
Feral Fury

Set in a modern-day Earth, in the bustling city of Boston, Adam's life takes an extraordinary turn when a mysterious System arrives on the planet. Adam, a dedicated martial artist, had been eagerly preparing to participate in the world-open martial arts championship tournament. However, with the arrival of the System, his plans are diverted, and he finds himself thrust into a world filled with unknown possibilities and hidden mysteries. As Adam embarks on a journey to unravel the secrets of the newly arrived System, he must navigate through a world that has been forever changed. Along the way, he encounters strange phenomena, powerful beings, and unexpected allies, each with their own connection to the System. With his martial arts skills as his foundation, Adam must harness the newfound abilities granted by the System and explore the depths of its mysteries. As he ventures further into this unknown realm, Adam discovers that the System holds the key to unlocking extraordinary powers and abilities. He must face formidable challenges, engage in intense battles, and make crucial choices to shape his destiny. With each step forward, Adam becomes more entwined in a web of conspiracies, otherworldy beings, and a change that could jeopardize his existence and the world's fate. Join Adam on an exhilarating journey as he embraces his role as a martial artist within this evolving world, unravels the secrets of the System, and discovers his true purpose in a reality teetering on the edge of chaos.

Zedakos · Fantasía
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67 Chs

Feral Fury

[You have slain (Shadowfang Scout Spider - Level 4) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[Congratulations! Your class (warrior) has reached level 2. All stat point has been allocated + 1 free point]

[You have slain (Shadowfang Hunter Spider - Level 5) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[You have slain (Shadowfang Hunter Spider - Level 5) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[Congratulations! Your class (warrior) has reached level 3. All stat point has been allocated + 1 free point]

[You have slain (Shadowfang Hunter Spider - Level 5) – You have gained bonus experience points for slaying a creature above your level.]

[Congratulations! You have awakened a dormant bloodline.]

[Bloodline of Feral Fury (Bloodline Ability - Unique)] – You have unlocked the ancient power that lies Dormant in the very essence of your being. This unique and innate ability, awakened in the bloodline of Adam Holt, bestows upon you enhanced physical prowess, increased speed, and agility that grows with your battle fervor. This bloodline grants you innate regeneration.]

[New Title Acquired: Bloodline Paragon

Congratulations, Adam Holt! As the one who has awakened a new and unprecedented bloodline within the universe, you are bestowed with the distinguished title of Bloodline Paragon. This title signifies your esteemed position as the progenitor and guardian of a lineage brimming with extraordinary potential. Embrace your role with pride and forge a path of greatness for those who come after you. Your bloodline's legacy begins with your remarkable journey.]

As Adam stands amidst the aftermath of the intense battle, his hands stained with blood, he reads the messages that appear before him. A mixture of astonishment and pride fills his heart as he takes in the significance of his achievements.

Adam: (Whispering to himself) "I did it... I actually did it. I've defeated these formidable creatures and gained valuable experience."

He looks at his hands, still trembling from the adrenaline rush, and feels a newfound strength coursing through his veins.

Adam: (Thoughtfully) "Level 2... Level 3... My skills as a warrior have grown, and I can feel the power within me surging. This is just the beginning."

His gaze shifts to the last message, which speaks of his awakened bloodline and the newfound abilities it grants him.

Adam: (In awe) "A dormant bloodline... Unleashed within me. Feral Fury... The name holds an air of primal strength. Enhanced physical prowess, increased speed, agility... and regeneration. This is beyond anything I could have imagined. This must be what ultimately took over me and saved my life. I don't feel any injuries.

A faint smirk forms on his blood-stained lips as Adam reads the message announcing his acquired title. He can't help but feel a hint of sarcasm creeping into his thoughts.

Adam: (Rolls his eyes) "Oh, fantastic! A title! Because what the hell do I do with a fancy title? Hang it on the wall? Put it on my resume?"

He shakes his head, finding amusement in the irony of it all. The weight of the title seems both meaningful and absurd amid his battle-worn state.

Adam: (Mockingly) "Bloodline Paragon... Great. Just what I needed. Another thing to live up to while fighting for my life in this godforsaken dungeon."

Despite his sarcastic tone, a glimmer of recognition shines in his eyes. He understands the significance of the title and the responsibility it entails.

Adam: (Grinning wryly) "Well, if I'm going to be the Paragon of a bloodline, I better damn well live up to it. I'll wear this title like a badge of honor, even if it won't fend off a swarm of spiders."

"So, if I am the bloodline Paragon, that means I am the first and only person with this bloodline. The system mentioned about the multiverse and other planets, meaning other bloodlines also exist. So, I guess it's changing from dungeons and dragons to a cultivation novel scenario. Also, how is it that I am a Paragon? Does that mean my parents and sis can't awaken this bloodline?"

"This is all too confusing. Anyways, I am starving, though after that battle."

As the adrenaline from the intense battle subsides, Adam's focus shifts to a more primal instinct—hunger. He looks around the chamber, his eyes landing on the lifeless bodies of the defeated spiders. A mischievous grin spreads across his face as a peculiar thought crosses his mind.

Adam: (Raising an eyebrow) "Well, I did just fight off a pack of giant spiders. I wonder... can they be considered a delicacy in some far-off country? Spider kebabs, anyone?"

His stomach grumbles in agreement, tempting him further. Curiosity gets the best of him as he contemplates the idea of indulging in an unconventional post-battle meal.

Adam: (Rubbing his chin) "I mean, they did try to make a meal out of me. Turnabout is fair play, right? Besides, it's not every day you get to dine on your defeated foes."

With a combination of mischief and hunger driving his decision, Adam takes a deep breath and decides to give it a try. He cautiously approaches one of the fallen spiders, inspecting it with a mix of skepticism and intrigue.

Adam: (Half-jokingly) "Here goes nothing. Spider cuisine, coming right up."

He takes out his trusty knife and begins the process of cleaning and preparing the spider, carefully removing the venomous parts. With a makeshift fire and a sprinkle of spices, he grills the arachnid to a satisfying sizzle.

Adam: (With a smirk) "Bon appétit, I guess."

As hunger takes over, he takes a cautious bite, unsure of what to expect. To his surprise, the taste is unexpectedly palatable—nutty, with a hint of earthiness. It's not a culinary masterpiece, but it's strangely satisfying in its own unique way.

Adam: (Chewing thoughtfully) "Who knew? Spiders might not be the worst thing I've ever tasted. Survival in the dungeon certainly comes with its unconventional culinary experiences."

He continues to devour the spider, letting the nourishment replenish his energy and the oddity of the moment sink in. In this strange and unforgiving world, even the most unexpected choices become a part of his extraordinary journey.

Adam: (Smirking) "I suppose I can add 'spider connoisseur' to my growing list of achievements. I should get a title for that too. Wonder what other surprises this dungeon has in store for me."

With a satisfied belly and a newfound sense of resilience, Adam carries on, ready to face whatever challenges await him in the dungeon's depths.