
fell in Fallout

**Introduction:** Victor von Wolfric, a retired Russian military veteran with a PhD in IT, Computer Science, and Bioscience, found solace in the simple pleasures of life after years of service. One of these pleasures was spending time with his grandson, bonding over a shared love for video games. Today, the screen flickered with the familiar sights and sounds of *Fallout*, a game set in a post-apocalyptic world—a grim reminder of the very tragedy humanity strives to avoid in reality. Yet, for Victor, it was a source of enjoyment, a way to connect with his grandson and escape into a world of adventure. As they played together, laughter filling the room, Victor's instincts suddenly kicked in. A noise—too close, too threatening—jolted him out of the game’s fantasy. Without hesitation, he leaped to shield his grandson. A sharp pain seared through his back, but he pushed it aside, focusing only on getting his grandson to safety. He hurried the boy into the panic room, his voice steady despite the chaos. "I'll be back quick," he promised, sealing the reinforced doors from the outside. The seasoned soldier in him took over. Victor retrieved his weapon from its hidden spot under the table, then took cover behind the kitchen counter, his senses alert for any sign of the intruders. In the brief lull, he made a quick call to his son—"We've been attacked," he reported, before cutting the line and bracing for what was to come. A brutal firefight ensued, the quiet home transforming into a battlefield. Despite his age, Victor's skills had not dulled. His movements were precise, his aim true. One by one, he eliminated the enemies, his training and experience guiding him through the harrowing ordeal. Finally, the house fell silent, the danger seemingly passed. Exhausted, Victor collapsed onto the sofa, his breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. The last thing he heard before everything went black was a voice from the game, eerily fitting: "WAR... WAR NEVER CHANGES." With those words echoing in his mind, Victor slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.

a_zaya222 · Videojuegos
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59 Chs

Chapter 26: The First Trial

April 2274 - The Following Week

The Auto-Doc stood in the medical lab, fully assembled and calibrated, its once-dormant systems now humming with life. Over the past few days, Victor and Jonas had worked tirelessly to bring the machine to operational status. They had meticulously checked every connection, simulated multiple diagnostic scenarios, and ensured that the Auto-Doc was ready for its first real test.

Despite their confidence in the machine's functionality, the real challenge lay ahead: finding a willing subject to undergo the Auto-Doc's first operation. While they were both eager to see the machine in action, they knew the importance of approaching the matter delicately.

Jonas and Victor discussed their options and decided it would be best to ask some of the older residents of the Vault, who were already suffering from various ailments. If the Auto-Doc could alleviate their chronic health issues, it would prove its worth beyond any doubt.

Their first stop was to see Tylor, one of the oldest residents in Vault 101. Tylor had been suffering from severe tremors in his hands and worsening eyesight for years. As Victor and Jonas approached him in the common area, they found him sitting quietly, his hands shaking as he tried to read a book.

"Tylor," Jonas began, his voice gentle but firm, "We have something we'd like to discuss with you. Victor and I have been working on an old medical device we found in the Vault—a machine that might help with your condition."

Tylor looked up, his eyes narrowing slightly as he focused on them. "A machine, you say?" His voice was shaky, matching the tremor in his hands. "What kind of machine?"

Victor stepped forward, holding the manual they had created. "It's called an Auto-Doc, Tylor. It's designed to diagnose and treat various health issues. We've tested it as much as we can, but we need someone willing to give it a real-world test. We think it could help with your tremors and eyesight."

Tylor considered their words for a moment, his face thoughtful. "So, you want me to be your guinea pig, huh?" His tone was more curious than accusatory.

Jonas smiled reassuringly. "We wouldn't suggest it if we weren't confident in its ability to help. But yes, you would be the first to try it. If it works, it could improve your quality of life significantly."

Tylor nodded slowly. "Well, I've lived a long life. If this thing can help, I'm willing to give it a shot. Better to take a chance than to keep on like this."

With Tylor's consent secured, they moved on to the next potential candidates—Old Stanley Armstrong and Lucy Palmer. Stanley, who had been plagued by chronic lung issues and a persistent cough, was more cautious.

"I'm not so sure about this, boys," Stanley said, his voice raspy from years of coughing. "But if it works for Tylor, maybe I'll give it a go."

Lucy, who struggled with hip and knee pain, was similarly hesitant. "Let's see how Tylor does first," she said, her expression a mix of hope and skepticism. "If he comes out of it better, I'll consider it."

With their plan in place, Victor and Jonas approached the Overseer to inform him of the upcoming test. The Overseer listened carefully as Jonas outlined their proposal, his face lighting up with interest at the prospect of having a fully operational Auto-Doc in the Vault. However, when he glanced at Victor , his expression darkened.

"So, Victor 's involved in this?" the Overseer asked, his tone neutral but his gaze scrutinizing.

Jonas quickly interjected, "Victor 's been instrumental in getting the Auto-Doc up and running. He's done excellent work, and I fully trust his judgment on this."

The Overseer frowned slightly but nodded. "Very well. I'll approve the operation, but make sure everything is done by the book. If this works, it could be a great boon for the Vault. But if it doesn't…" He let the sentence hang, the implication clear.

"We understand," Jonas replied firmly. "We'll proceed with the utmost care."

The meeting concluded, Victor and Jonas returned to the lab, preparing for the next day's trial. They reviewed the Auto-Doc's settings one final time, ensuring everything was in perfect order. As Victor looked at the machine, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. This was the moment that could solidify his standing in the Vault while keeping his deeper ambitions hidden.