
Chapter 10

Madison jumped when she heard the sound of the door upstairs shut, Kaitlyn stirred beside her but didn't wake up, Madison heard her mother speak.

"Damn it, you can't do this to her. Don't you see how happy she is?" Her mom's voice sounded agitated.

"I do but if this means we have more money to make a better life for our child, we need a better place." Her dad spoke with a stern voice.

"We can't uproot her now." Her mom shouted.

"She finished High School and she's going off to college, I am not letting her be raised in this town no more." Her dad shouted in return.

Madison began to tear up.

"What about Kaitlyn? You are going to break both those girls hearts if you do this to them." Her mom stated firmly.

"They are both young and will get over it." He replied rolling his eyes.

Madison quietly moved from the bed without waking Kaitlyn, she crept up the stairs and stopped at the door pressing her ear to it as she listened in some more.

"So, you're going to break our daughter's heart and telling her that we are moving half way across the country? All because you got another job." Her mom said coldly.

"It means more money and better living situation plus Kaitlyn could always write to her." He replied casualty.

At that moment they heard Madison opened the door, turned to look at her, and tears were streaming flowing down her face.

"You can't be serious right now? I love Kaitlyn and I don't want to move half way across the country especially when I won't be able to see her, can't this just wait?" Madison said pleading in desperation to stay in the state with Kaitlyn.

"Madison this can't wait, we are leaving and that is finale, young lady!" Her dad demanded.

"What if I don't want to go?" Madison questioned.

"You have no choice but too you aren't eighteen yet." Her dad replied.

Kaitlyn stood in the doorway tears streaming down her face as well, Madison turned toward her, she tried to reach out for her but Kaitlyn turned away, she raced out of the house, Kaitlyn cussed under her breath.

"Now look what you have done." Madison said crying her eyes out.

Her mom went over and held her tightly. "Baby girl, I know. Why don't you go after her? Spend the time you got with her." Her mother soothed.

Madison wiped her tears away replying, "You're right mom, I hope she doesn't hate me."

"I don't think anyone could hate you." Her mom responded soothing Madison.


Meanwhile, Kaitlyn just got back to the house when Lydia opened the door for her. "Miss Kaitlyn, I didn't expect you back..." She cut herself off when she saw the look on Kaitlyn's face. "What's wrong my dearest?"

Kaitlyn let out a long sigh. "Madison's parents are moving and she has to go with, I am in love with her and I can't believe that it is happening like this just when it gets started she is yanked away from me like that." Kaitlyn replied with tears flowing down her face again.

Erin walked in and looked at Kaitlyn for the first time Kaitlyn allowed her to give her a hug. Erin tried her best to soothe Kaitlyn nothing seemed to work then when she heard a knock on the door she looked at Lydia. "Why don't you get that?" Erin said as she soothed Kaitlyn the that she could. "Kaitlyn, what is going on?"

"I had sex with Madison and now her parents are moving out of state, I can't believe it is happening like this." Kaitlyn replied between sobs.

"Miss Kaitlyn, it's Miss Madison." Lydia interrupted them.

Madison stepped into the room as Kaitlyn pulled away from Erin.

"Can we go some place and talk?" Madison asked.

"Sure, let's go outside." Kaitlyn replied motioning toward the door.

Madison followed Kaitlyn outside then down passed the dog pen where there is a small pond, Kaitlyn took a seat on a nearby bench and patted the empty space, Madison took a seat next to her.

"You know that this isn't my choice?" Madison said.

"I know but I don't want to lose you." Kaitlyn replied.

"I don't want to lose you either." Madison responded. "I can't say no either, I have no choice but to go. Trust me I would rather stay here and be with you. I love you Kaitlyn."

"I love you too Madison, how much longer do I have with you?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Two weeks." Madison replied frowning.

"Two weeks?" Kaitlyn asked wanting to make sure that she heard Madison right.

"Yes, two weeks." Madison replied again still frowning. "Promise me one thing."

"What will that be?" Kaitlyn responded.

"That you will move on if the right person comes along for you." Madison replied with a lump in her throat as tears threatened again.

"As long as you promise the same but I will tell you this that I will come looking for you." Kaitlyn responded.

"I will but just know that I will always love you." Madison replied.

"I will always love you Madison." Kaitlyn responded with a smile.

Kaitlyn reached over giving Madison a kiss it was a soft and sweet kiss that Kaitlyn didn't want to lose. Madison became the best that has ever happened to her but she knew she had no choice to let her go.

"At least you will be here for graduation." Kaitlyn said. "I want to spend as much time with you as I can, will that be okay?"

"I would love that." Madison replied.

It is going to be hard to say goodbye to the woman that you're in love with and who you feel is your soulmate. Madison wondered if Kaitlyn really meant what she said about coming to find her. Madison only had one fear that is what if Kaitlyn forgot about her or else moved on?

"Madison?" Kaitlyn said breaking the silence.

"Yes?" Madison responded looking at Kaitlyn.

"Would your parents allow you to spend those two weeks with me at my families cabin?" Kaitlyn asked all she wanted is to be alone with Madison, she needed to find a way to make this work, she couldn't lose her not now, not yet, and definitely not ever.

"They seem to like you, I am sure we can work that out." Madison replied.

Kaitlyn reached over and squeezed her hand.

"I am upset about this." Kaitlyn said. "I don't want you to go but I know I don't have a choice that is what is driving me nuts, I do care a lot about you and I love you." Kaitlyn leaned over and kissed Madison.

"I know, I love you too. Let's go back to my place so we can talk to my parent's about us spending two weeks together." Madison replied.

Kaitlyn got up as Madison followed, Madison knew that this is hurting Kaitlyn after all they just got close to each other this is all new to them and she didn't want things to end but long distance relationships were extremely hard. Kaitlyn went up the porch steps.

"I am going to talk to Erin and we will head over to your place." Kaitlyn said.

"I will wait here." Madison replied as she took a seat on the porch steps.

Kaitlyn went inside to see that Erin's making dinner, she stopped in the doorway to the kitchen and cleared her throat making Erin jump then slowly look at her.

"What can I do for you?" Erin asked.

"I am hoping that I can take the keys to the cabin and spend two weeks with Madison out there without any interruptions, I do promise that we both go to school since graduation is right around the corner." Kaitlyn replied speaking clearly.

"I don't see a problem with that." Erin responded smiling.

"You know Erin, you're pretty cool, I am sorry for all the shit I have given you before." Kaitlyn replied smiling back to Erin.

"It's okay, it's new for the both of us." Erin responded. "Have a good time and if you need anything at all don't hesitate to call us."

"I won't." Kaitlyn replied grabbing the keys to the cabin and headed out the door.

Madison stood up as soon as she heard the door opened. "Erin is actually pretty cool about the whole thing, let's go talk to your parents." Kaitlyn said as she followed Madison down to her car.

Getting in the car they drove quickly over to Madison's house, Madison looked at Kaitlyn and she could still see the pain in her eyes, they drove in silence all the way to Madison's place and once there they rushed out of the car and headed inside. Madison found her parents in the den watching a movie.

"Mom, Dad. I don't mean to interrupt." Madison said clearing her throat.

"Yes, honey? What is going on?" Her mom replied in that soft sweet tone that Madison is so use to hearing.

"Since I only have two weeks left with Kaitlyn, she has asked me to come to her families cabin for those two weeks before we leave so that way we can spend some alone time together. Will that be okay with you?" Madison asked.

"I don't see a problem with it just make sure that you go to school and if you have any problems at all you will call us." Karen replied smiling easing the pain that crossed over Madison's face.

"Thank you, mom and dad." Madison responded bouncing with joy as she ran down to her room to get a suitcase full of clothes and accessories.

Kaitlyn stood there as she waited on Madison. "I do really wish I could change your mind." Kaitlyn said in a heavy sigh.

"I know dearest." Karen replied.

Madison came back within twenty minutes with a suitcase in her hand. "I am ready to go." Madison said as she gave her parents a hug goodbye.

"Have a good time." Bryan said as he kissed the top of Madison's head.

"I will dad." Madison replied smiling.

They headed outside getting back into the car, Kaitlyn gave directions to Madison on how to get there, and it is going to be a nice two weeks alone together.

They sang together as they drove down the highway, they had no idea what to talk about about two hours later Kaitlyn pulled into the cabin's driveway. It was nice, secluded and away from everyone it is going to be a nice two weeks away for the two of them. Kaitlyn and Madison knew goodbye would be coming soon but they definitely didn't want to think about that.

Kaitlyn carried in their suitcases inside, Kaitlyn is going to do her best to make sure that Madison enjoys her two weeks, setting the suitcases in the bedroom Kaitlyn turned back to Madison.

"Can we go sit out by the lake?" Madison asked.

"Of course." Kaitlyn replied as she grabbed Madison's hand and they headed outside.

Slipping off their shoes and socks they walked to the end of the dock, sitting down they dangled their feet above the water.

"It's beautiful out here." Madison said.

"Yes it is." Kaitlyn replying agreeing as she touched Madison's hand. "I wish I could hide you away so you don't have to leave."

"I know." Madison responded. "I really wish you could too."

"Honestly, Madison I am afraid that you're going to forget about me." Kaitlyn replied frowning. "I am also afraid that someone else is going to sweep you off you're feet, I told you I will come find you, I won't give up until I have you in my arms again after all I do want to marry you." Kaitlyn touched the ring on Madison's hand.

"Why are you so afraid to lose me?" Madison asked.

"You are moving away who knows when I will see you again." Kaitlyn replied frowning.

"I don't know what's going to happen but all I know is that I will always love you." Madison responded pulling Kaitlyn into a kiss.

Two weeks at the cabin went by pretty quickly, Kaitlyn showed Madison how much she loved her over and over again. They stood together on the school lawn where names were called one by one.

Kaitlyn stood as her name was called and got her diploma, she threw her cap into the air and jumped down racing to Madison, she pulled her into a hug and kissed her. Everyone around them cheered. Kaitlyn pulled away from Madison slowly as tears were streaming down her face.

"I love you Madison Somers.' Kaitlyn whispered as she watched Madison leave with her parents.

Kaitlyn went home to find that no one is there and she dreadfully climbed the stairs to her bedroom, once she got to her room and laid down her tears streamed as they made her fall fast asleep.

"Kaitlyn!" Erin said. "I know you are going through a tough time and I know you loved Madison deeply but your young sweetheart and your going to find that love again."

"I don't want no one else but Madison." Kaitlyn replied with a stern voice. "I told her that I will find her and I am not going to stop loving her just because she moved away."

"I am not asking you too." Erin responded. "Look I know you don't care for me too much but I have always considered you my daughter, I don't want you to be hurting and I wish I could undo the pain that you feel but I can't, that kills me, I love you Kaitlyn."

Kaitlyn rolled over looking at Erin this was the first time in ten years that Kaitlyn saw tears in Erin's eyes. Kaitlyn hugged Erin as they both cried together that is when a knock on the door interrupted them.

"Miss Kaitlyn, I don't mean to interrupt but Miss Madison asked me to give you this." Lydia said pulling out an envelope that had Kaitlyn written on it.

Kaitlyn took it from Lydia. "Can I be alone, please?" Kaitlyn asked.

"Sure." Erin stood up and headed towards the door.

"Hey Erin." Kaitlyn said.

Erin turned around replying, "Yes?"

"Thank you and I love you too." Kaitlyn responded.

Erin smiled then left shutting the door quietly behind her. Kaitlyn looked down at the envelope as she opened it slowly, she pulled out the letter where she found tape to the front of it was the ring that Kaitlyn gave Madison, she ripped it off, laying it on the bed, she opened the folded letter and began to read.

"Dear Kaitlyn,

I don't know where to begin, I have never thought it would come to this and I am already missing you like crazy, I have given this to Lydia when I found out I was leaving. I just hope that you can forgive me for giving the ring back to you it's not that I don't love you. I want you to give it to me when you come find me. I don't know when that will be but I will do my very best to try to let you know where I am. I can't live without you Kaitlyn, you are my everything, you have opened my eyes so I can see who I am and who I want to be.

I definitely enjoyed the two weeks with you at the cabin. I love the way you made love to me, I love feeling you touch every inch of my body, you have no idea how beautiful you made me feel. I hope you know that I think you are amazing for what all you did for me and my family. I can't thank you enough for that.

I do remember our first kiss, it was amazing, I did enjoy each kiss we shared after that and I hope that you will find me as soon as possible being away from you is hard. I want to wake up with you by my side, I want to wake up and be your wife, you are my everything. I know I am just rambling, I hope you know that I love you, I am really not wanting to say goodbye rather than I will see you later. I love you Kaitlyn Tisdale, I can't wait to be your wife so come look for me.

Love, Madison"