
Femboy maker, becoming a system Operator

one day a bored young man are chosen to be a system operator. more accurately, a femboy system operator, he is tasked to turn all male anime character into a bunch of sissy femboys, can he do it? how can he do it? what will he gets from doing it? how will his live change from now as a system operator? find out in Femboy Maker!

FemboyMaker · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
14 Chs

2 tomoe

At the dawn of morning, we can see Sasuke are training his shuriken just loke his brother

With the extra precisions of the sharingan, he can pull of the move perfectly except for one shuriken

"i never really tried using a shuriken before" Suddenly he hears a voice coming behind him

He sees Tatsuya walking towards him while having his hands behind his head

Sasuke immedierly get back to training after he sees Tatsuya walking

"You are ignoring me? Fine i am not gonna tell you this advance chakra control training then" Tatsuya knowing what Sasuke wants hang candies infront of his eyes

Sasuke look back at him with annoyed expression

"What do you want?" Sasuke asked him while grunting

"Nothing, i am just bored and decide to mess with someone" Tatsuya answered honestly making Sasuke even more annoyed

He goes back to training once again, ignoring the annoyance behind him

"Why do you train so much? Do you have like a, goal or something?" Sasuke ignored him and keep training

'Well if training is what he wants then training is what he will get' Tatsuya grined and pick a stone from the ground

He the throw the stone towards Sasuke and even with his increased perception, he did not see it coming


The stone hits Sasuke's head hard and it left a red mark on it

Sasuke look back, he can feels the rage from his eyes as he look at him as if he is ready to murder him

"Well i thought you want to train, what better training could there be then a real life fighting experience" Tatsuya said calmly as he smiled playfully at the angry Sasuke

But in his eyes, the angry Sasuke look as intimidating as a chihuahua so he can only laugh at him

"Leave me alone" Sasuke said not wanting to murder another apostle just like him

"Well maybe this will help" Tatsuya activate his sharingan that match Sasuke's eyes perfectly

Sasuke look at the red eyes in surprise, he forgot that Tatsuya have sharingan

"What about it? A spar between a sharingan user should help you get stronger right?" Tatsuya said, tempting Sasuke to fight with hin

And it's working

Sasuke sprint towards Tatsuya an send a kick to his face

To which he block easily as Having Haku's speed and Sharingan's perception means he can see anything Sasuke is trying to do

'This is gonna be fun' Tatsuya thought as he kick Sasuke away


The result of that spar are not what Sasuke expected,

Sure he knows that Tatsuya is stronger than him, but he doesn't know just how outclassed does he is.

Every move he used against him are blocked perfectly as if he knows what he is going to do before he even use it.

Probably because Tatsuya actually know about all of Sasuke's technique as he have the same thing as well,

Plus he is also linked to Haku so the fight is not even fair to begin with

But Sasuke did not know that as he gets more and more frustrated at his weakness

"You know, Haku and i like to train together sometime, maybe you can come with us and we'll help you get stronger?" Tatsuya of course have a hiden meaning behind those invitation

It's to get Sasuke familiar towards the idea of a man wearing a woman outfit, and what's better way to do it than to give him a live demonstration

Sasuke feels like his training with Kakashi is not enough, well can you even call it training? It's just climbing trees with chakra and that's it

Geniuses makes a bad teacher after all

"Un" Sasuke grunted in confirmation and Tatsuya nodded at him

"Well then, i am gonna go mess with someone else, see you later" And with that Tatsuya leave the power hungry uchiha alone


'THE DREAM COUNT?!' Tatsuya are flabergasted as he look at the Quest panel for Haku

Haku's Quest


Wear a Bra

Req : Feminity lvl 10

Reward : B-Cup


Over your body and soul to a person

Req : Submision lvl 20

Reward : Kekkei Genkai Awakening



Wear a sexy Underwear outside

Req : Humiliation lvl 5

Reward : Increased chakra control


Gives somebody a handjob

Req : Depravity lvl 5

Reward : Physical boosting Bracelet

'Wait a second, why is the depravity one is not completed?' He look at the quest panel, puzzeled at the inconsistent System

'is it because it's just a dream? But that doesn't make sense, the Submision part is completed, why not the depravity?' As he keep wondering about the system, he decide to not worry about it and just accept his reward

The system gives monetary reward to the operator every time their character finished a mission

The reward are various

(I know i have made the other version of this that says it is time 5 from each level, but i completely underestimate the power of exponential growth so this is your new reward)

Lvl 01-05 = 100.000 yen/ryo

Lvl 06-10 = 1.000.000 yen/ryo

Lvl 11-15 = 10.000.000 yen/ryo

Lvl 16-20 = 100.000.000 yen/ryo

Tatsuya look at the ammount of money he have in shock, the ammount of it almost makes him jumps around in joy but his happiness are short lived

Turns out he can't take the money away from the system,

'what kind of scam is this?!' He slped to the grown in despair at the system injustice

'fine! I can sill use this on the operator shop! I am sure i can get a good jutsu with this!

But if i show up with a jutsu like the kage bunshin to Konoha.... They might suspect me and kill me

Sigh, looks like i won't be spending this money for a while' Tatsuya sighed and dismiss the system

He look up and see that Tazuna's house sre currently surrounded by people

They don't look like they want to start a trouble, they look like the villagers from the village

Tatsuya look at the crowd decide to not get caught by the crowds and he hide in the trees

Tazuna are currently giving speech to everyone about Gato's death and how a konoha shinobi are the one that kills him,

Will this be a problem in the future? No because it is not true, it's just what people said, so the daimyo can't do anything about it

Not like they will, they are too busy f*cking the mistress to care

The people of wave cries tears of joy after founding out that they are no longer under the oppression of Gato, that they can work and fish for themself to live comfortably

"You are not going there?" Suddenly he hears a voice coming behind him

'i didn't even sense him approaching me' Tatsuya look at Kakashi in amazement as he just spontaneously appear like a ghost

"I am not good with crowds" Tatsuya answer Kakashi and he nodded at him

"Are you sure you want give the credits to konoha? Don't you want to be known as the hero of wave?" Kakashi asked and Tatsuya immedietly reject the idea while shaking his head

"Nope, i am not the hero type of person, i kill someone, take a few golds and leave, i don't want to be thanked, i don't want to be aknowledge, because soon as they do, they gonna rely on me for every stupid things that happend" Tatsuya explain while waving his hand dismissivly

"I see" Kakashi said

"Tatsuya sama" and as the two men chat under the trees, Haku comes around and greet Tatsuya

"I have been searching for you since morning, where have you been?" Haku step infront of Tatsuya with her hands on her hips, signaling that she is currently very displeased

"Sorry, i was just going out and i met Sasuke back there, so i spar with him and before i know it, it's already noon" Tatsuya explain his activity since morning till now.

"But you should've wake me up when you woke up, but instead you just let me sleep and go off to nowhere" Haku pouted at him she looks like an angry hamster

Completely and utterely not intimidating at all

Tatsuya chuckled at the adorable creature infront of him and pat her head.

"I am sorry, but hey, i have a good news, from today onward, i am gonna be living in this world" Haku's eyes widend and her mouth open up in shock and joy

"Really?!" She asked excitedly, she feels like her hard work has finally payed off

"Yeah, because this world seems like it's in a desperate need of my intervention, so i am gonna stay here and make sure people won't die" Tatsuya explain his reasons and Haku look down while her body are shaking

"Wow, it's very generous of you to grace this world with your presence" Kakashi said sarcastically

"Fuck off Kakashi, if you know and have half the things i have then you will the same" Tatsuya told Kakashi off

"Excuse me for a second" Haku suddenly excuse herself and dissapear from her spot

Deep Inside the forest

"YES!!!!! FINALLY!" Haku leaps and bounds, her face illuminated with a radiant smile as sheer happiness propels her to joyfully dance and jump with unrestrained exuberance.

She pumped her hand in joy and jump around while cheering for herself

Rumor has it, the people keep hearing the sound of a woman jumping around in noy inside of the forest


"Aw! Damn it!" A boy wearing an orange jumpsuit fall off the tree

That to be expected as he is trying to climb it up using only his feet

"That's not how you do it Naruto! Walk slowly and keep your chakra stable!" Bellow the tree a woman wearing a red chinese dress with Sakura colored hair screamed at the boy

Coincidencetly, her name is also Sakura

"Yoooo You are working hard eh? Nice" the two of them hear somebody approaching them

From the trees, they see 2 People walking Towards them,

Tatsuya, and Haku

"good morning, Tatsuya-san, Haku-san" Sakura greet both of them respectfully

"It's already afternoon but that's fine, don't need to add honorfics, i am going to be one of you soon anyway sooo let's get along shall we?" Tatsuya said trying to remain as casual as possible

Haku also said the same thing but remained formal like she usually is

Sakura nodded and Naruto fall off again

"Ah! This is impossible!" Naruto screamed as he hit his head on the ground and flail around in pain

Tatsuya look at the trees with a clear foot step on it,

Naruto use too much chakra that the tree, broke on his feet and leave a dent

"Hey Tatsuya! You are strong, do you have any tips on how to do this?" Naruto flip from his back and sit down ehilr asking the question

"Eh, this kind of things does not have a trick or anything, just keep doing it until your body remembers on how much chakra it should use,

Kinda like walking when you are baby, did somebody teach how to do it? Is there a trick to do it faster? No you just keep doing it until your body adapt" Tatsuya gives his explanation and Naruto nodded

He run back to the tree and fell off again

'Damn it! At this rate i am gonna get left behind!' Naruto grit his teeth and tried one more time

This time he manage to get 3 step closer to the top, before falling off

"Be patient, sooner or later you will reach it" Haku comes and talk to Naruto

"But i want it to be sooner! Sasuke got so much stronger because some bullshit god just choose out of nowhere, Sakura can do it first try, while i am just.." Naruto let out his frustration for always being the deadlast, even after he became ninja

He grit his teeth in frustration not knowing what to do,

'i almot feel bad for him' Tatsuya look at the struggling Naruto almost felt bad and tried to unlock his character

But his character cost 100million yen to unlock, literally everything he have right now,

'yeah no, i don't feel bad for him anymore' Tatsuya throw away his heart in exchange for money

"Why are so frustrated?" Tatsuya asked the blonde boy

"Because i don't get to fight anyone! The first ninjas are dispatched by Sasuke, Zabuza are beaten by you and Kakashi, Gato is dead thanks to you, so i don't get the chance to show my amazingness!" Oh yeah, i forgot that early Naruto are like this

"Well, not my fault that We are just stronger than you, maybe the god will choose you for another apostle later, i don't know" Tatsuya tried to calm the angry child with the hanging carrot trick

"Oh, talking about the god, do you know what he is doing to Sasuke?" Sakura asked Tatsuya

"What do you mean?"

"I mean he is just weird, he suddenly changed his hairstyle, and he wear that hairpin on his hair, what happend?" Sakura said, concerned for her friend and crush safety

"Eh, nothing much, the god works in a msyterious way so maybe it's oart of their plan, i don't know" Tatsuya dodge the question with his amazing evasive abilty

"But, he'll be fine right?" Sakura asked still concerned

"More than fine, you can see that he is currently on a chunin level, if this keeps going on he will be a jonin when you become a chunin" Tatsuya said trying to calm her worry down

"Aahhh!" Naruto run up the tree again

'oh yeah i forgot he is there' Tatsuya chuckled at seeing Naruto's competitive nature


At night

Once again, Haku is sleeping next to Tatsuya

She look at the sleeping Tatsuya peacefully, remembering that this is what she is going to see at night from now on

'he will be here, he will stay with me from now, forever' her heart feels giddy as she remember that Tatsuya will not go back to his own world anymore and stay her with her forever

She brushed his hair slightly, feeling the texture of it as she run her hand across it

It smooth, unlike what it looks like his hair are suprisingly smooth

But her eyes are locked to one thing

His lips, those lips feels more and more enticing everytime she sees it

She remembered what happend last night, how he suddenly kissed her lips and went back to sleep like nothing happend

'i wonder if i can do that?' She thought as she look at his lips

Can she do it? Can she kiss him and sleep like nothing happend

'Ah screw it!' she quickly leaned in and peck him on his lips like he did last night

She then hurriedly get back to her side and truned her back on him as she hides her red blushing face in shame

'Good night' what he said from last night still linger on her mind

Along with THAT dream

'maybe i'll have the same dream again' She close her eyes trying her best to get to sleep as soon as possible.

'What a naught girl' Tatsuya thought as he pretend to sleep and use the interact dream again like last night,

But not far from them, there is somebody else enjoying their night in the trees

"Damn it" Sasuke are beating his meat furiously

His arrousal has reached it's peak, he can't even fall asleep right now as his body demand satisfasction after a whole 3 days of nothing

He is looking at his adult books again, this book turns out to be a better investment than he thought as he keep using it more and more

He look at the pictures, the technique, way they both do it as they pleasure each other,

But he suddenly imagine himself at the 'receaving end'

"Ah~" he let out an unfamiliar sound out of his mouth as he comes from beating his own meat

His eyes turn into a sharingan purely from the high sensation he is feeling in his heart

The sharingan soon turned into a 2 tomoe sharingan

But that change are unoticed as Sasuke see the adult book suddenly shined and turned into something else

"What is this?" Sasuke said quitely as he has lost his stamina after doing the deed

The cover of the book changed and now it shows a bunch of women wearing a black and white dress with frilly skirt

The book, has turned into an adult Maid book

~~~~~~~~~ To be Continued ~~~~~~~~~

To be Honest with you people, i should still be in bed right now,

But because they left me with my phone and i keep checking on webnovel to alivate my boredom, i keep seeing notification of people sending me powerstone

So i feel obligated to gives you the chapter, so here you go, hope you like it,

If in the next week you don't hear from me again then that mean i am dead,

Anyway, see you later! (Aw my head)