


She looked at me with a frightened look as the towering dragon poked at the blanket like a tent immediately she left as she slammed the door behind her.

"Will talk ones your downstairs."

A few minutes later I walked downstairs as my stomach growled of hunger.'Luckily maintaining this condensed form is easier, as the protein I need is negligible compared to when I'm in my true form."

I saw her waiting for me on the table as a bunch of food was already prepared. There was still a hint of red in her chicks as she smiled at me.

"Sit and eat your food."

I sat down in front of her as we ate our food.

"About a while ago, I was drunk last night and I didn't realize that accidentally ahem! on your bed."

"Oh! Its ok as long as you don't do it again."

After finishing my breakfast I left the mansion putting my spear at my back and on a clock as to not attract too much attention.

Minutes later I arrived at the Armed Battle mage division. A large building with the logo of a Sword crossing each other.

I walked inside a young man about the age of 16 was sitting behind the counter.

"Hey, do you want to enroll to the Armed Battle mage division. Among all the divisions we are the most diverse we have techniques from almost every weapon imaginable. And we also have 30 masters all of them A class mages and above. So what will it be?"

I stayed silent as I handed the emblem that the recruiter handed to me during the test.

"Oh! You already have a recommendation so based on the spear on your back you must want to enter the Spear hall we have a total of 3 spear master 2 A class mage and Madam Asura one of the 43 S class mages in the academy. This is each masters location show this to them and you can start to train if you passed there test that's is."

He handed me a letter.

"Thanks, man have a nice day."

I put my clock on again as I walked towards Madam Asuras hall.

I picked her because she's the most powerful one that's why it's only logical to pick her.

I arrived at the location that the guy in the counter told me. What greeted me was a Japanese style ancient buildings as both sides of the entrance a stone lion was standing guard. I walked towards the huge door.



Minutes later the door opened.

"Who's there?"

The door opened a woman that looks to have the same age as Angelina looked at me.

"My name Argus Geryon and hope to be your student."

"Oh! You're that bitch Angelina's disciple she kept bragging to me. Anyway come in I'll test what you got and maybe you can enter my hall."

I followed her into the courtyard where a bunch of half-naked men where training with each other.







"Everyone stop! Dor come here!"

They all gave way as a muscular man holding a black spear walked towards us.

"Both of you go all out."

He looked at me with discontent as he smiled.

"Yes, teacher!"

We walked towards the stage as we bowed to each other.

He looked at me and spoke with contempt.

"Go all out activate your Dragon Slayer magic!"

I laughed as I look at him with scorn.

"For you, I don't need to use mag.."

Madam Asura smiled.

Before I could even finish speaking a black magic circle surrounded his spear as dark light covered him. He dashed towards me with impeccable speed.

'Damn it what kind of magic is that.' I immediately chanted 'Reinforced.'

My hands turned to adamantite as I blocked his spear with my hands. I flew back to lessen the force. As he was forced to step back from the rebound.

I looked at him as I took my spear from my back I saw him charging towards. I chanted 'Armaments'.

A spear appeared in my hands as I saw him slashing his spear towards me vertically.

I looked at him one more time as I smiled.

'Fire tornado'

Flames started to surround me as he who was the closest felt the heat from my flames.


He took the flames head-on as he continued his attack.

Suddenly I felt I couldn't move as if my body was tied up. And my magic restricted. Dor stopped moving as well as sweat covered his face.

"Enough! You're in, follow me."

"Go back to your training everyone."

I followed her as the battle kept rolling in my mind.

"Madam, what kind of magic was that?"

"Call me teacher, what you saw was a branch of magic called Weapon Aura it can be freely manipulated like what Dor did or like what I did to you a while ago."

As she was finished explaining to me what is Weapon Aura we arrived at a huge door.

"We have arrived, inside this room there thousands of scrolls for Weapon Aura specifically Spear Aura. All of this scrolls have a consciousness they were all made by my Master. When you walk inside meditate on the middle think of your purpose your intent. Let the scroll come to you."

I was excited as I wonder who could have an S class mage as a disciple.

"Teacher who was your master?"

"You wouldn't know him he is from a very very long time ago."

"Was he powerful?"

"Yes incredibly if only he was still in this world."

"I'm sorry."

I said in a sorry tone I didn't mean to open an old wound.


I was shocked as she was laughing.'Does she really hate her master that much?'

"He's not dead stupid he left this world literally."

My body shivered as I remember what the Light sphere told me.'DEVA!'

School is starting...

MoonSwallowing_Dogcreators' thoughts