
Fire v Fire Dawn of Fire

In the middle of the forest beneath a tree under the blistering sun a young man with black hair with a ting of white has his eyes closed with his back against a tree.

"Wake up!"

I opened my eyes as I saw the red haired goddess standing before me with her hand crossed.

"You weren't kidding when you told me "in an hour"."

I laughed at her as I stood straight.

"Release your weapon I want this to be a fair fight."

She looked at me with a serious face.

"Reruip! Flame Empress armor!"

After a blazing light her entire body change as now she had a twin tail and her outfit change from a silver crossed armor to a wierd red armor with dragon wings on her back.

She pointed her sword towards me as she spoke.

"Where's this weapon of yours?"

'This feeling again I hate it this suppression' I smiled as I decided to not use Adamantite in this battle as the suppression might increase.

"Haha You want to fight me with fire? Lets fight fire with fire then."

She looked confused as she remembered one of the three bloods was colored red. 'No it can't be! Another dragon blood?'

I stepped back a little as two black horns appeared on my head with two of the same rune from each horn glowing red.

"This is my demon soul and this is my weapon!"

I shouted as black flames ignited in my hand forming a flaming spear.

Finally I looked up as the third rune on my horn lit up as black veins extended from my pich black eyes surrounded my body and black flames started to appear around me as I felt I could control the flames as if it was another arm.

"You are truly filled with surprises."

'Wierd I don't feel heat from those flames as if they choose what they want to burn.' She thought as orange flames appeared on her sword.

"You overestimate yourself just standing there!"

She charged at me with her flaming sword. With a slash a huge fire ball appeared flying towards me.

The flame exploded in front of me sending the trees near me flying in flames.

She looked at Argus who's entire body could not be seen as flames covered everything in a 5 meters radius.

"Maybe I overestimated him."

She spoke in a worrying tone.

"I heard Atlas told me I could do this but I never tried it before because its truly a weird thing to do.."

Suddenly the flames started to gather in one direction. The flames shrank slowly exposing me.

In the middle of the flames an unharmed man not affected by the flames was holding a flaming spear and was inhaling all the flames as if it was just air.

"It's wierd but I like the taste. Its spicy with a hint of sweetness just like you."

She looked at me with shock as this reminded her of someone she new.

I aimed my spear towards her as I threw it with all my might.

She held his sword firmly ready to accept the attack.

"I suggest you don't do that."

With a snap of my finger the entire spear exploded in black flames infront of her as the flames moved around her burning her armor off.

In a few seconds she was completely naked and had anger written all over her face.

"I'm gonna kill you!"


I looked at her angrly face as I couldn't help but say out loud.

She blushed a little as no one dared to call her "cute" before. Her being a well known S class mage was enough to scare people.

Suddenly her entire body was surround by light as silver armor that had spiked stretching out of her back appeared on her body.

"Tell men when you bleed what color comes out?"

'Adamantite armor! Her bloodline must be higher then my royal Adamantite dragon.'

"I don't know the first time I saw my blood was awhile ago but I can make you bleed if you want."

I spoke in a perverted tone as I winked at her.


She staterd as she couldn't find the right way to describe me.

Suddenly Adamantite swords appeared on her back flying towards me as she to charged at me with break neck speeds.

"Have you ever seen a dragon before?"

I spoke nonchalantly as I delve deeper in my elemental soul.

Grey scales started to appear on my body as before you could even blink I turned to a giant dragon with three horns.

'looks like a mutation.'

She looked shocked but continued her assault toward me.

Her attacks landed on my chest as I was send a few meters back.


She looked at me as she saw that I was completely unharmed.

"See this is the power you could have."

I spoke in a deep tone as an Adamantite cube filled with energy appeared infront of her.

"Eat it and awaken your blood!"

She looked at it then suddenly sliced it apart with her sword.

"I will never abandon my humanity! Who cares about my past or what I am I will never change what I am!"

"Then you will forever be weak!"

Suddenly a burst of gray flame came out my mouth which caught her off guard as she was surrounded by the grey flame.


What happened to me my entire body hurts I feel warm but im naked why do I feel like I'm on someone's lap.

I opened my eyes as an annoying face greeted me.

"I was joking about you being forever weak. Here's another one if by any chance you change your mind just eat this ok.

Its made out of my pure adamantite Dragon intent it should awaken your dragon blood."


She suddenly stood up as an armor with a cross on the side with blue skirt appeared on her body.

"Where are you going?"

I asked as she started walking.

"I thought you wanted to do research on my body?"

She looked at me as she spoke in a nonchalant tone with a hint of shyness.