
Fight For Freedom

A young boy was shivering before a very very tall human, a titan. As the titan's hand was nearing him, the boy closed his eyes, waiting for his fate. It never came. A young man with 3d maneuver equipment has cut the titan's finger. The young man has unknowingly changed the fate of the world and the fate of a lot of person, in good or bad ways.

0Akai0 · Cómic
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8 Chs


A 100 years ago, titan appeared. They were creature that vary from 3 meters to 15 meters. They didn't have any sex and only male specimen seemed to exist. They eat human but don't attack other creature.

They alone almost killed all of humanity. And so as a protection for the current and the future generation, humanity decide to build 3 wall circle, to avoid titan climbing them, they were 50 meter tall.

The wall were named after 3 goddess, the first, wall Maria, the second, wall Rose, the third, wall Sina.

Peace followed for a 100 years. Unfortunately peace was, is, and will never be eternal.

And so after a 100 years of peace. A gigantic head of a titan without skin appeared at the top of the wall. The colossal titan was here.


Lucian was an orphan. His parents were one of the many unlucky people who succumbed to rare sickness. All this time the only reason he survived was because of his mother's younger brother, Garen.

Garen was only 18 when his big sister died, leaving a child he vowed to protect. Garen was in the Garrison Regiment. Although his big sister death affected him a lot, he never showed it and only keep it to himself while maturing a lot.

They were also very unlucky as they live in the Shiganshina district in the south of wall Maria. It was known by all that the south was to die from titan while the north was to survive from the titan but to die from the cold. It was even said they didn't have spring!

Those 2 pair were now like brother while they were, in fact, uncle and nephew, they didn't care, those two lost someone very important too early on and now they depended on each other.

Lucian was very mature for his age, he prefer to read book than playing with his friend. He was also bold but dense. That's why the first time his shy brother brought back a young girl he was acquainted with in the garrison, Lucian actually said.

"Brother, will you have sex with her in your room ? If yes, can you not be loud ? I want to sleep. And if not, can i sleep with you, last night i had a nightmare about a gigantic titan's head above the wall."

Oh and he is 9 years old as well.

The couple actually choked and began to cough heavily while blushing furiously, he was right, having sex was in their planning.

"Little brother, what was your dream exactly ? And also you can't, although it's true, say thing like that."

"Really ?! My brother will finally be a real man and not a virgin ?! Yay ! Big sister, although my brother is a shy and sometime idiotic person, I am sure he will a good a husband, moreover, and I'm proud to say this, but my brother's friend down there is huge so don't worry about me and have your fun bye !"

Lucian said while running to his chamber with a naive smile.

Garen blushed until his little brother began to talk about his penis.

His mouth formed a 'O' shaped while his girlfriend was blushing and sometime stealing glance at his penis.

They went into his room and 15 min later they had sex. Garen was actually grateful at his little brother because of his naive ranting, he managed to bed the girl he was madly in love with since years ago.

In the meantime, Lucian was in his room, still dense until he heard his brother and girlfriend moan crazily.

"Humph! I was right, this brother of mine is the best ! Haha"

Later, the girl move into their house and his brother and her married each other. Lucian was happy to have a sister-in-law and vow to have one too so that he could be like his big brother.

Although Garen was a bit shy and a bit a coward, he was still a soldier.

Lucian was admiring his big brother and was wondering what it feel like to fly through the sky with a 3d maneuver equipment, slowly Lucian was also wondering about the freedom some kids spoked about when he was buying bread. The kids, Lucian was talking about were 3 troublemaker, from his point of view at least. One of them with blonde hair pretend to be weak to be bullied, a second with black hair, and a weird temper then fight with them. However Lucian feel like the second kid pretend to be weak so that the third kid, a beautiful young girl with a red scarf come to his rescue.

And like this time passed quietly, however, peace is NEVER ETERNAL.

The mc personnality will greatly change.

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