
Fiance Is A Crime Lord

It was the year 1970 on the world calendar and the Flower Continent was celebrating the day of its founding. Within each of the fifty cities, there were citizens roaming the streets and having a wonderful evening. Though, every other day of the year, the cities were filled with both bloodshed and tears, this day every major power would halt their advancements and allow the entire continent to be filled with cheers and laughter. Unlike the other four continents around the world, the Flower Continent when solidified, decided to have an iron rule put into place for its citizens. This rule was that any citizen would be allowed to try and achieve power by any means necessary, if it did not impact the government’s job of both dealing with controlling the populace and threaten the government’s rule. Declaring such a rule, allowed the government to allow its populace to become stronger while the weak suffered greatly. Having many military achievements and wanting to expand its power into other continents and smaller lands, by giving the populace the choice of either joining someone locally or joining the government, they would be able to recruit enough soldiers to match their goals. The consequences did not settle in at first, but once some notable physically dominant figures within the cities and surrounding areas got word of what this actually meant, things spiraled out of control. What was able to occur overnight, those who held the highest amount of wealth, started to hire these figures to help them take control of their particular districts and had given themselves the title of “Crime Lord”. Release rate: 1 chapter/day (minimum)

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27 Chs

Chapter 18

"L-let's go, Peng Zedong." Yao Ling told her as she grabbed her hand now that the situation turned around and there was at least an opening for them to escape from harm. The only issue was that Peng Zedong still couldn't even move as she tried to understand what had just happened.

No matter how much time she took since the beginning of his appearance, Peng Zedong was unable to grasp the ability which Zheng Qigang had in order to still hold up the upper hand before finally showing his enemies his hand.

Out of every individual that tried to woo her, Peng Zedong never had this type of impression towards them. Not only was Zheng Qigang incredibly handsome and muscular, but his true strength seemed to actually be his deduction and planning skills when it came to dealing with foes.

Peng Zedong wanted to see just how far this new fiance of hers was able to climb not just in the underworld, but throughout the Flower Continent in the public eye. It was obvious to her since she was a little girl, that men who were leaders always wanted to be the center of attention, and there was no way that Zheng Qigang would be any different.

Clearly in a position where she was unable to watch their now enemies falter below the onslaught of her fiance's men, Peng Zedong had no choice but to snap back and nod towards Yao Ling before joining up with their now fainted security guards and Zheng Qigang's men who were carrying them.

To give respect to the two sisters who most likely had never seen what a war between Crime Lords truly looked like once a spark of a big battle was ignited, Zheng Qigang's men chose to wait for their boss's orders to completely eradicate these cornered bugs. If it was not for him telling them to be ready, but not yet advance onto them, Zheng Qigang's men would have already defeated these foes.

"We should keep walking until we see your reinforcements. Since the beginning when you two decided to head into that district, our boss knew your movements and made his orders to jump in if either of you were to face any level of danger. Luckily, not only did you send someone to get you backup, but by the time something finally happened, we were more than ready to assist you two." one of Zheng Qigang's men told Peng Zedong.

"With our boss feeling the need to prove his strength to your father and the rest of your family, he sent word to your father that he would be taking care of your well being and that they did not need to send anyone else over to assist you."

"As it currently stands, there is no way that the Crime Lord residing in that district of our Maple City will be able to go to sleep tonight without one eye open. However, if either of you even had a scratch due to this incident, he wouldn't be able to even wake up tomorrow morning, given who our boss is."

"Right now, our orders were to escort you back to where all of the reinforcements which were originally going to head over, reside. From there, they will either escort you back to the mansion of your Peng family, or if they received other orders, they will carry said orders out."

"Since neither of you received any physical damage, the doctor they called over to check on you both will more or less clear you to go about the rest of your day. Your father is extremely furious according to our boss, so it is safe to say that he will not want either of you to go anywhere else for the remainder of the day." the man said as they finally reached the building that had over fifteen bodyguards standing outside of it.

Yao Ling was still recovering from the shock of the events which happened to the two earlier, so even if she wanted to ask some questions, she remained silent. As for Peng Zedong, she had never seen how angry her father could be since he always treated her very well and like his little princess.

The two of them felt a level of fear about possibly getting reprimanded by either Yao Ling's grandfather or Peng Zedong's father, but there was a different fear that overtook it. That fear was what this entire event from beginning to end would spark, and if these flames born from hatred would burn down the entirety of Maple City.

"Right this way." the female doctor told both girls as they were quickly brought inside of the building as one of her nurses directed those who were carrying the fainted bodyguards to the other side of the building in a more private area.

The faces of the men who looked to be veterans when it came to fighting and protecting the Peng family for years faces all changed as they saw how bloody and hurt their comrades were. There was no telling what exactly each of these men were thinking, but bloodlust and anger flustered out causing the entire atmosphere to be very heavy.