
Festering Desire

Synopsis loading .... Heavy R18 and morally questionable preferences. Tread at your own risk and release your inner degeneracy. https://discord.gg/24cupq52aX If you want to shoot me ideas.

thegrandmagi · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
108 Chs

Exploring New Things

After sending off the company of women from his lawn, Leo soon realized something was incredibly wrong. Did Komi just feed his milk to Rena earlier? A drop of cold sweat dripped down from his forehead, this could potentially cause an irreversible circumstance that can either be good or bad depending on who's the judge.

The twins had told him that his essence contained an incredibly thick amount of energy that could strengthen the power of Anima users. But at the same time, similar to the addictive vile blood of the demon, its concentration could be too overwhelming for some of the women, causing them to fall into depravity and become a slave to his meat.

The female agent who intruded the island was the prime example of a victim that was overloaded with too much of his golden Anima. Although Himeko was a high tier Anima user, which should have been more resistant to the influence, it still took several days of gentle care under Leo's cheesy shock therapy for her to even speak normally again.

During his short stay on the island, the eager and passionate women of his family had somehow successfully indoctrinated the boy on a peculiar perspective of social norm. He didn't feel anything was out of ordinary when a girl was being fed with his cheese, which was a common sight he often witnessed back home.

However, Rena was just a normal human, unlike all of his past... err... customers; hence, the boy prayed the girl could hold up. The amount she consumed was relatively meager, so it might not end up badly.

Leo hastily checked on the poor young lady who was still twitching blissfully from the pleasure bombarding her senses. Her body was slightly hot, but her symptoms were quickly calming down and nothing looked too serious. With a breath of relief, the boy prepared the girl a wet towel and carefully left her to rest by herself.


Before Jean left the apartment, she invited the boy to join her tonight on another mission of Yoma exorcism, which unfortunately for the first time, he had to decline. With most of his Anima currently being sealed, there was little he could do against spiritual entities even with his inhuman physical prowess.

While waiting for Rena to wake up, Leo took out the black grimoire that he hadn't touched in ages. The naughty boy had been too busy recently that he neglected his studies. He had already mastered the first chapter of the book, which taught him the unique cultivation technique and the abilities he used to capture spirits. And now, he was looking for ways to utilize his cultivation to speed up the absorption of demon's power.

The technique required much more consolidation of energies and extra efforts for every stage of breakthrough compared to other variants; more importantly, it emphasized the host to regularly hunt for spiritual entities to devour and fill his endless appetite. But the reward was very fruitful, the boy channeled Anima into his hand and a small sphere of purifying white flames floated above his palm; this was the skill he manifested upon ascending the first stage, an incredible feat even amongst high tier Anima users.

However, as he channeled more Anima into the fire, gruesome veins popped all over the skins of his body. Leo was close to the breaking limit of the seals; if he tried to draw any more energy, which would stir the well of his enormous reserve of Anima, then the seals might break and he would be in deep serious trouble... Well, socially, for the women around him.

"This is all I can safely draw out, huh... then the fire won't really be useful in combat." Leo lamented as he extinguished the meager white flame in his hand. Although powerful, the skill simply consumed too much energy for him to be using it freely.


The method of subduing the demon's power inside him should be contained in the second chapter of the dark book, which focused on an array of ancient runes and spells. Yuria and Filia happened to be the experts in this department; the runic seals currently placed on him were the work of the twins. The sisters used to be in charge of regularly sealing the demon after all.

The boy was having trouble progressing further through the chapter because he had close to no basic knowledge on the design concept of runic scriptures. The way he utilized runic spells in the past was to simply brute force his way with his enormous reserve of Anima, and it required even more energy to activate instantaneously without prior preparation.

Leo felt like he was studying a college textbook with only the knowledge of a 5th grader, but he was also trying his best with the dumbest method, which was to imprint as many runic patterns as he can into his memory in forms of Anima.

A good analogy would be trying to memorize the multiplication table without understanding multiplication. However, only few exceptional Anima users were capable of such a feat, as it could be very taxing to the body without a strong cultivation core.

"My head is hurting... let's skip this for now, I also need to find a way to fight without using too much Anima." Then, Leo remembered the skill that the sentinels of the island used. "Oh, maybe I can try this."

The women of the Halfmoon faced similar problems before where they would succumb to the curse if they over exhaust their Anima; hence, the technique they used to imbue their weapons with blue transient moonlights was designed to be very cost efficient.

Recalling what Anna taught him once upon a time, the boy found a random frying pan from the kitchen and imbued it with glimmering blue lights. Excited by his success in the first try, a certain turbulence of Anima ran across his body. In the midst of panic, he quickly suppressed the swelling energies from breaking the seal; however, it was another story for another seal down below.

After a loud tearing sound, the guardian sealing the great beast was mercilessly torn through by the rising dragon. His towering rod was now erecting and twitching uncontrollably due to him channeling more Anima than he should.

It was an innovative mechanism installed by the twins to give him an opportunity to discharge the excess energy in order to protect the seal. Leo would probably like to have some words with the twins if he knew of this trap; he shivered from the thought of having a massive erection in the middle of a serious fight.

It was then, a tempting sound of plead from a young lady was heard.

"Leo~~ help me... My body feels weird. I-It feels... so hot, like it's thirsting for something."

By the guest room, Rena was leaning against the opened door with erratic panting and flushed red cheeks. She had a lewd demeanor not often seen from a young little girl of her age. Her pupils contained the shape of love and her thighs were drenched in unknown nectars flowing down in great abundance. A certain aura had been resonating in her heated body, awakening her primordial instinct.

"Wait! Rena, go back to bed. I will come over soon." The boy wasn't in a position to get up with his massive erection in the way.

The girl shakenly walked towards his direction; with every step the floor was splattered with a pool of clear drools. But Leo was lost at what to do, his towering erection was still shamelessly exposed in the air; it was probably not a good idea to have his monster anywhere near her current lustful state. Yet, a certain immoral blasphemy seemed inevitable.

"Are you feeling thirsty? Here, drink some water." Leo hastily offered his own cup of water, the girl seemed to be in a dire need of fluid replenishment from the amount she was already leaking out.

"I-It's so itchy down here. P-Please, help me make it go away."

Ignoring his offer, Rena climbed up on the sofa and hugged the boy's arm. She pressed her crotch on top of his hand and rubbed the plum pudding against his fingers. Her youthful flower was tender and squishy, a flood of sticky nectar quickly soaked through her panties and squelched out in his palm, coating the hand with a sweet aroma that won't be easily washed away.

Shortly, from the constant stroking of his arm, one of his fingers accidentally slipped inside the yet untasted well. But without a pause, the young lady continued her ecstatic movements with soft girly moans. The squelching of his finger squirming against the walls of her juicy interior was indecently loud, it almost felt like her inside was completely made out of water.

"Rena! You…"

The temptation from her flirtatious act was testing Leo to the limit; he could feel his finger tip probing a certain thin membrane within her depth. Hardly can one imagine a girl as adorable as Rena could make such an erotic expression. Incited by lust, his monstrously pole grew veiner and viscous white seeds began oozing out from the tip.

"Ah… it's coming out... and it smells so good too."

Drawn by the thick lava pouring out of the towering rod, the young lady reached further and grabbed onto his manhood. A small pinkish tongue spilled out from her mouth and relished on the nutritious protein. Hugging onto the monstrous pole, the gargantuan size of his colossal tower next to her petite body looked utterly obscene and horrifying at the same time.

Leo was somewhat perplexed. What is this guilty feeling of having a little girl licking his great beast? However, the only way he knew how to recover Rena from her current state, was to… feed her even more cheese. Thus, without any other choice, the boy proceeded to take responsibility and slowly let loose of the floodgate, feeding the young lady with a small serving at a time.

It would probably be a good idea to keep this a secret from Timmy. But for now, while Rena diligently worked for her meal, he gently slipped in another finger inside of her honey well and carefully scraped the delicate membranes. He swore he was just being helpful and attempting to quench the young lady in heat.