggestion.

"No we won't let them do that!".

*John smiles*.

Everyone spoke in agreement.

John: Now let's continue.

Jasmine: May i speak?

John: Yes.

Jasmine: How can we convice our tribes to move here?

John: We will tell them that its the will of the gods, as i hear them talking to each other earlier they think of us as emissaries of the sun god because of the light they saw.

Agustin: That's a good idea!

John: We'll tell them that the gods teached us various things through revelations and one of them is Farming and Food making , and we'll teach them such as literacy,basic maths and we will gather black smiths across palawan.

And if someone's challenging you to a duel you can use the skill "skill share".

Alberto: Yeah that's right you all should be safe after we acquire it, i know almost all martial arts specially my main three martial arts the Filipino martial arts "kali" , Chinese martial Arts "Kung fu" and last was Mixed martial arts.

But i suggest you to use Kung fu because first it's handy, i watched a documentary that says ancient people no matter where you go they tend to be amazed by dignified and unique fighting styles, if you use it you'll gain their respect and loyalty.

Second is Kung fu has different styles so it'll be better to use it in front of them.

John: And they seem to settle things through fights.

*Everyone was curious and amazed with their eyes sparkling as they imagine Bruce lee and Master Ip Man*.

"Hoh... That'll be awesome"

John's thought: Look at these idiot hypocrites! after acting to be righteous, now they want to beat somebody, Sigh there's no helping it.

John: I think everyone has agreed

Everyone nodded.

John: Ok that's the plan for now, in two days we'll send someone or we'll go to our own tribes.

*System popped up*


*Plan has made

(Reward= Skill share, Auto translation)

(Extra Reward= map)

Will you accept?



Everyone answered


John: Then now let's have a rest and later we'll take look the landscape and tomorrow we'll announce our decision to the tribes men in here.

24 hours later.

*Everyone was gathered*.

The tribes men was wondering why they were gathered.

"I think it's about time".

"What time?".

"Didn't you hear the rumors??".

"N-no i did not".

"Jeez you are always outdated".

"So what's the rumors are?".

"They say that the tribe leaders subordinates who are close to them has witnessed something".

"And you know what happend?".

" Ugh come on just tell me already".

"They heard the tribe leaders talking in unknown language".

"It must be the devine language".

The conversation was interupted by a loud voice.

" The tribal leaders are here! sit on the floor!".

(For clarification: Alberto Enrique is not the current Chief/Leader of tao't Bato Tribe yet he is the heir, the current Chief/Leader of tao't Bato Tribe is his father Manuel Enrique)

(Note: In Philippine History, Philippines has KKK meaning "kataas-taasang kagalanggalangang katipunan" or in English "Supreme and Venerabe Society")

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