
Fierce Survival

She had not intended to end her year by confronting death. It is not an option to give up. She must fight to escape her kidnapper. She has to stay ALIVE.

tarsh_1250 · Ciudad
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

I awoke from a dream. I wished the dream was true. I was at my apartment with my friend Olivia, eating cereal. I haven't thought about her in a long time. I hadn't even realized I knew her until now. My memories are hazy since I first awoke in that dark room. I only remembered my name, Harriet Wiebe, and that I live in Cartlone. That's all I could remember about myself until today. I missed her, and I was sure she was looking for me. I know she would; we've been friends since second grade, and she was my best friend. I haven't seen my abductor since I'm not sure when he last served me lunch or dinner. I don't know what time it is.

My ankle has been less painful since I began using the ointment he gave me. He would not tell me his name. So far, he appears to be very nice, but this was not my home; I needed to leave. I can't stay a prisoner forever. If I was a good girl, he promised to take me outside. Going outside is my only option for escape.

He stepped inside after the door swung open. When you think of the devil, he appears. "There's something you should do," he said right away. He wasn't happy today. He conveyed this seriousness through his voice and movements. "Anything you say," I said, staring down at my feet. He took my phone from his jacket pocket.

"You're going to make a call and act normally, understood," he said solemnly. My eyes lit up; this had to be my chance to send a message. "All right, who do you want to call?" I replied. He hands me the phone and tells me to call the closest person to me and tell them I'm fine and taking some time off.

I need to call someone to whom I can send a secret message without my abductor discovering it. Who knows me well enough to decipher a code? Due to personal reasons, I am unable to contact my mother. Olivia is the only person I can contact. I just need to send the perfect message without causing him to suspect me.

Olivia picked up almost immediately. "Where the hell are you, dumbass?" she yelled from the other end of the phone. "I've been worried about you, and I've been trying to reach you for a long time," she added. "I'm fine, Liv; I apologize for not calling earlier," I said. "Don't worry about me; I'm at my father's cabin in Chivante, you know where that is?" I asked "Yes, I do, Harry" Olivia replied "Do you want me to come over" she asked "No, Liv, I would be home soon, I just need a time to myself. Tell my mother that I love her and that she should remember to pick up the cat from the vet." Olivia replied, "Sure, I will," and the phone went dead. He took the phone from me and said, "Tomorrow, you'll get to go outside," as he exited the room.


Olivia jumped out of bed as soon as the phone call ended. She was furious with herself. Why would she allow this to happen? She pondered. She looked at her watch; it was already 8 p.m. This was not good for her. She changed out of her pajamas and into a pair of fitted jeans and a blue blouse. She chose her bag and put on her flip flops. She didn't care if her hair was a mess; she needed to get to the police station right away. Her friend was in a lot of trouble, and she wouldn't forgive herself if Harriet got hurt.

She dashed out of her house and into her car. She attempted to start the car, but it refused to start. "Oh shit," she thought to herself. She took out her phone to call an Uber, but there were none available.

This couldn't possibly happen to her. She decided to contact an old friend. Perhaps he can drive her to the station. He picked on the second ring. "Hello," a voice said. "Hey Jimmy, I need your help, Harry's is in trouble and I need to report to the police but my car won't start" Olive said half crying. "Are you serious? Where are you now, let me come and get you" Jimmy said. "I'm standing outside my house right now."

"Give me fifteen minutes," Jimmy said, and the line went dead.

Olive was deep in thought when her phone rang. It was John who called. "Hello, John," Olive said. "I was wondering if you arrived home safely." "That's very thoughtful of you. "Alright then, let me leave you to sleep," he continued. "No sleep for me right now, I have a small emergency," Olive replied. "Are you alright?" "Sure I am," she replied as Jimmy drove in. She stepped out of her car and walked in. "I'm so sorry"

Harry's a friend, so what's the problem?" he enquired.

She got into the car, and they drove away. "So, what's going on?" Jimmy inquired. "Well, Harry has been missing for a while. "You know she usually disappears once in a while," Olive said, while Jimmy nodded in agreement. "Well, she and Steve broke up and she went AWOL, at first I thought it was her usual distancing, but my gut was telling me otherwise untill this evening when I got her call from her. "She said she was fine, I shouldn't bother and should tell her mom to go pick up the cat from the vet," Olive explained, "but Harry doesn't have any pets and her mom is at the nursing home," Jimmy added. "She was trying to send a message to Jim," Olive sobbed. "I should have gone to the police since". Jimmy took her hand in his. "It's all right, Olive. "Harry will be fine; we'll find her," he assured her as they drove to the police station.