
Diagon alley and Wand

London, July 1971

The past few months had been hard for Felix. He had been counting the days, eagerly awaiting the return of the cat lady to learn more about the wizarding world and how to control his newfound powers. Everything else felt boring to him; all he wanted was magic.

As usual, Felix woke up and changed his clothes. He headed to the lunchroom, but on his way there, he was surprised to see two middle-aged individuals approaching him. One of them was Sister Martha, and the other was the person he had been waiting for: Ms. McGonagall. He ran towards them and said, "Good morning, Sister. Good morning, Ms. McGonagall."

"Good morning, Felix," they both replied.

"Good morning, Mr. Scarletwound. Please call me Professor from now on," said Professor McGonagall.

"Is today the day?" Felix asked, his eyes shining with excitement.

"Yes, that's why I'm here today, but you should have breakfast first," Professor McGonagall advised.

Felix hurriedly ran towards the lunchroom, eating as fast as he could, nearly choking himself in the process. After finishing, he went outside to find Professor McGonagall waiting for him.

"That was fast. Are you sure you ate enough? It will be a long trip today," Professor McGonagall asked, her eyes filled with suspicion.

"Haha, I'm a small eater, Professor. Don't worry," Felix replied, avoiding her gaze.

"Okay, hold my hand," Professor McGonagall instructed, reaching out her hand.

"Why? Are you going to do something like las haaaaaaaaaa!!" Felix couldn't finish his sentence as Professor McGonagall apparated, causing both of them to disappear.

London, Leaky Cauldron

Two figures suddenly appeared in front of a broken-down old shop. It was Felix and McGonagall.

"That was weird. It's cool, but weird. Will I learn that in school?" Felix asked.

"Yes, but you need to be a sixth-year student first," answered McGonagall.

"Where are we going now?"

"This is the Leaky Cauldron, and in front of it is Diagon Alley. We're going to buy everything you need."

"By the way, what are you teaching, Professor?" Felix couldn't stop himself from asking questions as they walked towards the pub.

"Transfiguration. " McGonagall replied, answering Felix's questions.

"What is that?"

"Transfiguration is a branch of magic that focuses on altering the form or appearance of an object," explained McGonagall, her voice filled with pride.

"Doesn't that mean I can do whatever I want with it? I want to learn that magic, and I want to be the best at it," Felix declared with determination in his voice.

McGonagall looked at the little boy, liking him more and more with each passing moment. "Good luck, Mr. Scarletwound. That's a great goal to set. I will help you as much as I can."

"Thank you, Professor."

They entered the almost empty pub and were greeted by the bartender. "Welcome, Professor McGonagall. It's been a while."

"Hey, Tom. Nice to see you. This is my new student, Felix Scarletwound. He will start at Hogwarts this year," McGonagall introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tom," Felix greeted politely.

"Nice to meet you too, kid. Call me Tom," the bartender replied before turning to McGonagall and saying, "Be careful, Diagon Alley is not what it used to be. It's not safe anymore, especially for muggles."

"Don't worry, he's safe with me," McGonagall reassured him. After finishing their conversation, she took Felix to the back of the pub.

"What did Tom mean by 'no longer safe for muggles'?" Felix asked.

"You don't need to worry about anything. Just stay close to me and don't talk to any strangers," McGonagall advised.

After they reached the wall, McGonagall showed Felix how to enter. The wall opened, revealing a huge marketplace filled with people of all ages and kinds. It was full of weird stores, and Felix loved it. He felt like there was so much to learn and discover here. He followed McGonagall to a store called Madam Malkin's Robes.

"Welcome, Professor," they were greeted by a squat woman dressed all in mauve.

"Nice to see you, Malkin. This is Felix. He needs a new uniform," McGonagall introduced.

"Hey, come here, little handsome," Madam Malkin said, making Felix feel a little shy under her gaze. He knew his black hair and blue eyes made him more handsome than most people, but he wasn't used to people pointing it out.

After taking his measurements, they left the shop under the fiery eyes of Madam Malkin and headed towards the pet shop. There, Felix chose a Eurasian Eagle Owl, a scary-looking owl with big eyes. He named him Brutus. They bought the rest of Felix's supplies and finally stopped in front of an old shop named Ollivander Wand Shop.

Inside, they encountered two kids the same age as Felix: a joyful girl with brown hair and green eyes who looked around like a little puppy, and a boy with oily black hair who acted as the girl's bodyguard. They were accompanied by two adults who seemed to be the girl's parents.

"Hey, my name is Lily, and this is my childhood friend, Severus. We are new students like you," the girl introduced herself.

"Lily, don't talk to people you don't know. That's dangerous," Severus warned her kindly while glaring at Felix.

"That's good advice, Mr. Snape. I'm Professor McGonagall, and this is your new classmate, Felix Scarletwound," said McGonagall, before being dragged away by Lily's parents to answer their questions.

"Hey," Felix said awkwardly, not used to talking to people he didn't know.

"Hey, are you a muggleborn like me?" Lily asked.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

"Because I haven't seen any kids like me until now. Everyone keeps looking at us strangely when they know I'm a muggle. Has the same thing happened to you?"

"No, but I think it's because I'm with the professor, so I haven't encountered any trouble. But I was warned that this place is not safe for us," Felix explained, relieved that he had Professor McGonagall with him.

"That's enough talking. Let's go," Severus interrupted their conversation, afraid that Lily would hear something she didn't need to know.

After they left, Felix entered the shop and approached an old man with clear eyes that made Felix feel exposed.

"Welcome, little kid. Two muggles in a row, what a lucky day. What is your name?" said Ollivander.

"Felix Scarletwound, sir," Felix replied.

"What is your main hand?"


Ollivander approached Felix with a tape measure and took some measurements. Then he began bringing wand after wand for Felix to try, but none of them seemed to be the right fit. Some didn't react at all, while others made things fly around uncontrollably.

"We've got a difficult one here, but I love the challenge," Ollivander said with increasing excitement. The more wands Felix tried, the more Ollivander seemed enthused, as if Felix were a puzzle he was trying to solve.

After two hours of unsuccessful attempts, Ollivander brought out an old box covered in dust. He opened it to reveal a wand.

"This 12-inch wand is made of Hornbeam and Ashwinder Egg as its core. It was one of my great-grandfather's wands, made a few years before he died. But it's a very picky wand, just like you, Felix. It chooses its life mate, a talented witch or wizard with a single, pure passion, which some might call an obsession. It adapts quickly to its owner's style of magic and is particularly useful for wizards keen on Transfiguration. Give it a try," Ollivander explained.

The moment Felix held the brown wand, he felt as if he had met someone he had been missing for a long time. He opened his eyes to see the surprised look on the shopkeeper's face.

"Finally, this wand has found its true owner. My great-grandfather would be happy. You don't need to pay for it. Just take good care of her. She will be a great asset to you," Ollivander said with a happy face and a tear in his eye.

After leaving the shop, Professor McGonagall took Felix back to the orphanage. She warned him about trying magic alone and advised him to only read the books if he wanted to. Before leaving, she gave him instructions on how to get to the train that would take him to Hogwarts.