
Chapter 1

In a far away universe there lies the Singlarr Galaxy. It is a very huge galaxy with many solar systems within it One solar system within it has a strange fact about it. It has 10 known planets, All the planets has some sort of life on them. They all are in various stages of development, ranging from olden times to very futuristic.

The inhabitants there are extremely deposed to wars and violence. The combat skills showed there are beyond the wildest imaginations of any given person that may appear in said galaxy.

There are constant wars in the Singlarr Galaxy.

This tale will be about the fourth planet, named Violio. The culture is like that of the olden times, one full of mystery and mysticism. The people believe and even see forms of energy known as magic.

Science is pretty well non-existent in most cultures here. Martial artists used magic that comes from within the user, also known as ki.


At the far west lies Lowroda, which is a very peaceful land. They are very peaceful people and do not like conflict. They just like to just live in mediocrity and not face any opposition. They live in their small villages and simply live off the land. They do not like to travel and they tend to mind their own business when dealing with others deemed strange to them.

They are not trouble makers and to live in the land of Lowroda is like living in a dream. You have next to no crime and you can leave your doors unlocked at all times. Everybody looks after each other and helps those that are in need.

To the east of Lowroda, lies a huge desert called Socanas. It contains several group of violent desert dwellers. They are extremely violent in nature and love blood sports. The people of Socanas love to do nothing but evil. The citizenry of the desert do love to do acts of debauchery of all kinds.

Anything and everything can and will happened, while living in desert of Socanas.

To the west of the huge desert is the dagger forest, where many bandits dwell there. It is unsafe for anybody to travel, while in the forest! Every trouble you could find is in this forest.

Past the dagger Forrest, there is the land of Canthra, which is led by the royal Kolan. The man is a very kind and gentle ruler. He was a strong and very stern ruler but does not forget to be a kind leader that does all he can to help his people.

The people of Canthra are very strong and many great warriors make Canthra their home.

To the north of Canthra, is the training grounds of the continent of Homodea. Many strong warriors are on the massive planet. The strongest warriors go to the famous training grounds near Canthra to become the best of the world. The mission of the training ground is create the best warriors in the entirety of Violio!

The training grounds is led by a group just called by the title of "the elders." No one knows who they are or where did they came from. They desired to make the best warriors on the totality of the whole world.

Why the elders desire to make the strongest warriors is still unknown.

The strongest warrior in all the continent was simply called the Butcher. He was a fearsome foe

for any person, warrior or not.


A man named Jontho, was training with his younger brother, Wilron at the training grounds. After his brother had left, the great shadow made Jontho an offer than he could not refuse. The man had wanted to be the best warrior in the world but he nearing the end of his prime. Soon his power that he has trained for so many hundreds of years will soon cave in to middle age. His massive gains of power and skill would start to come to a near halt. He would not allow for himself to suffer such a horrible humiliation. Jontho lusted after more power, so he sold his soul to the great shadow. He wanted to be

the best warrior that much.

While in a field, the great shadow appears in his cloth cloak that is black in color. He is completely covered in an armed cloak. The only part of the body of the great shadow that is exposed is

his thin whitherd wrists and hands.

The great shadow speaks, while pointing his curved finger at the Jontho, and asks him to murder his brother.

Jontho is taken back and refuses.

The great shadow throws out a metal box at the huge man. Jontho was over fifteen feet and over fifteen hundred pounds. So a small metal box was nothing for the giant to catch.

Jontho spoke," What is it?"

The great shadow said, "Open it and see!"

Jontho broke the seal on the box and opened it. He was so shocked that he drop the box to the ground.

The great shadow laughs in the amazement of what the man has just seen.

Jontho looked up at the great shadow and said," I will do what you tell me!"


The Butcher's real name was Jontho and was going to kill his brother Wilron. The two brothers were very close but Jontho was going to murder his brother nonetheless. His lust for power was that great.

But why?

What did the great shadow offered Jontho to kill the brother that he loved so much? What did Jontho sell his soul for? What could it be?

The brothers loved each other very much and went through everything together as a unit. Jontho

was even the best man at his brother's wedding. Jontho's sister in law was like a sister to him and the three of them were that close a family unit

Jontho walked into Wilron's house and could smell that something good was cooking. Jontho

knew when his brother's wife, Arina cooked when it was nearing time for her husband and brother in law was to come home after a hard day of training.

Wilron will be also home soon!

Arina hears somebody went through and she walks into the front room with an apron and wash cloth in her hands. She was drying her hands and saw that it was Jontho.

Arina speaks,"Oh you came back early! Where is Wilron?"

Jontho remains silent, which shocks Arina. Her brother in law had never been this way with her before.

Jontho stares at the pregnant belly of his sister in law.

Arina speaks," I am ready to pop any time! Your brother will be a father soon and you will be an uncle!"

Jontho had a look of disdain on his face when she said that. Jontho spits in her face and Arina uses the washcloth to clean the spit off her face.

Arina scream out in disgust," What is your problem? You have never been this way with me before! Why all the hate now after you loved me as a sister all these many years!"

Jontho broke out into laughter at the statement.

Jontho spoke,"Since I have learned that you have been playing the harlot! That is what has changed!"

Arina falls to her knees and begins to cry uncontrollably.

Jontho yells,"Why after so many years of being faithful to my brother, why did you cockhold

him now?"

Arina could not look up at her brother in law, due to her shame.

Jontho yelled," I had my brother tested by three doctors and he was found to be sterile!"

She yelled, "I knew that Wilron was sterile but we still wanted children anyway! I had to take

matters into my own hands!"

Jontho yelled," So that justified your infidelity, is that what you are telling me!"

Arina looked up at the huge Jontho and said," You have betrayed Wilron as well!"

Jontho punched a nearby couch in half out of anger and the stuffing of the couch begin to spill out.

He spoke," What are you speaking about? Are you daft? I have done no such thing!"

Arina yelled," The reason Wilron is sterile is because he used all sorts of drugs to keep up with you, but you had raised the bar one or two steps when he got near your abilities! He could never keep up with you for very long and had to upped the drugs constantly!"

Jontho was shocked about he just heard.

The warrior Jontho had always been a better warrior than his younger brother. The man never had to use drugs to get ahead as a fighter.

Jontho was just that much of a prodigy of a warrior. He trained hard but he did not have to take various extra chemical means to get ahead as a fighter. Wilron was a ten out of a ten as a fighter but Jontho was a fifteen. It was not that Wilron was weak but Jontho was just that strong as a warrior.

Jontho begin to cry but he knew that he could not take back his actions. All Jontho could do was try to fix it.

He asks," Do you know who the father is?"

Arina points her finger at the huge Jontho and says," You are the man! You have been the one to impregnate me!"

Jontho puts his hands to the sides of his enormous head and is totality befuddled by what he has

just heard from Arina.


The huge Jontho was reliving all the events that he had had with his younger brother Wilron. They were very close since they were young. They had been both raised by a minister couple and they both knew what was right and what was wrong. Jontho would sleep around while he was in the training grounds but never with his brother's wife! He had that much sense!

Jontho could not have done what his sister in law was claiming that he had did! The most contact they had together was a gentle hug and a wet kiss on the forehead. But, Jontho committing adultery with her was out of the question!

Jontho yelled," Harlot, tell me what is really going on!"