
Something happened to Katie

What about my daughter. What happened to her is she ok?!!

Well- umm

Answer me!!

Well you daughter had a nose bleed and fainted

Call the doctor

Yes ma'am

Where is she?

In her room

Call the doctor and I'll be upstairs with my daughter.

Yes ma'am

Mr. Lee please leave

Ok thank you for having me and I hope Katie is ok

I will tell miss Kim what you said.

Thank you goodbye


Love. Katie?! Are you ok?!

Mommy my head hurts and it hurts to talk

Ok baby do talk just rest ok the doctor will be here soon.

Ok mommy.

Miss the doctor is here

Tell him to come in

Come in sir

Thank you

What happened

She was playing with the dog and then she went to get water when she came back outside her nose started to bleed and then out of no where she fainted

Where is the glass where she drunk water from

Downstairs in the garden I didn't pick it up because I took her straight to the room

Please bring me the glass and use gloves

Yes sir I'll be right back

What does she have Sean?!

Well it unclear but I think.

What do you think tell me now please!!!

Well she is Allergic to something and I'm trying to figure it out

Katie can you hear me?

Y- e- s-

Ok what did you grab before getting water?

I- I got a peanut

Ok thank you go ahead and go to sleep now

Okay. Mommy my head really hurts and.

And what baby?

I'm feeling really dizzy I want to vomit

Get me the trash can now

Yes ma'am

Here you are baby when you want to throw up, vomit in the trash can. Ok.


I'll run some tests and see if she is allergic to peanuts.

Ok thank you

It's my pleasure and I'm happy to see you daughter after a long time you finally were able to adopt her

Yes. I finally was

Well I'll get going to run the tests but I'll be back later today to see how she is doing and get her blood sample to see if she is or isn't allergic.

Ok. Thank you for you help

My pleasure. Bye bye


Please bring me water

Yes ma'am

Here is the glass cup sir

Thank you I'll be on my way now

Yes sir have a safe trip home

Thank you

Ma'am here is your water

Thank you

Miss Kim


Well Um your secretary called and said it was urgent.

Ok, tell her I'll call her back later

Ok miss



She said she'll call you later

Ok thank you



Ok well let's let Katie sleep for a little bit, so everyone please get back to what you were doing and thank you for worrying about my daughter

Excuse us then



Hi miss Kim

Hi how can I help

Well miss it's about Miss Cheon Soon Hee

What about her?

Well she asked to meet you tomorrow, Monday and talk about the plan

Oh yes I totally forgot

Ok also by the way how is your daughter

She's alright now. How'd you know?

Well when I called one of your employees told me that she fainted


Well I hope she gets better and don't worry to much

Ok I won't and thank you for reminding me

No problem.

The next day

(Yawning) finally it's morning now I have to take a shower

(Showering) wow this is relaxing I could stay like this for hours but I have to go get changed do my hair and wake up Katie and so much more

Hey Katie wake up sweetheart.

Good morning mommy

Good morning how do you feel?

Better but my head still hurts

Ok well doctor Sean will come later ok and I'll

Go to work but later if you're feeling better we will go register you for class and see if you can start next week on Wednesday.


Well I love you. I'll go to work soon but first your going to shower and then your going to come downstairs to eat with me because we're going to eat together.

Ok mommy

Let's go get you inside the shower


(After the shower and changed)

I'm ready

Ok great here are you new sandals because when you are in the house you're going to use them but when you leave the house you can use your own shoes but in my house that is the rule

But why mommy

Well because when I traveled to Korea and China no one uses their shoes in the house because they say it brings dirt into the house so ever since I've been there no one in the house is allowed


Miss the food is ready Go down first we'll be there soon

Ok miss

Great. Let's go down now


Well how do you like your room so far

It looks nice

Do you want it a certain color?


Ok when you choose what color you want tell me ok so we can redo your room

Ok I will


Wow is this our breakfast


Wow I feel like I'm in a palace

That's good because your home is your palaces


Go and sit down this will be your chair and this is mine

Wow my chair is super big

Yeah but when you grow up it's going to be big enough


Well let's eat


Ring ring

Give me a moment baby I'll be right back go ahead and start eating first



Hi this is Cheon Soon Hee

Oh hi

Well I would like to ask what time is best for you to talk about our plan of the women and make them into big business women

Well today for lunch I'll be available and then we will have a meeting on Wednesday I'm sure my secretary already told you right

Yea she did

Great I was just making sure

Ok we'll see you for lunch I'll make the reservation for later and send you the location

Ok thank you. I have to go now so excuse me bye


Sorry I had to take a call from work

It's ok mommy

I'll start eating now before I leave


(After eating)

Ok my sweet angel I will go to work ow but I'll be back by 3:00 so in the mean time I you will be taken care of my nana and you will be really happy with her


Yes Kim

You'll be in charge of taking care of Katie and making her have fun.

Yes ma'am



You have a guest

Who is it

Hey K.M.S
