

"What happened to you? You look like you've seen a ghost?"

She quickly noticed the change in my facial expression. So I immediately calmed myself down.

"It's nothing I'm leaving this world in a few years as well."

My body shivered again as I look at her in a new light.' There is no way she is just an S class mage! God level? She might be even stronger than Zeref. '

"Again why is it that you look like you've seen a ghost?"

'Noo...nothing Madam I mean teacher!'

I struggled to talk as I try to grasp the situation.

Before I could even talk I was shoved inside the door.


The door closed behind me as I heard her voice.

"Concentrate think of your intent either you die of hunger or get recognized by scroll."

"Isn't this kidnapping! You will be punished by the school if I died."

"Who can punish me in this world?"

I immediately shut up as look around.

What greeted me was a room surrounded with an uncountable number of scrolls each having complicated magic circles in front of them.

I walked towards the middle as crossed my legs and sat. I closed my eyes as thought about my intent. I thought about it for a while as I spoke.

"Intent... What is my intent.? I spend my whole life helping people only to be betrayed by a friend. I saved

so many lives but couldn't even save my own.

Why is death always the end? Now I've been given a second chance why should I be shackled by death? Why should I be shackled by death?

I want to LOVE! TO PROTECT! I DONT WANT TO BE BOND BY DEATH and lastly I don't want to be bound




As if I angered the heavens a loud booming sound echoed in the room as it was followed by a crisp sound of a chain breaking.

I opened my eyes as a ball filled with black magic circles to the point that it looked like a black sun was just floating there in front of me. I was scared to the point that I couldn't move.

Suddenly a loud deep voice spoke in my head.


'A descendant of my friend Surtr No! not just a descendant of Surtr but has the elemental soul of a descendant of bitch Drago? Hmmm. What an odd combination... BUT I LIKE IT! I'll give you my Aura do you accept?'

My mind was in a frenzy as I looked towards the black ball that seems to be losing its luster.

'Yes, I accept! I want power!'

'Let the second Rage God be born I hope you survive!'

As I heard those words the black sphere shot towards my stomach as my entire body was surrounded by black magic circles. Endless pain followed as my body felt like it was being smashed apart.


My golden blood leaked out of my eyes and nose as I lost conciseness.

Awhile later.

"Wake up! Hey, wake up!"


"Don't slap my disciple like that!"

"Don't worry his a giant he can take a few slap or two. Hey, wake up!"


"I told you to stop! Why don't you listen that's why I was Masters favorite."

"Huh? But who did he left to watch over his inheritance to? Me haha!"

"Huhhhh? But who did he pick to choose who would be the inheritor? Me haha!"

"But I'm stronger!"

"Ow yea let's fight in the moon again!"

I opened my eyes as I heard the two familiar voices argue. Just as I guess it was the blond and Madam Asura.

They immediately stopped arguing as they noticed that I was looking at them with a shocked expression.

"You're finally awake, say your good-byes this is probably the last time you will see each other for a very long time."

Madam Asura spoke as she looked at Angelina.

I looked at them with confusion. As Angelina walked towards me.

"I know you're pretty confused right now but you have been picked as an inheritor for our master. I hope you survive this trial. You will be teleported to Rage Island in a minute.

There you will have to survive in your own for God knows how long. This is probably the last time we will see each other for a very long time.

The commotion you cost awakened the World Law now it found us it's rejecting us already we are living."

As she spoke those words I feel the pain that I experienced a while ago coming back.

Angelina looked at me with a smile as tears flowed down her chicks.

"Im pregna...."

Before she could even finish the black magic circles that surrounded me turned to a teleportation spell. As I instantly disappeared.


I opened my eyes as I heard the roar of a tiger. I immediately cast reinforced as I saw a huge red tiger with blazing eyes pounced at me.

I kicked it to my surprise it didn't budge. As I seem to agitate it even more it became more frenzied. And pounced as it took a bit at my reinforced head.


It roared in pain as its tooth broke apart.

There I felt my mana was already at the 50% mark.

I summoned my spear as stabbed it in the mouth and casting combustion.

It's head exploded as a small black crystal with magic circles that looked a lot like the one from the black ball flew out.

I stood up and picked it up. As I touched it instantly borrowed inside my skin as I felt it going towards my chest.


I screamed in pain as I took my shirt off as it reached my chest it stopped and turned into a small black magic circle.

Suddenly a spell appears in my head...

I'll give you guys a trivia do you know that the larger the animal is the smaller the sperm is and the higher the number of sperm.

Ok his not human and when was it mentioned that Angelina is human at all. And yes his body is so dense that even if girl bounce on top of him it will be like jumping in cement platform.

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts