

"Why me..." "why? because you're the only one who could quench my raging fire" ~~~ Jun Fengfeng returned to her homeland after five years of fake love given to her but she didn't return there as the gullible and easy to trick princess but a hardcore and do-not-take-shit princess. It was then she realized the secrets that were being kept from her all those years she behaved weak. She discovered her true self and true ability. She made new discoveries but not alone. Side by side with her over protective contracted husband who would do anything for her,they unfold lot of mysteries and defeat their enemies. ~~~ Han Feng,Ceo of the most popular and influential company in the whole of City B. Even the king and queen dare not disrespect him mistakenly had a one night stand with Jun Fengfeng. Finally having Jun Fengfeng as his contracted wife,they found side by side against his wife's enemies. Things were not all rosy at the beginning,they had their disagreement and childish issues but who knows,it will actually turn to love. They fought not only with power but with love...lots and lots of love....mushy stuffs too. Follow the adventure and romance of Jun Fengfeng. {A/NRead from chapter One to Ten and i promise you won't be disappointed. Lots and lots of love from whitepurple} Don't forget to add to your library :-) Photo isn't mine, all credits goes to the original owner.

Whitepurple · Ciudad
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15 Chs

Are you a stalker? (4)

The phone rang and then it was picked"I want to speak with father"she said and then the person gasped"princess, where are you?"the guard asked with panic.

"Give father the phone"she said not saying anything else.

The guard said"yes prinçess"

"Fengfeng, where are you?"her father voice rang through the phone.

Jun Fengfeng breath in"Father, let's make a deal"she said.

The other side was quiet for some time,Jun Fengfeng thought her father had disconnected the call and sighed when"go on".

"Okay father, I'll stay here and find a good husband but if i don't find a good husband or we break up. I'll come back but i won't and i repeat won't get married to whomever you want me to be with"she said sharply.

On the other side,her father smiled"deal,make sure the people in City Z don't treat you like trash and also your mother is pregnant"then he disconnected at once.

Jun Fengfeng was surprised,how did he find out where she was.

_did he just say mother is pregnant?_

A new city.

~~~~the present~~~~

City B airport

_home sweet home_

Jun Fengfeng looked at the unfamiliar place she is, it seem to have changed this past few years.

It looks more modernized and colorful.

"Prinçess"a voice called out.

Jun Fengfeng didn't answer because it had been a long while since she had been called that so she didn't even know that she was the one that was being called until someone touched her shoulders.

Out of instinct, she held the arm and flipped the person over her. The people in the airport gasped and some started videoing them.

"Prinçess,am sorry to have...have scared you like that"Jun Fengfeng looked down and saw a guard on the floor.

She didn't even feel remorseful, she scoffed"weakling,were you trained at all?".

If they were facing a potential enemy,was this how they were going to be defeated, she hadn't even showed her true ability.

The guard stood up afraid of showing his pain"Am sorry princess"he bowed"His highness said we should come and pick you"

Jun Fengfeng nodded and followed the guard to the car parked outside the airport and entered and off they drove to the palace.

Jun Fengfeng took her time to immerse herself to looking at the new changes of City B.

Her father had been doing a good job lately.

The car halted in front of the palace,the only thing that didn't change.

Jun Fengfeng slowly came down and was met with many guards and maids lined up to meet her and some citizens who also volunteered to come.

They all cheered for her with smile covered face"Welcome back prinçess"they all said unanimously.

This greatly surprised Jun Fengfeng, she felt extremely welcome,her eyes were watery as she looked at each and everyone who were happy because she's back.

Happy because of her...

She stepped on the red carpet and walked into the palace,it was decorated beautiful.

Chandeliers hung at different centers of the palace,the lights that bounced on it illuminated at all the edges of the palace.

There was a banner that said'welcome Princess Fengfeng' and next to it was her face.

It was beautiful.

This was a picture of when she celebrated her eighteenth birthday.

"Fengfeng, you're back"still dazzled, she looked at the stairs where a family of three stood.

Two elderly couple and a boy around the age of four,the boy tugged his mother hand and asked shyly"is that sister?".

The tear filled mother nodded,the father smiled at his daughter who looked more mature and elegant.

"Can i hug her?"the small boy asked and without waiting for their permission dashed towards his sister.