

The next day. The dragon knight had returned just like he said he would, at right on time. Fortunately, Reginald had completed his task and brought out the modified wolf to trick him. The wolf now looked like a humanoid beast thanks to Reginald working on the corpse all night. He had used his magic and knowledge of anatomy to break the bones and healed them over and over again to get the shape he wanted.

To make it more authentic, he had made it look like it was in a bloody battle. They both expected the knight to bring the body back with him, however, the knight had recieved no such orders and left after doing a quick inspection. The knights only job was to hunt the beast down and make sure it was dead. The only thing the capital wanted was to kill the beast so it wouldn't kill any nearby civilians.

Reginald and Fenrir heaved a sigh of relief after the knight left.

"Now that's over, I can focus on finishing the academy curriculum." Reginald said as he looked at Fenrir. "And you can focus on getting stronger."

"How strong are the students going to be?" Fenrir asked.

"The average is around rank C. But there's always a few prodigies that reach rank B. Most of the time, they are kids from the royal family. They train their kids from an early age, so they have a head start on the rest of the students. However, some people are born with more power and are quicker to gain such power."

Fenrir wondered how he fared compared to the average mage. However, Reginald answered his question as if he could read Fenrir's mind.

"Considering how late you started. I'd say you're well above average. You haven't reached rank C yet, but you're gaining power at an incredible speed."

Reginald wasn't as happy as he thought he would be with Fenrir's progress. Sure, he is a monster when it came to progress. There are those in the kingdom who could rival his progress and even surpass it. He started to wonder if his plan could ever work. At least he hoped to be alive when it happens.

"Demons can live for longer than humans." Reginald continued. "For you though, I'm starting to wonder if you are a demon in the first place. You certainly don't fit the profile, but then again, you did come from the same world."

This was one of his worries when he first summoned Fenrir. None of the books described demons being werewolves. Yet, his world had mythology about them. 'Is it possible he traveled to the demon world?' He thought this could be possible, yet there are no records of people traveling between dimensions.

'What kind of monster would choose to go there in the first place?' Reginald didn't know what to belive. He knew he couldn't figure out the answer without giving Fenrir his memories back, but he thought there might be a way to do it.' Then, an idea hit him.

"I need to get something from the capital city. I'm sure you can take care of yourself while I'm gone, right?" Reginald asked.

Fenrir gave him a nod and Reginald didn't waste anytime to head out. He activated his wind ability and started to float in the air.

"Wait. You can fly?" Fenrir asked with his mouth wide open.

"Of course. All wind mages can fly."

"I thought you were an earth mage."

"I am as well." Reginald explained. "I have two elements. Everything will be explained when you get to the academy. And don't worry, mages can use inscribed items to fly, so you'll he able to as well. I was going to save that lesson a few days before the school year, but if you want to start when I get back, we can."

Reginald flew off at a great speed as he said those last words. Fenrir was left there wondering why he wasn't told about this thing sooner. 'It would have been cool to know about it. Actually, that would've been extremely helpful. I could have flew away after running into thst earth bear.'

Fenrir also wondered why the dragon knights rode on dragons instead of flying like the rest of the mages. He figured the dragons could possibly fly faster. Also, flying for long distances would drain your magic. You wouldn't want to get into a fight after using all that energy.

Fenrir went inside the house and grabbed the item to test his magic power. He wanted to see how far he needed to go and how effective his new training method would be. When he looked at the item, it gave him the number forty-five. 'Almost halfway to rank C' Fenrir said with new determination in his eyes.

His goal was to increase his physical attributes. Humans were at a disadvantage compared to him, and he wanted to close the gap between himself and the strongest enhancer types. Now that he could train his body and magic power at the same time. He felt like nothing could stop him if he kept training day after day.

That's what he did while Reginald was gone. Reginald had to take plenty of breaks because flying drained him of his magic quickly. Unlike the dragons the knights rode on, Reginald had to rest every two hours. He brought all his papers with him to finish the lessons he was planning for the school year as well. He didn't have much left to do, but he figured it would keep him busy on his breaks.

Meanwhile, Fenrir went all out on his training. He focused on increasing his strength and agility in the morning. At night, he would punch and kick trees. Even though he would break bones, his body didn't need more than two hours to completely heal.

Reginald might have a heart attack if he saw Fenrir punishing his body like that, but he didn't care. He didn't care for Reginald's revenge. He wasn't sure exactly why he wanted to get stronger, all he knew is that he wanted to.

The next day. Fenrir used the item on himself again to see his progress. It gave him the number forty-seven. 'Two per day. Not bad, but it's still not enough. I'll definitely reach rank C in time, but average isn't good enough.'

Fenrir didn't want to be an average student. He didn't want to be beat by those rich kids from the royal family.