
Fight In Oblivion.

"What would you do if you weren't afraid?" "I would love you" She sighed, "Why don't you then?"

lovesnowwinter · Ciudad
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6 Chs


Have you ever thought about what life would look like if we didn't feel it?


His hands were still shaking, he held in a stifle, he needed anything, anything at all to snap him out, at all times, his luck just had to put him in the middle of all this at this time, he was debating the need to kill something or to go take a shower, decided against both. After a while, he decided against sleeping as well, jumping off the bed and changing his soaked shirt, he walked out the door grabbing his hoodie, putting it on leisurely, he ran down the road, he needed to feel something other than chilling terror so he ran, he ran till his chest hurt, but he refused to stop, his legs were giving in but he refused to let them he felt so much anger through him, it almost masked out his pain, and fear and the boulder in the middle of his path.

He stopped just in time to not trip over it, run through his would have been fall, he stopped on the road, noticing how far away from his apartment he had come, angry at himself to be weak enough to give up, he started on his way back, checking his watch he noticed it was four fifteen, he decided to walk into the gym and finish out his work out while he was at it this time. It would save him the extra time he would have used on the treadmill seeing as he had finished it out.

Maybe he'd save decent time to get actual breakfast for himself.


Her alarm blared for the third time that morning, letting out a low growl and sigh, she flipped the duvet off her head and angrily turned off the alarm for good, it was six in the morning and today was Monday, it was her off day seeing as she had a particular loathing for the day, and she forgot to turn off the alarm, just her luck, she walked to the bathroom, and finishing up her business, she wore flip flops and grabbed her keys.

She wanted to go buy something for herself like maybe a whole bag of chips cause she was allowed to slack today.

She walked out and only started walking when she heard her door lock, pressing down for the elevator, the metal box seemed to be taking its time, and just when she wanted to take the stairs, it came up, she got in and pressed for the lobby hoping it takes shorter than it did to come up.

In no time she was outside and walked into her car. Driving into the mart she quickly grabbed out her chips and stood over the ice-cream box convincing herself why she should not take it, and failed, she wanted it she took it.

The trip back to her apartment was short, and straight to point, she almost missed the elevator and scrambled to get it, only to find another man inside it, he had wet hair and he looked like he was from the gym, she assumed he was from the gym. He was wearing runners. He raised his face to look at her, barely off the ground the man was tall as is.

She felt inferior and since it angered her, she looked to the front minded her own, after pressing to her floor number. The elevator was quiet and was a bit awkward she wondered why since she barely knew the man.

His phone rang and she wished she had plugged in her hear buds before walking in because now she had to overhear his conversation. Judging from his sigh before picking up hinted at how long the phone call would be.

Just as if to answer her prayers, the doors opened up,

"Cara?" He called out,

She turned towards him, and answered back,

"Yes," rather skeptical by the fact that the man knew her name, though she didn't recall meeting him.

He turned towards her with an unreadable expression on his face,

"How may I help you?" he asked with a squint

She was taken aback by his statement, and for a while didn't know whether to be angry or just be dramatic

"You are the one who called out to me, I should be asking you that?" She answered.

The phone on his hand started talking, the woman on the other side she now heard was rather impatient.

"I didn't call you," he said turning and walking away pinning the phone to his face as he walked.

She was left there confused wondering what to do with the encounter in front of her but she let it pass, and walked to her apartment, just then it hit her, they stay on the same floor.

A small smile crept on her face at the realization, she mentally slapped herself, she did, however, consider it funny, when she noticed he was probably talking into the phone, she couldn't surely be the only human on this blue marble called Cara, and considering how he said it, maybe it was just an endearment.

Now she felt stupid, after cursing at herself, she drank water, and resolved that they both would probably never meet again and it was just coincidental, she is barely outside anyway.