
Fear to Fortune: Contracted Marriage to My CEO Savior

Sierra Nirell is working hard towards her dream and has a new well paying job. However, she's suffering from bullying and harassment from her co-workers. During Halloween at a "team-building" exercise, Sierra is tricked into going into the haunted house where she is ditched and left alone. A handsome stranger saves her and bears witness to the bullying she's facing. Now he's offering a contracted marriage - she'll get protection from her co-workers and he'll get investors off his back. The deal seems sweet at first but marriage isn't always what it's cracked up to be......

Thalia_Ilace · Ciudad
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20 Chs



 Sira approached the grill just as the group was placing hot dogs and burgers onto it.

 "Hi, do you guys need any help with anything?"

 It looked like they pretty much had it covered but she really wanted to get away from Elora and Azul right now.

 One of her co-workers clicked the tongues together as he placed his hand on his hip.

 "Listen little Miss Sierra Mist, you can't just come up here asking if we need help after we've done all the hard parts."

 "Yeah Sierra, all that has to be done now is flip the food…."

 "Guys let's not be so mean to her….maybe that's all Sier-head is capable of…"

 Sira looked down as her co-workers began making fun of her, yet again.

 "Sierra, why don't you hold the plate for me to place the food on?" A tall handsome brunette handed her a large white ceramic plate while flashing her a bright smile.

 "O-Oh, okay, sure. Thank you. I like to be called Sira, by the way." She said, her heart skipping a beat as the attractive male came to her rescue.

 "Alright, Sira. Thanks for holding the plate for me. I'm Lan."

 "Lan? That's an interesting name." Sira said with a giggle.

 He laughed as he turned his attention to the grill, rotating the hot dogs and ignoring the dirty glances her co-workers were giving him.

 "Yeah it's like Flan but without the F."

 Brown hair and pale skin? He definitely looked like flan.

 "I can see the resemblance!"

 "So could my mom. I was born with a full head of hair."

 The two bantered for a bit back and forth, laughing and giggling over his namesake and chatting about the food, much to the dismay of her other co-workers.

 Once the food was cooked they set it up underneath nets to keep any seagulls away.

 Burgers and hot dogs, cole slaw and potato salad, heaps of raw veggies and grilled veggie kabobs filled up the tables they'd set up in the parking lot.

 "Sierra why don't you go tell them that the food is ready?" One of her co-workers said, pushing her towards the ocean and causing her to stumble.

 Lan grabbed her arm, steadying her.

 "You tell them and I'll go tell the group at the rock pools. Race you?"

 Noticing that the co-workers were being rude to her, he tried to bring the energy back up.

 Sira nodded and with a smile, jogged down to the shoreline.

 "Hey! Food is ready!" She yelled to the groups splashing and playing in the water.

 Azul, who was now relaxing on a towel underneath one of the umbrellas, sat up, his attention turning towards Sira.

 "You look happy. Excited for your meal?" He inquired.

 "I'm just glad I'm making friends today!" She extended her hand to him, and helped him to his feet.

 Dusting himself off, he looked at her, "You made more? Good job."

 "Yeah, Lan! He's really nice!" She pointed towards his direction as he jogged back to the grills with a small group following him.

 Azul's face contorted.


 "Yeah! He helped me when some of the other were being not so nice….Why do you have that look on your face?"

 He quickly shifted his facial expression to a soft smile, "No reason."

 As the two groups ate and chatted, Azul couldn't help but steal glances between Sira and Lan.

 An odd feeling stirred inside of him, one he couldn't place, as he watched them giggle and joke about the food.

 "You're really good at cooking, this is so good!" Sira said as she took a bite of her hot dog."

 "It's all thanks to the beautiful girl that held the plate for me. I wouldn't have been so motivated to do my best if it weren't for you."

 It felt like a spiked lump formed in Azul's throat as he watched a light blush come over Sira's face.

 Once everyone had finished, Azul and Lan went to set up the bonfire with a few others while the rest remained to clean up the rest of the food and put away the tables.

 "So, what's with you and Sira?" Azul asked as pulled out the accelerant.

 "There's not really anything. I just met her today, why?" Lan stood a safe distance away as he flicked the lighter on and off.

 "You two seemed to really be hitting it off." There was a hint of jealousy in his voice that he didn't even recognize, although it wasn't lost on Lan.

 "Maybe. She's cute. Why, is there something going on between the two of you?"

 Azul glared into his eyes, "I'd like for there to be."

 Lan raised his eyebrow as he spun the lighter on his index finger, "Maybe I'd like that too."

 "Okay, we're ready now!" The others said as they finished securing the form of the bonfire, backing up as Azul began spraying the pile with the accelerant.

 One of the others held up a stick with a cloth on it, which Lan lit with the lighter.

 The bonfire roared to life as the flame hit the accelerant, causing the group to cheer.

 Sira then approached alongside the rest of the team members, holding beers and wine coolers that they distributed to everyone.

 Before Lan could approach her, Azul slipped in front of him, wrapping his arm around Sira's shoulder and pulling her over to a spot on one of the towels so they could enjoy the bonfire together.

 The rest of the beach excursion was fun and exciting. Everyone had their fill of alcohol and enjoyed the special chemicals that were thrown into the bonfire – causing it to change colors.

 Vibrant purples and blues, greens and yellows danced on the water as the flames touched the sky along with the laughter and cheers of the merging team.

 That night, Azul laid in his bed, the effects of all the alcohol coursing through him.

 He rolled over and wrapped his arms around the woman beside him, pulling her close.

 'Today went well.' He thought to himself as he drifted to sleep.

Hello dear readers!

Remember to be careful when drinking at the beach! It's very easy to get drunk and dehydrated when you're out in the sun, especially when fresh water access isn't so readily available. Make sure you bring a water bottle and stay hydrated throughout the day! Don't have too much alcohol either! Being intoxicated at the beach where it's easy to go into open water is very dangerous! Stay safe~

- Thalia

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