
Fierce Survival

She had not intended to end her year by confronting death. It is not an option to give up. She must fight to escape her kidnapper. She has to stay ALIVE.

tarsh_1250 · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter Six

He entered the room with a bag and a cheerful demeanor. He was dressed in grey shorts and an off-white shirt. "Did you get enough sleep?" He asked me with a smile. "What are your thoughts? I inquired angrily. All I wanted was to be comfortable in my own bed. I couldn't sleep the night before.

I hoped Olivia received the message. I was hoping she'd called the cops. He opened the bag and pulled out new cuffs and a long leash. I retreated to the far end of the bed. What was he attempting? I questioned myself.

"You don't need to be scared, we are just leaving this room". "Where are we going?" I asked. "I've been a good girl," I shivered. He either pretended not to hear me or he didn't. He squatted and began cuffing my hands before placing the leash around my neck and locking it. He then began removing the chains from my legs.

He escorted me out of the room and locked the door. We were in a hallway with doors similar to the one I had just exited. As we walked down the hallway, I counted six doors.

We went through another door at the end of the hallway, which appears to lead to a living space. It was a large room with a kitchen. I noticed that there were no windows, only air vents. A cushion, a center table, and a flat-screen television were present. The kitchen has a cabinet, a stove, and a microwave. There is also a table and two chairs.

I noticed plates already set up on the table. I smelled chicken curry stew in the air. He led me to the table and motioned for me to take a seat. He went over to the kitchen cabinet and returned with two bowls of white rice and chicken curry stew. He also brought a jug of Mango juice with him. He motioned me to eat after serving me rice and curry stew with a glass of juice. "I can't eat with my cuffs on," I explained, "but you can try, can't you?" He responded. "I've never been handcuffed before," I joked.

He stood up after a brief glance at me. He then walked over to my side of the table and grabbed my leash. He locked the other end of the leached onto the table's leg. He then proceeded to take my hands out of the cuffs. He returned to his side of the table silently, "Eat," he said sternly. I took up my cutlery and began eating. The food was tasty. "Did you make this?" I inquired, curious and hoping to strike up a conversation. The silence was already killing me. "I did, do you like it?" he inquired.

"I do, indeed." I replied before continuing to eat.

The room fell silent once more. We ate quietly and when we were finished, he cleared the table and did the dishes. He cuffed my hands and lead to to the cushion where he motioned me to sit. He cinched the leash's other end around the cushion. He placed a small bucket and some wipes closed to the cushion.

He then turns on the television. "I'll be back soon, you can do your business there" he said pointing to the bucket. I was dumbfounded. This man amazes me. "Behave," he said as he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.


When Olivia awoke, Jimmy had already left. She was hoping he was still around. She wished to express her regret for her outburst the night before. She walked over to the kitchen to make some coffee. She'll have to call him later, or maybe she should call him right now.

She took out her phone and called him. It rang for a while and no body responded. She wasn't expecting him to respond, but she hoped he would. She decided to take a quick bath before getting some work done. She planed to go to the police station too.

She needed to know what steps have been taken to find her friend. She took the stairs to her room. She removed her silky nightgown and entered her bathroom. She turned on the shower and let the water pour through her body. She hated herself for not listening to her instincts. She sobbed for a few moments before exiting the shower. She turned it off and reached for her towel. She enters her bedroom after drying her body and hair. She needed to be strong for Harriet.

She was all dressed within a few minutes. She was dressed in ripped black jeans, a light blue blouse, and sandals. She walked outside, carrying a small purse. She requested a ride and waited for the driver to arrive. She'd have to call the mechanic later to have her car checked out. Her ride came within five minutes. She got into the cab and greeted the cab driver. She gave him directions to her destination as he drove her there. He dropped her at Cartlone Modern Market.

She needed to get some groceries since her kitchen was practically empty. She got out the cab, paid the driver and headed inside the market.

She emerged fifteen minutes later with a few bags and was waiting for the ride she had requested. The second ride arrived sooner than the first, and she was dropped off at her apartment seven minutes later. She was about to open her door when she heard someone call her name. She turned to see two men she has never met before.

"Do I know you?" she asked, surprised by the men in front of her. "Sorry for the intrusion, I am Detective Simon and this is Detective Collins" replied one of the men while they both flash your badges. Detective Simon was a tall, slender man in his mid forties while Detective Collins was a tall muscular man in his late thirties. "We've come to inquire about your friend. "Can we come in?" asked Detective Simon. "Sure you can," she said, opening her door and leading them inside.