
chapter 4.

I excitedly started to walk back home i was so happy i didn't notice Ken in front so i bumped into his not so hard chest knocking our phones (destiny right) " sorry sorry" i looked up to see Ken "oh Ken am sorry i wasn't watching"

"no problem keila you seem excited any good news i should know off" he smiled

"oh yeah i just got a job you know so i was excited"

"it calls for celebration doesn't it,let get some drinks all the Bill's on me"

This guy sure knows how to make me smile no? don't get me wrong am not stingy but am broke and i like free thing too though

"Ohkay " we bought beers and we drank at my apartment , laughing and playing music after a while he left to his apartment


Monday morning i made sure to wake up very early 6:30am i entered into the bathroom immediately I took my bath got dressed up for my first day of work i left without taking breakfast

"You're here early Ms Adams I'm impressed" Mr Clifford said and left immediately and i started working immediately i had too work extra time cause i wanted to further my education even if it's a diploma

i applied for scholarship and am on with the process do it makes everything a little hard on me it wasn't exactly easy to work at this mall though it was extremely busy so at night when the mall closed i packed my things to leave when i saw Ken 'he's ugh,' i didn't like that he's so close just to be my friend i wanted him to be my boyfriend

only if i knew i wouldn't have wished for it.....