


I don't want to get married. Nope, never going to happen. No matter how much the guy begs, I will never say yes.

/"Bethany calm down!/" Her mother yells as she tries to calm the bride down. Bethany was so sweet making me one of her brides maids. Don't know why she chose me, but she did, and I was honoured.

I walk over to her and grab her shoulders to make her face me. /"Bethany, calm down. Just breath, follow me, okay?/" I say and begin to demonstrate deep, slow breaths. She copies me and eventually calms down.

/"Thank you Tori./" She says smiling, she goes and sits down again, letting her sister do her makeup.

By the time she's done, she has a natural look. Her dress is amazing, she doesn't like puffy dresses so she got one that falls elegantly down to the floor, I think its silk.