
fell in Fallout

**Introduction:** Victor von Wolfric, a retired Russian military veteran with a PhD in IT, Computer Science, and Bioscience, found solace in the simple pleasures of life after years of service. One of these pleasures was spending time with his grandson, bonding over a shared love for video games. Today, the screen flickered with the familiar sights and sounds of *Fallout*, a game set in a post-apocalyptic world—a grim reminder of the very tragedy humanity strives to avoid in reality. Yet, for Victor, it was a source of enjoyment, a way to connect with his grandson and escape into a world of adventure. As they played together, laughter filling the room, Victor's instincts suddenly kicked in. A noise—too close, too threatening—jolted him out of the game’s fantasy. Without hesitation, he leaped to shield his grandson. A sharp pain seared through his back, but he pushed it aside, focusing only on getting his grandson to safety. He hurried the boy into the panic room, his voice steady despite the chaos. "I'll be back quick," he promised, sealing the reinforced doors from the outside. The seasoned soldier in him took over. Victor retrieved his weapon from its hidden spot under the table, then took cover behind the kitchen counter, his senses alert for any sign of the intruders. In the brief lull, he made a quick call to his son—"We've been attacked," he reported, before cutting the line and bracing for what was to come. A brutal firefight ensued, the quiet home transforming into a battlefield. Despite his age, Victor's skills had not dulled. His movements were precise, his aim true. One by one, he eliminated the enemies, his training and experience guiding him through the harrowing ordeal. Finally, the house fell silent, the danger seemingly passed. Exhausted, Victor collapsed onto the sofa, his breath coming in heavy, ragged gasps. As the adrenaline faded, so did his strength. The last thing he heard before everything went black was a voice from the game, eerily fitting: "WAR... WAR NEVER CHANGES." With those words echoing in his mind, Victor slowly slipped into unconsciousness, the world around him fading into darkness.

a_zaya222 · Derivados de juegos
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35 Chs

Chapter 1: The Beginning :

The Birth of Lone Wanderer

The sterile, cold atmosphere of the Vault 101 medical bay enveloped the room as the muted beeping of a monitor filled the air. The world was a blur of soft colors and hazy edges, as if seen through the eyes of a newborn. Gradually, the scene came into focus, revealing a large figure leaning over an incubator, his face etched with a mix of awe and concern.

James stood beside the incubator, gazing down at his newborn son with tearful eyes. His voice, though filled with emotion, carried a tone of reverent wonder.

"It's a boy. A beautiful baby boy," James murmured, his voice cracking slightly with emotion.

The sight of his father's face, a blend of joy and sadness, was a reassuring presence in the midst of the sterile environment. The warmth of James's gaze was a stark contrast to the clinical coldness of the room.

Nearby, a weak but loving voice came from the hospital bed. Catherine lay pale and exhausted, but her smile was radiant as she looked at her newborn son. Despite her fatigue, her voice was filled with warmth and pride.

"James… We did it. A beautiful baby," she said softly, her gaze tenderly fixed on Victor .

As the scene unfolded, Catherine's voice whispered Victor 's name with loving reverence.

"Victor … What a lovely name." said James

The medical monitor's beeping began to change, growing irregular and frantic. The joy in the room was overshadowed by a growing sense of urgency. Catherine's voice weakened, her strength faltering.

"James… We need to talk…"

Her words were barely audible, the beeping of the monitor intensifying. James's face turned from awe to panic as he realized something was terribly wrong.

"Hang on, Catherine. Hang on!" James shouted, his voice filled with desperation. "We need a doctor, not a scientist!"

Dr. Madison Li, the attending physician, rushed into the room, her demeanor focused and urgent.

"We need to stabilize her, now!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the growing chaos.

The medical team sprang into action, working frantically to save Catherine. The beeping of the monitor grew frantic, each sound punctuating the tension in the room. Despite their best efforts, it became clear that Catherine's condition was deteriorating rapidly.

"It's… okay, James. Don't be afraid," Catherine managed to whisper, her voice a mere breath.

Her final words were filled with love and resignation. The monitor's beeping reached a crescendo before flatlining into a continuous, haunting tone. The medical staff exchanged solemn looks, their attempts to revive her failing.

James, his face a mask of grief and resolve, gently cradled Victor in his arms. The room fell silent, save for the steady tone of the heart monitor. Tears welled in James's eyes as he looked down at his son, his heart heavy with sorrow yet filled with determination.

"You're going to be okay, my love," James whispered, his voice breaking. "We'll get through this. I promise you, we'll get through this…"

As the scene began to fade, James's voice echoed with a mix of grief and hope. "Your mother… she was… she was amazing. And you… you're going to be amazing too."

The screen darkened, the haunting lullaby Catherine had sung drifting in the background, capturing the profound love and loss that marked Victor 's entrance into the world. The beginning of his journey in the harsh and unforgiving world of Fallout was framed by the deep emotional weight of his mother's sacrifice and his father's unwavering love.

if anyone has more knowledge about story please do tell me or if there is original novel it will be even better.

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