
Fighters Spirit

A new transfer student finds himself the target of bullies and ends up beating them to a pulp.

Jase_Lezz · Acción
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15 Chs

Kingston High-All Out War

The bell rings, and everyone walks out their classroom doors, and off they go to their homes, the mall, etc.

Mary and her friends walk along the hallway, chatting. Until someone familiar bumps into Mary.

Scorpion: My bad.

Mary and Scorpion share glances with one another.

Mary: Scorpion, Right?

Scorpion: Yeah.

Mary: Thanks again, for helping me out the other day.

Scorpion: No problem.

Scorpion puts his hand behind his neck, and for the first time, he is nervous. Mary puts a strand of her hair behind her ear. Christina and June, watching from afar, share a knowing smile.

Mary: So… what's with the chain?

Scorpion looks down at his wrist.

Scorpion: Adds an edge to my fighting prowess. 

Mary: That's cool. Im not really into the whole fighting thing…

Scorpion: I get that. Do…you like breakfast?

Mary: *Giggles* Yeah, I like breakfast. It's the most important meal of the day.

Scorpion smiles and a quiet laugh could be heard.

Mary looks back at her friends.

Mary: Im going to the mall with my friends. If you have the time, want to join?

Scorpion: I'll see, I usually work out at the Mall's Gym after school.

Mary: Wan to walk to the mall with us?

Scorpion thinks to himself for a bit.

Scorpion: Sure…


Lee, Jacob, and Davis gather in front of the school, talking amongst each other.

Lee: Nah you see, Sanji, is a FAR better character ANY DAY!

Davis Nods. He looks off to the side and sees his sister talking with Scorpion and glares.

Lee: Woah woah woah, Davis, Scorpion's a good guy.

Jacob: I overheard people talking, he actually helped your sister out a couple of days ago. Kyle was about to hit her and-.

Davis balls his fist.

Jacob: My bad, Davis, Scorpion took care of Kyle.

Lee: See, Davis, He's a good person.

The students up ahead make a ruckus.

Random student #1: Is that him?

Random student #2: He's so handsome!!

Random student #3: Wait, why is he here?

Lee: Who are they talking about?

Lee and his group head over. They see Nicolas, Richard, and Jake.

Jacob: Bad news guys, that's Ringstone's big three, the top dogs of their school.

Nicolas is #25 in the Fray rankings, Richard is #20 in the Fray rankings, and Jake is #16 in the Fray rankings. All of them are strong in their own right. And if they're here that means…

Davis balls his fist tighter and Lee smiles.

Lee: They want a fight.

Mary: Scorpion, we should leave.

Scorpion: No. If it's a fight they want, then it's a fight they'll get.

Scorpion: (I need to defeat them to get stronger).

Nicolas: Look at this! I don't get the hype they all look like a bunch of fucking losers! HAHA.

Richard: Now, Nickle, Don't get ahead of yourself. Though, I don't get why Lee and Silent Night would hang with such a weakling.

Driven by anger, Davis charges at Richard, his fist slicing through the air with unrestrained force. The impact of his punch reverberates, but Richard, nonchalant and composed, effortlessly intercepts the blow. The clash of their fists echoes through the space, momentarily surprising Davis. In response, Richard smoothly counters with a punch of his own, his nonchalant demeanor intensifying Davis's frustration—a sudden jolt that takes him aback.

Richard: I must have hit a nerve, eh?

Jake: And since they've already started it, it's an all-out war!

Nicolas scans the crowd and smiles when he sees Scorpion. 

Nicolas: You're mine!

Nicolas charges at Scorpion, who's unwrapped his chain. As Nicolas throws a punch, Scorpion attempts to wrap the chain around his arm. However, Nicolas halts his punch and thrusts his other fist into Scorpion's abdomen.

Nicolas: I read about you, you used that move on two of our scouts but get this, we aren't scouts.

Nicolas flaunts his agility, executing a backflip that lands a kick on Scorpion's chin. Caught off guard, Scorpion grunts but swiftly recovers, displaying determination to face Nicolas head-on.

Lee glances over at Davis's and Scorpion's fights. Then he glances at Jake. They both walk up to one another and both enter a fighter stance.

Jake: I heard so much about you, beating up all the weaklings at this school and beating up my scouts. Let's see how you deal with an actual fighter!

Jake jabs at Lee's face, but Lee deftly dodges. Lee counters with a rotating back-kick, which Jake skillfully blocks. Swiftly seizing the moment, Jake retaliates with a surprising fist aimed at Lee, landing successfully.

Jake: You're good, but we both know how this will end.

Lee: I've had plenty of fights these past couple of weeks. Yet this one… excites me the most!

Lee's smile grows bigger.