
Fire vs Wind

The wolf shot out two wind slashes with its tail that were powerful enough to cut down several trees as they made their way towards Fenrir.

'Let's see how well fire does against wind.' Fenrir thought as the shot two fireballs to match the wind slashes. Fenrir's magic overpowered the wind slashes. The fire balls continued going forward towards the wind wolf, but the beast was able to dodge them.

Unlike the jackalope where the two spells canceled each other out, Fenrir could overpower the slashes even though they were stronger than his spells. Even though the wind slashes momentum would weaken the flames, they would also fuel them.

Fenrir dodged a few wind slashes since he didn't want to match them blow for blow. Seeing who had more magic wasn't something he wanted to test, and he was pretty sure he would loose.

The slashes were slower than the bears earth spikes, and he started to have fun dodging them since he didn't feel like his life was in danger. Of course it would be if he didn't take this fight serious enough, but it's not everyday that you can have fun in the face of death.

The wolf sensing that its opponent was toying with them, it decided to ramp up the attacks. It needed to end this fight sooner or later. It doesn't have enough magic for a prolonged fight, so throwing everything it has at Fenrir seems like a good idea.

The wolf charged in while shooting wind slashes as fast as it could. It wanted to close the gap between them so Fenrir wouldn't have as much time to react and dodge each slash.

Fenrir didn't mind this at all. He felt like it was time to go on the offensive. His opponent was now more exhausted than he is.

He kept dodging attacks as he shot fireball after fireball. Those slashes he felt he couldn't evade, he matched them with his own spell. Overall, Fenrir saw it as a close fight, closer than what he would have liked it to be.

"It was fun while it lasted." Fenrir said as the wolf collapsed on the ground. "Not a single burn mark, you just ran out of magic." He said as he watched the wolf trying to catch its breath.

As Fenrir walked up to the now defeated wolf, he was about to stab it with a dagger Reginald had given him. However, several more wind slashes came from behind nearly taking his head off.

"Not a lone wolf after all. Well, then. I'll just show you which element is superior." Fenrir stared at the four wolves in front of him with an evil grin.

The wolves surrounded him on all four sided while activing spells simultaneously. Fenrir instantly noticed this spell was different and more powerful. The wolves were combining their spells into one to create a small tornado.

All five of them were now inside of it. It would be bad enough if it was just normal wind blowing at high speeds, but this had magic running through it. Smaller wind slashes appeared everywhere. There were too many for him to dodge, but at least they only left small cuts on his body.

'Damn. I can't even move.' Fenrir said as he was lifted several feet off the ground. He looked straight up at the tunnel of wind, and he only had one thought. 'I wonder how cool this is going to look.'

Fenrir shot a fireball straight ahead, as soon as it touched the walls of the tornado, the flames quickly spread. Before they all new it, it was now a fire tornado.

'It's more beautiful than I could have imagined.' He thought as all his attention went on the specifically before his eyes. He didn't bother looking at the wolves burning to death beneath him, all he cared about in this moment was his creation.

After the fire tornado dispersed, he noticed that the four wind wolves who were caught in the attack were now burnt to a crisp. Some parts of their body were even melted. However, his hopes were up when he saw the first one alive still trying to recover its magic.

"No hard feelings. It's just that, I was looking for a wolf to kill, and you're unlucky enough to be one."

Fenrir had the daunting task of dragging the body back to the house. He had to rest several times on the way back, but he still arrived in plenty of time for Reginald's plan to work.

"This is perfect." Reginld said.

"I would have brought more, but the others are on the extra toasty side."

Reginald couldn't believe his ears. "Did..did you just make a joke? Since when did you become more outgoing?"

"Maybe it takes a while for people with memory lose to regain their personalities?"

"I mean...that kinda makes sense. I was just hoping it would be more reserved. Teachers don't like rowdy teenagers."

Reginald threw the dead body down the stairs into the basement before shutting the door and getting another cup of coffee. "I'll be working all night, so if there's anything you need, ask now."

Fenrir thought for a moment and decided to ask something that's been on his mind since he got here. "Why are you allowing me souch freedom to train myself? Didn't you have everything planned out?"

Reginald gave Fenrir a smug smile. "There are variables that are best left up to the experts. You were one of the strongest in the world you came from. Even though you may have had plenty of mentors, no one gets that strong without having the drive for power. You have the instincts to know what do to. Also, I know it'll take time, but I'm a very patient man."

"Patient, huh? Well, that makes one of us. I'll get some sleep when I pass out from training." Fenrir said as he walked out of the house.

'Sleep?' Reginald thought. 'I wish I could get some sleep tonight. Why can't the name dragon knights be a metaphore? They could still ride horses while having dragon like armor. It would take them over a days travel and I would be able to take a nap.'