
Fierce Survival

She had not intended to end her year by confronting death. It is not an option to give up. She must fight to escape her kidnapper. She has to stay ALIVE.

tarsh_1250 · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter Three

Olivia left Mrs. Wilson's house shortly after two p.m. She decided to eat at her favorite restaurant, Big Joe's Pasta. She walked into the restaurant after packing her car at the packing lot. The aroma of grilled chicken filled the air as soon as she opened the door. She was starving because she hadn't eaten yet this morning.

Mrs. Wilson arrived a little later than expected and smelled strongly of alcohol. She wanted to discuss it with Mrs. Wilson, but she decided it was none of her business.

She sat at her favorite table, close to the window, because she enjoys the view from there. She could make out the street. A waitress approached her to take her order.

"A plate of pasta and grilled chicken," she said. "I'll start with ice tea," she added. The waitress scribbled it on her notepad. "That will take fifteen minutes, and your ice tea will arrive at three," the waitress replied before leaving.

Olivia picked up her phone and dialed her friend's number again, receiving the same response as before.

"Here's your ice tea, ma'am." Olivia looks up to see the waitress standing at her table. "Thank you," Olivia said as the waitress brought the tea to the table.

"How about Maggie?" Olivia inquired, and the waitress replied, "Today is her off day."

Olivia waved the waitress away with a smile.

She took the mail from her bag because she hadn't had time to check it this morning. Bills after bills.

She was going through her mail when she heard a man's voice.

"Hello, Olivia," he said. She looked up and was surprised to see who was standing near her table.

"Can I sit here?" he inquired, smiling.

"It was you from this morning, I didn't get your name," she explained. "John," he said. "Oh, pardon me, you're free to sit," she said sheepishly.

He took the seat across from her. "Thank you for this morning" she said.

"It was nothing, I saw a damsel in distress and decided to act as a gentle man should," he said, smiling charmingly.

"Oh, you're a gentleman," she teased.

"Always and forever," he said, smiling.

"What are you doing here?" she inquired. "Smae reason you're here," he replied. "I guess you're new around here" she asked. "Yeah, I just moved in a few weeks ago, and I heard they have the best food here," he replied.

"Sure, they do," she smiled.

Her pasta and a glass of water were delivered by the waitress. "Thank you," she said to the waitress, who smiled back. "What will you be having, sir?" the waitress inquired. "A cup of coffee and the same thing she has" he replied.

When his cup of coffee arrived, John was watching Olivia eat. "Did you grow up here?" he inquired. "Yes, I was born here," she replied, "and I've spent my entire life here."

"You don't like to travel?" he inquired. "Not really, I haven't really had the time or the money for that." she replied, "Well, I'm from Berjunn," he replied, "that's far from here, if I remember correctly".

"Yes," he said with a smile, "and it's a big city, so why did you move to Cartlone?" "Well, I'm not a fan of big cities; I prefer peace and quiet, and I believe Cartlone is the place for that" he explained. Olivia gathered her belongings as the waitress brought his meal.

Olivia and John made small talk while he ate, and she decided to call for her bill after a few minutes. "I can't let you pay for that," John said as soon as the bill arrived. "Oh no, you don't have to worry about me," Olivia replied, "you've already done enough."

"Let me buy you a drink instead," he insisted. "OK," Olivia agreed after some thought.

Olivia and John split the bill for their meal. "And where are we going?" "You know, I don't really know this town that well," John continued. "Wonderful, a man who doesn't know where to get his drinks," Olivia said, smiling. "I know a place a few blocks away. "We can walk over and get our cars later," she explained. "That would be nice," agreed John. They both walked three blocks down to the bar.

It was a small bar with a capacity of only fifteen people. It was completely empty. "I like it here because it's the only bar where you can drink and be quiet," she explained. "I come here to read sometimes".

As they sat down, he said, "Interesting." "Can I have two shots of Bombay Sapphire?" John asked. "And, Four Roses, I'll take two shots," Olivia added. "A bourbon lady," John joked. Olivia laughed loudly and shook her head.

"A girl needs her bourbon" Olivia explained. "Do you have any family here?" John inquired. "Not really," she replied. "My parents died a few years ago. "I'm the only child, so there are no family members in sight," she smiled. "Do you have any relatives?" "It's just an aunt; she lives in Abujina; I haven't seen her in a long time," she explained. "So you're the lone wolf," he said, leaning forward. "I wouldn't say that because it's a small town and we're all like one big family here," she explained.

"Not in Berjunn," he explained. "I don't think so; it's a big city," Olivia replied. "Can we get two of each of our previous drinks?" John inquired of the bartender. "Oh no, this is already our third round," Olivia objected. "And it would be our last," John joked. "Are you prepared to leave me now? "I was having a good time with you," John said. "Not like that, but I gotta to run. I still need to get groceries before heading home. "I also can't drive if I'm drunk," she explained.

"That's right," John said, his face sad. "I'd like to see you sometime," he said, touching her hands. "Perhaps," she said. "How about tomorrow night? He inquired. "Are you asking me out on a date?" Olivia looked at him. "I enjoyed your company, and I don't have any friends here," he explained. Olivia gave it some thought and agreed. They exchange cell phone numbers. They walked out of the bar after John paid the bartender. It was almost six o'clock. "How long did we spend in there?" Olivia inquired, surprised. "Time flies in there," John chuckled. They both walk down to Big Joe's Pasta, where Olivia's car is parked.

"May I drop you off?" Olivia inquired. "No, I'm fine. "I live right around the corner," he said.

Olivia drove away, leaving John behind. She was exhausted and worried she wouldn't be able to make it to the grocery store today. She had leftover grilled chicken and rice, so she isn't concerned about dinner. She can get the groceries in the morning. She had far too much to drink and drove straight home. She should be in her bed right now.