

My name is Kayn Farlier

Father. Leylin Farlier died at age of 20

Mother. Diana Farlier died at the age of 80

I'm an independent scientist that works for cancer research program. My entire life I never met my dad but nevertheless, I still look up to him he died doing what he loves. That's why I devoted my entire life on my work as he did.

I've spent my entire life on a specific cure for cancer, genetically modified parasites that target cancer cells. It was incredibly hard it was exactly like programming but infinite times harder.

While I was studying the effects of cancer if exposed to a new form of parasite that I specifically bred to release a chemical that triggers the immune system to target the cancer cell. But before my assistant handed me the results of the test I was killed, by my own assistant. Killed because he wanted to take full credit for my 30 years of trial and error.

Now I'm laying there surrounded by the broken glass here watching as my assistant try to make it as if I died from an accident.

'So this is death ha thought it would be cool like your life flashing before your eyes. Guess my only regret is not passing off my genes.' Slowly darkness took over as I feel my consciousness fading.

Suddenly in the darkness, a being appeared it looked like a sphere had wings made out of light. It looked at me and spoke.

"Hello, there human you did well the total amount of life you saved had reached Quattuordecillion."

"Is this a joke I'm dead wasn't I?"

The emotional less sphere spoke.

"Yes, your physical body is dead. And your here the border between the material world and the Great Wheel of Reincarnation. Now, why did I stopped you from reincarnating? Well, the amount of merit you got is unprecedented and was furthermore double because they did not know who truly made the cure.

Although there are many who doubted your assistant all of it was blown away by showing his supposed notes on the hypothesis of it written by him. And he only revealed the cure 34 years later after your death."

"Wait how did my work save Quattuordecillion people?"

"Well your cure with a little modification did not only save humans but also alien life forms turns out cancer is pretty common in biological life forms. And after billions of years, your cure further spread in the galaxy until the end of your mortal universe."

The sphere glowed as it continues.

"Ok, enough there is 3 types of universe Mortal, Great and the one in only Deva.

Both the Mortal and Great have infinite worlds that have different variations. The world of Deva is only one true world and that is where I come from.

A Great world has different energies or power that govern it while Mortal worlds don't have it. But if a person from the Great world had enough power or control over their specific power they will have an opportunity to enter the world of Deva. So this is an opportunity do you want to enter the world of Deva? I advise you to not the world of Deva is vast and extraordinarily cruel I suggest you stay at one of the Great realms or Mortal."

I quickly thought of what to do.

"So I don't want to go to that Deva place because of its way out of my league. I also don't want to experience the pain of being powerless. One of the Great worlds it is."

"So because of your merits you can choose the way and when you get reincarnated as long as the worlds law is developed enough preferably 700 plus year old. So what would it be?"

"Year 760 because my dad died at 760FC(First contact). I want to be a giant if I'm big no one can kill me and I'll be strong. I want to be born in a natural way and be male and have information on all the things that will happen in the future that's all."

The sphere glowed again as it said.

"Smart but the most I can do is with your merit 20 years in the future. Goodbye since you didn't tell me what kind of world you want I'll send you into a random world with your specifications.

Bye, friendly advice if you want someday to enter Deva be sure to control or cultivate powers from the elements because people who use powers like card magic will die from being useless in Deva."

The sphere glowed with white light as I lost consciousness.

I feel so tight I can't move my arms but I can breathe.

"The head is out to push more Madam."

As I realized what's happening I quickly try to wiggle my way out but was blocked by my undeveloped muscles.

Slowly my new mother pushed the rest of my body out while the midwife took hold of me. She clamped my umbilical cord and cut it near clamp.

Opened my eyes for the first time in my new life' HAA' the light quickly assaulted my eyes. As I start to tear up I quickly cried as to not show that I'm not abnormal somehow. I look at the midwife in a medieval maid outfit.

"Congratulations madam its a boy I'm sure he will be a fine worrier like his father."

I was being handed to the blond woman.

Before I could get a good look at my mother my head was attacked by endless pain as information about this world and what will happen in 20 years attack me. This time I cried for real.


The blond woman who was holding me smiled as she said filled with maternal love.

"He's quite energetic."


The door opened as a 'man' with a full beard walk towards me and my new mom. My new mom spoke as he hands me towards the man.

"What should we name him dear?"